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Interview with
Timothy Olyphant of "Justified"
on FX 2/8/11
I did attend this conference call, but I was not able to
ask a question, due to technical difficulties on my part. I was very
bummed about that. He seemed like a really nice, laid-back guy,
but passionate about his work. "Justified" is a great show and Olyphant
does an awesome job! Plus he's gorgeous! :)
Moderator: Lindsay Colker
February 8, 2011
10:00 am CT
Operator: Welcome to the Justified with Timothy Olyphant conference
During the presentation, all participants will be in a listen-only mode.
Afterwards, we will conduct a question-and-answer session. At that time
if you have a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. If at any time during the conference you need to reach an
operator, please press star 0. As a reminder, this conference is being
recorded Tuesday, February 8, 2011.
I would now like to turn the call over to Ms. Lindsay Colker from Sony
Pictures. Please go ahead, ma’am.
Lindsay Colker: Hello and thank you all for joining us for the Justified
conference call with series star and producer Timothy Olyphant.
Justified returns for its second season tomorrow, Wednesday, February 9,
2011 at 10 o’clock pm FX.
Justified is based on the works of Crime Novelist Elmore Leonard,
including Leonard’s short story, Fire in the Hole. Fresh off the epic
gun battle that concluded Season 1, Season 2 of Justified finds Bo
Crowder dead and the Crowder criminal grip on Harlan County broken.
Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, played by Olyphant, must now face off
against the criminal organizations that are moving to fill the void, and
finds himself entangled once again with the mercurial Boyd Crowder,
played by Walt Goggins.
A transcript will be made available beginning tomorrow, which will - I
will send to all of you.
With that, I will turn it back over to you, operator, to begin to our
Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to register a
question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone. You
will hear a three-toned prompt to acknowledge your request. If your
question has been answered and you would like to withdraw your
registration, please press the 1 followed by the 3. If you are using a
speakerphone, please lift your handset before entering your request.
And our first question comes from the line of Lisa Steinberg of Starry
Constellation Magazine. Please proceed.
Lisa Steinberg: Hi. It’s such an honor to speak with you.
Timothy Olyphant: How are you, Lisa, and 40, 50 other? This is the...
Lisa Steinberg: What...
Timothy Olyphant: ...craziest - I just want to say that was the most
exciting three minutes prior to an interview than I can ever recall.
Lisa Steinberg: It’s the buildup, my friend.
Timothy Olyphant: Oh, my goodness.
Lisa Steinberg: Anticipation always gets you. What have you learned
about Raylan from filming this recent season?
Timothy Olyphant: What have I learned about Raylan from the second
season? He’s not any taller than he used to be. I’m not sure. You know,
I’m terrible at that. I’ve got to be honest with you, I’m just trying to
figure out what to do next, but he seems like he’s got a -- as usual --
he’s got a lot problems.
Lisa Steinberg: What keeps challenging you about playing this character?
Timothy Olyphant: God, so it’s - what keeps - I’m sorry, forgive me.
Lisa Steinberg: Challenging you about playing this character.
Timothy Olyphant: Well, you know, it’s really more about - the character
is just a joy to play. It’s more just about the beast of - you know, of
television production and just trying to keep your head above water and,
you know, stay in front of it, and just remember how much fun it is.
Lisa Steinberg: Why do you think people keep tuning in to watch
Timothy Olyphant: Well, if they are like me, they think it’s really
good. I’m proud of the show, you know? I think it’s good story telling,
you know? It starts first and foremost with Elmore and I’m a big fan of
his. And I think Graham and the rest of the writers have just really
kind of sunk their teeth into it and just done a wonderful job. So, it’s
good stuff, you know? It’s hard to find good stuff.
Lisa Steinberg: Well, I’m looking forward to many more seasons. Thank
Timothy Olyphant: Well, thank you. I appreciate you calling.
Lindsay Colker: If you can all please keep it to one question that would
be great. We have a lot of people that are on the line that want to ask
a question.
Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Amy Harrington from
Pop Culture Passionistas. Please proceed.
Amy Harrington: Hi. Thanks for talking to us today. I’m here with my
sister Amy and Nancy.
Timothy Olyphant: Hello.
Amy Harrington: What - we were wondering if you had actor...
Timothy Olyphant: So, in addition to the 40, 50 people, people are also
bringing their siblings and stuff? Is that what’s going on?
Amy Harrington: That is correct.
Timothy Olyphant: Wow, fantastic.
Amy Harrington: We are writing partners. We were wondering if there were
actors from early, either westerns or cop shows that influenced your
take on Raylan Givens?
Timothy Olyphant: No, I really didn’t look past the - you know, the
books. After that, I tend to draw inspiration from whatever just kind of
floats my boat for the moment. But, I really spend a lot of time with
the source material and I read those books constantly, and spent time
with Elmore. And then, it was conversations with Graham, you know? And
it was some conversations with U.S. Marshals; things like that.
Amy Harrington: Excellent. Well, thank you for your time today.
Timothy Olyphant: I appreciate it. Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Mike Hughes from TV
America. Please proceed.
Mike Hughes: Yes, (I just) kind of get the feeling of you really have
the rhythm of people in the back woods and so forth, and these dialogue
and so forth. First of all, remind again where you’re filming it, and
then tell me have you gotten any chance to get around and just get more
of a feeling to see if you just kind of associate with life down there?
Timothy Olyphant: I - to remind you where we’re filming it, we are
currently filming it out towards - a great deal of it we film out in
Santa Clarita, which in the summertime you just head straight towards
the sun...
Mike Hughes: Okay.
Timothy Olyphant: ...and just before you catch on fire there.
Mike Hughes: And yet it feels so much like back woods Kentucky when you
think (about that)...
Timothy Olyphant: Well, I - that - you know, the - our producers and
locations managers are doing a hell of a job. They’ve got their work cut
out for them. And then, I think at the end of the day it comes down to
the riding and the funny voices, you know?
Mike Hughes: Yes, and so have you ever had a chance to like talk - to
visit that part of the country or anything to get more of a feeling of
the rhythms (and that)?
Timothy Olyphant: No, I haven’t. I’ve - I spent time with people and
talked to a lot of people. Our writers had a chance over the break to -
they all went down there as a group. A lot of characters you’ll see this
season are based on people they’ve met. And so, I’m thrilled that, you
know, it feels like we’re capturing it because Lord knows we’re given it
the old college try.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Brittany Frederick of
Digital Airwaves. Please proceed.
Brittany Frederick: Hi, Tim. The first thing I wanted to say real quick
is you are one of my all time favorite actors, so this is just an honor
and a pleasure to get to talk to you.
Timothy Olyphant: Well, I like you already. Thank you. It’s very kind of
you to say.
Brittany Frederick: Now, I know you picked up a producer credit for this
season, so what made you want to get involved on that level, and how
much behind the scenes are you involved?
Timothy Olyphant: Well, last year I just pretended to be a producer and
I rather enjoyed it, so I thought, might as well get the credit. It was
- it’s really one of the great joys of the job and one of the real
challenges of the job is, you know, kind of being a part of the whole
What was the follow-up? I missed the second half. Wait, did I lose you?
Operator: Hold on, please. Hold on, please. Hold on.
Timothy Olyphant: Yes. Somebody press a button. Press number 1 to log
Operator: Please press 1, 4.
Timothy Olyphant: There you go. See, 1, 4.
Operator: Hold on. Okay, we will move on to the next question. Our next
question comes from the line of Joseph Dilworth from Pop Culture Zoo.
Please proceed.
Joseph Dilworth: Hi, Timothy, and thanks - thank you very much for your
time today.
Timothy Olyphant: No, pleasure. I appreciate you guys all doing this.
Joseph Dilworth: You’ve made Raylan Givens probably one of the most
interesting and dynamic characters in TV right now, and I was just
wondering if any of that came from maybe a love of playing cowboys and
Indians when you were a kid, or you know how does it feel basically to
get to play a modern day cowboy every week?
Timothy Olyphant: You know, I - it - I appreciate that. Thank you. I’m
not - very kind words. I can’t take full credit for it. I’m really just,
you know, saying the words and trying to kind of bring it to life.
The - you know, it’s all cowboys and Indians when it comes down to it.
You know, it’s kind of the fun of the job, it’s child’s play, and I get
a great deal of fulfillment out it. It just so happens every now and
then you actually put on an actual cowboy hat and it kind of brings it
all home, but you know this one’s fun. You know, it’s always fun to -
you know, cops and robbers and in this case it’s kind of more like cops
and hillbillies, and this one’s a blast.
You know, it’s such a - you know, the tone of the show, the tone - you
know, Elmore’s cool, you know, and Elmore’s funny. And it’s a kick to be
able to play what, I guess they call a drama, but day in and day out I
think we’re making a comedy, so it’s a lot of fun.
Joseph Dilworth: Awesome. Great. Well, thank you.
Timothy Olyphant: Yes, thank you. I appreciate it.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jenny Rardon from
TVIsMyPacifer.com. Please proceed.
Jenny Rardon: Hi, thanks for taking our calls.
Timothy Olyphant: Hey, pleasure. Thank you.
Jenny Rardon: My husband and I were talking the other day and we came to
the conclusion that the expression, all women want you and all men want
to be you, applies to Raylan.
Timothy Olyphant: Nice.
Jenny Rardon: Along that same train of thought, you as Raylan can be
compared kind of to a modern day John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. That
rough around the edges, smooth with the ladies, cowboy with his own set
of right and wrong. Have you ever thought about it like that?
Timothy Olyphant: Not until just now. No, you know, it - he’s - you
know, when I read the books I kind of thought, yes, that’s kind of in
the ballpark at what I was thinking. The books are great. You know, the
character’s iconic. It’s funny, you know, and Elmore - what I remember
liking about the books, in terms of what - Elmore kind of took a - took
one of those characters and, you know, handed him an ice cream cone, and
I thought that kind of made it really special.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Bill Harris from Sun
Media. Please proceed.
Bill Harris: Hey, Tim. How are you doing?
Timothy Olyphant: I’m good, thanks. How about you?
Bill Harris: I’m not too bad. I - you know, in a way this show is
presenting a world that is really kind of terrifying. It’s terrifying to
me that this world kind of exists. I’m wondering how you guys balance
sort of presenting something that maybe we don’t want to see, and yet
presenting it in a way that makes it compelling and that we really want
to see it. There’s almost like an irony there, don’t you think?
Timothy Olyphant: I do. You know, my - off the top my head answer, it’s
scary out there. Our job is to try to make that entertaining. You know,
that’s more or less the deal we’re all - you know, that we all signed up
for, you know? It’s - life moves pretty fast and it’s pretty scary and -
you know, but at the end of the, you know, the show’s about a guy whose,
you know, trying to do the right thing and get through the day with some
sense of his reality intact, and I think there’s a certain comfort in
that, you know?
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jim Napier from
GeekTyrant.com. Please proceed.
Jim Napier: Hey, Timothy. Thank you very much for your time today. I
really appreciate it.
Timothy Olyphant: Pleasure. Thank you. And I’m a fan of geeks and
Jim Napier: Well, hey, that - we’re a great fan of you. We love all your
film and your TV work with the show. This is fabulous television,
really. One of the big questions we’ve been tossing around here is the
fact that you are (unintelligible)...
Timothy Olyphant: The geeks or the pirates? Are they - are everyone
there is in - I mean...
Jim Napier: Well, yes, you (unintelligible)...
Timothy Olyphant: ...you take a geek and put an eye patch on him,
there’s a fucking show right there.
Jim Napier: That is a good show. That is a good show. Yes, I - no, what
we - what we’re curious about is the fact that you’ve decided to take a
departure from your past work on film to shoot this television show and,
you know, it’s really - it really has a feel of a film. How do you enjoy
building character over the time in television versus building a
character for a short film in that capacity?
Timothy Olyphant: Well, the fun of it is - you know, really is - you
know, I - in a film you more or less know the beginning, middle, or an
end and you might have some wiggle room in there, but this really is a
journey, you know, and I’ve been very fortunate to be kind of allowed in
on a part of that process. So, that is one of the real challenge here
for me that I’ve really enjoyed, which is - you know, it’s - I don’t
think of it as building a character. I just think of it, you know, we’re
just telling a story and I don’t know how it’s going to end, and that’s
kind of the fun of it.
But for me, you know, at the end of the day this - it - the same things
apply. You know, I’m still trying to scene to scene figure out what it
is I’m doing and basic rules still apply. And you’re just - I think, you
know, the tremendous upside here is that it’s such a great character,
and it’s really tough to get your hands on a great character.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Sheldon Wiebe from
EclipseMagazine.com. Please proceed.
Sheldon Wiebe: Thanks for doing this, Timothy. Really appreciate it.
Timothy Olyphant: My pleasure. Thank you.
Sheldon Wiebe: Now, in Season 2 we meet Mags Bennett and her sons, and
they’re wonderful...
Timothy Olyphant: Oh, (isn’t she great)?
Sheldon Wiebe: ...family - isn’t she wonderful?
Timothy Olyphant: Yes, she’s just great.
Sheldon Wiebe: And I like the idea of someone having a family business
moving into fill a criminal gap that’s left by another family business
that has lost its leader. I also like that Mags and Raylan have a
history, so I was wondering if you could speak to that relationship and
the impact it has on the season? And also, maybe tell us a little bit
about what it’s like to work with Margo Martindale?
Timothy Olyphant: Well, all right look, first of all you snuck in about
three or four questions there, and don’t think the rest of the group
didn’t notice.
With that being said - well, first of all there - the whole bunch of
them are just fantastic, both the characters and the actors playing
them. Margo’s just the real deal. I just - she should be picking out
dresses, you know, as far as I’m concerned, and it’s just a - it’s - I
don’t know what else is on TV, but I’m pretty sure that’s something
special. And it’s a pleasure to work with her and Jeremy and Joe and,
you know, all those guys, Bradley playing Coover. They’re just great,
and I just thought we were onto something special.
You know, the inspiration for the character came from Elmore who has
written some stories about Raylan and he had a character in one of his
books that was a man, I think he was calling him Pervis Crowe, connected
to the Crowe family. And Graham wanted to make the character a woman and
Margo is just like such a fantastic choice, you know? So, it feels like
something that you just don’t see.
And as far as the families and the history, I mean that’s something
that, you know, Graham and I were both really interested in exploring
this year in that sort of Hatfield-McCoy kind of culture and styles. And
I think that you know what’s - it’s been really nice, you know, it’s
what was alive in Elmore’s original story - short story with Boyd, and
we tried to kind of keep that alive, and also kind of deepen it.
You know, it’s really nice throughout the season we keep kind of
deepening that history, kind of keep peeling back the layers. You find
out more and more as we go, little hints that we leave as we tell the -
as the story goes we kind of come back around and get a little deeper.
And it’s just the world we created this year, I think, is just really
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of April MacIntyre with
Monsters and Critics. Please proceed.
April MacIntyre: Hey, Tim. Thanks so much for your time.
Timothy Olyphant: You’re very welcome. Thank you.
April MacIntyre: (For the)...
Timothy Olyphant: For your time - I’m sorry, I finally broke down and
just like said, you’re welcome, and I’m sorry. I meant...
April MacIntyre: (I’m going to worry you to death).
Timothy Olyphant: ...I have to admit I saw Jay-Z play over New Year’s
and at about an hour and 20 minutes into the show he just looked at the
audience and said, “You’re welcome.” And I just thought that was the
coolest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, and I think I’m guilty of just
doing it myself. So...
April MacIntyre: Oh, listen, I have to (unintelligible) - I couldn’t
stop watching it. I watched all three episodes back-to-back...
Timothy Olyphant: (They were the best days).
April MacIntyre: ...without (seeing), and Margo Martindale, just to
circle back to her, I was at the TCA and I actually asked her. To me
she’s Tony Soprano and Paula Dean had a baby and (birthed) Mags Bennett.
And you know so your family, the Givens family and the Bennett’s,
there’s history, but it seems from me watching your work that there’s
some caring. She cares about you. She’s proud of you. Am I wrong?
Timothy Olyphant: No, I think you’re onto something. I mean, I - you
know, Elmore’s world is always, you know, less about good guys and bad
guys as - you know, people who respect each other and people who don’t,
you know? It comes down to who’s cool and who’s an asshole. And I think
that division is often more important than who’s breaking the law and
who’s trying to keep it.
And you know I think that it’s always a fun choice. You know, it’s
always a interesting dilemma and situation when you genuinely like the
person, respect the person, but are at odds, and plus she’s just so fun.
I don’t know if it was a choice so much as just a reaction. As I was
working with her, I just find myself so fond of her and her work and,
you know, you’re like, “Well, I guess Raylan likes her.”
That’s what I’m going with.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Curt Wagner from
RedEye. Please proceed.
Curt Wagner: Hi, Timothy. Thanks for doing this.
Timothy Olyphant: It’s my pleasure. Thank you.
Curt Wagner: One of my favorite things about the show is the Boyd/Raylan
relationship, and I was wondering if you could talk about how that’s
changing this season, and what it’s like working with Walton?
Timothy Olyphant: Well, Walt’s fantastic, you know? I mean, Walt’s just
- anytime he’s on the call sheet I know it’s going to be an easy day for
me, because I just sit back and let him do all the work, you know? When
you’ve got someone who’s going to take the take, moment to moment, keep
you on your toes, it just - you know, I remember years ago your acting -
my acting teachers saying, “Just work off the other person.” Well, when
you’ve got someone like Walt it makes it real easy to do it.
As far as his character, you know, it’s really great. You know, we had a
lot of fun with him this year. He - you know, he’s, as Elmore said, he’s
one of these guys where I don’t believe a word that comes out of his
mouth, but I can’t stop listening to him. He’s one of those guys who
just seems like he could be whoever and whatever he needs to be, given
the situation.
And, you know, Walt can speak more eloquently about the character than I
can, but I - you know, we really had a lot of fun watching him sort of
start out with him sort of lost in the woods, and kind of regain his
footing and find his way and come back to life. And he’s in a completely
more kind of dangerous and compelling way this year than last year.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Matt Sheehan from
Hollywood Snitch. Please proceed.
Matt Sheehan: Big pleasure talking to you today. Thanks for your time.
Timothy Olyphant: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Matt Sheehan: One - the one thing that I - strikes me with Raylan is
that to me he sort of seems like an extension of Elmore Leonard, as
Leonard has never really dove fully into Hollywood. He’s always sort of
been on the edge, you know, keeping - staying at arm’s length. And the
character of Raylan himself in the mythology of the show is also sort of
at that sort of keeping his past, his family, you know, everything in
Kentucky at arm’s length.
And I was wondering if those similarities between Rayland and Elmore
have occurred to you, and if so do you ever sometimes go to Elmore and
say, “Hey, if you were Raylan what would you do in this situation? How
would you react, look, smile, you know, walk,” et cetera?
Timothy Olyphant: I can’t - I’m not - I’ve got to be honest with you. I
don’t think I thought of it as - I don’t know if I was ever as
insightful as you just were, and I appreciate what you said. I think
you’re on to something. I - and as far as my relationship with Elmore,
you know, more or less all I’ve done is kind of chat with him. You know,
I don’t think I’ve asked too many specific questions, in terms of where
would you - you know, what would you do, where would you go?
And I think my - what I’ve really taken advantage of is just the
opportunity to be around him and to listen to him, to shoot the shit
with him, and just to - you know, it’s amazing what you can learn from
that. And he’s a cool customer, you know, and I think a lot of what - a
lot of the answers to some - you know, the questions that I may or may
not have are kind of right there just listening to him, you know?
He - these characters and these stories he tells are - you know, they
really are an extension of him. And, you know, just hanging out with him
you just get a vibe and I just try to copy that.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Michael Gallagher
StayFamous.Net. Please proceed.
Michael Gallagher: Hi.
Timothy Olyphant: Hey, how are you?
Michael Gallagher: There are moments in the show that are unlike
anything else you see on TV, whether it’s a grenade launcher, blowing up
a building, or the question of whether or not there was a bullet in
Raylan’s gun when he points it a Boyd. What are some of the moments you
- when you said this is great television?
Timothy Olyphant: Oh, you know, I’m not a huge fan of every episode, but
there’s not an episode that goes by without me finding - there’s
something - there’s always something and I’m like, “That’s just - that’s
good drama, you know, it’s good storytelling.”
It’s - you know, the examples are - I think are countless. You know,
this season, I mean, God, where do you start. You know, it’s everything
from something small. It’s Art telling me I should get an Uzi and it’s
walking into Mags store and asking her, “How’s business.” You know for
me, from an acting standpoint, it’s fun to be in a scene where me asking
Mags, “How’s business,” is both so conversational small talk, and yet
feels so loaded.
And I think that’s part of the brilliance of Elmore Leonard, and it’s
very difficult to kind of replicate week after week. And I think our
writers just do a fantastic job, which is he seems so - it seems like
small talk. It seems like he’s just kind of meandering, but really
everything is kind of like a bullet, you know, headed towards a very -
something very specific. And those moments are a blast, you know?
I could just go on forever. I mean honestly, it’s - the job is a - just
a joy, you know, day in and day out it is - I never - I’ve never left
that set and didn’t think to myself, “That was great. That was just a
great scene. It was a great moment. It was a great performance.” Not
mine, I mean I’m just talking about the ones around me and it’s - you
know, it’s - I put in these long hours on this puppy, but it’s - at the
end of the day you just always walk away going, “God, you know, there’s
something to be proud of. It was pretty cool.”
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jessica Dwyer from
Fangirl Magazine. Please proceed.
Jessica Dwyer: Hi, Timothy. I thank you - well, thank you for doing
this. I’ll be one of the (unintelligible) to say that.
Timothy Olyphant: Oh, nobody - by the way, nobody has to say it anymore.
It’s - I really do appreciate it. In fact, I don’t think the last guy
did say it. And so - you know what I mean? He doesn’t count, but from
here on forward, I realize time’s an issue.
Jessica Dwyer: I’ve been a fan of yours since you played the creepy
Tarantino film student in Scream 2, so this is a big deal for me.
Timothy Olyphant: Oh, (unintelligible)...
Jessica Dwyer: But, my question to you is you and Deadwood sort of kind
of started the whole western coming back to the forest being the cool
genre, and now we’ve got you in Justified, as well as True Grit coming
out. And what do you think it is that’s made - it’s kind of like the
vampire genre, it’s kind of come back around to being cool again. What
do you think it is that keeps us coming back to like westerns and that
kind of story?
Timothy Olyphant: Well, I mean first of all, you know, I just showed up
to work on Deadwood. You know, David Milch, that’s his baby and that was
something. I mean, you know, that’s a genius at work just turning a
genre on its head, and it was really something special to be a part of.
You know, this one, I don’t know - you know, I don’t know what I’m doing
here, honestly. But, I read this fantastic interview with Walter Mosley
in the L.A. Times where he talked about our show, and that first - that
right of the bat just meant the world to me that Walter Mosley, you
know, about our show. He was talking about - what I thought was if he’s
watching the show - he was saying that, you know, the westerns were
basically about - were made during a time where people really believed
in America, and that Americans believed in something very clear about
good and evil - you know, good versus evil.
And as that got a little more foggy, you know, the westerns kind of went
away. And he thought - he was really curious now to take this guy Raylan
Givens who appears to be born maybe 100 years too late and stick him in
a modern world, and start asking those questions again.
I just really was using that as an excuse to talk about Walter Mosley
knowing my show, but I don’t know if it addressed your question at all,
so forgive me.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of David Johnson from
DVD Verdict. Please proceed.
David Johnson: Hey, Timothy. I thought Justified was the best new show
last year by far, so much appreciated. Just real quick, I think Raylan
is, certainly if he’s not there yet, he will be like one of your - kind
of one of those iconic like TV characters.
But I’m wondering, do you - are you starting to sense that either from,
you know, people who just run into you, or even U.S. Marshal’s, you
know, do you actually hear from them? You know, are kind of getting
those shockwaves about this guys - this character Raylan Givens? You
know, he’s a player, you know, people are starting to recognize him and
connect with him.
Timothy Olyphant: Well, I really appreciate that. I - and - it’s very
generous of you. Look, I knew when I read the thing I was like, you
know, just, you know, close the deal before somebody else gets a whiff
of this thing. Because I - you know, I trust I know a good part when I
see one, and usually when is see one I have to wait for like seven
people to pass in order for it to come - for me to get to it. You know,
it’s really - and they’re not going to because it’s just good, you know?
It’s - so, I mean I knew it was a good part. I knew it was good writing.
I knew it was - I knew Elmore, when done right, is - you know, I just -
I love it.
So, you know, beyond that I can tell you, you know, people who’ve - you
know, when I run into people on the street and I try not to, you know, I
try to remove myself from the general public as much as possible with -
I have an elevator that goes straight to my room in the building, so I
don’t have to see people. But, I - no, I’m just kidding, I can’t even
tell if anyone’s listening anymore.
I - people have been very generous. People have been very complimentary.
And I know the difference between someone coming up to you on the street
and saying, “Hey, you’re that dude, right. Yes, that’s what I thought.”
And I know the difference between that and somebody coming up and
saying, you know, “Big fan of the show. Big fan of that character.”
And, you know, that - you know, that’s - it’s nice, you know? You’re out
there telling stories, you’re hoping to find an audience, and it’s very
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of (Christina Core) from
Maverick Media. Please proceed.
Christina Core: You and Natalie Zea have amazing chemistry both
off-screen, I listened to the entire Hatless commentary and was rolling,
Timothy Olyphant: How did that go? The...
Christina Core: It was...
Timothy Olyphant: ...commentary was all right?
Christina Core: It was fantastic.
Timothy Olyphant: You’re the best, thank you.
Christina Core: Some quality acting getting pointed out to me by you.
But, this season we do see their dynamic shift from what we had in
Season 1, and Natalie accredits that to you being a ridiculous flirt.
Timothy Olyphant: I don’t know what she’s talking about.
Christina Core: It’s in an interview, I read it. It’s online.
Timothy Olyphant: Well, just because she said it doesn’t mean it’s true.
Christina Core: Well, you - how can you - can you put into some sort
of how you guys’ dynamic has shifted from this new season with your
relationship on-screen changing?
Timothy Olyphant: You know, - well, you know, I - she’s fantastic. I
mean, you know, the same things I said about working with Walt Goggins,
I’d say about working with her. You know, it’s just - and this year, you
know, I - the list goes on and on this year, you know, Margo and so on
and so forth.
They’re just great and Nick Searcy, by the way I’ll throw him in there
too. He’s just a pro. He’s just not as good looking as she is, so I’m
less interested in that storyline. So, you know, I - you know, I thought
the - you know, Graham is the one who I think started the idea of the -
this - you know, these two, the ex-wife and he’s - he had the idea of
having these two get back together.
And I think what that - it started as just that. It was just like, you
know, a broken relationship, but there was still some sort of, you know,
sexual kind of tension or something. But, you know, after we shot the
stuff it just seemed like there was a lot more going on there. It was a
lot more interesting. And so, when we got together, Graham and I, before
the - we went back to the - back to work here, you know, that was a
relationship that I think we were both really interested in exploring.
And as is said to Graham, if one of my buddies comes over to the house
and tells me he’s fucking his ex-wife, we might not talk about anything
else for the rest of the evening. I’m just - I’m curious. I want to know
how that worked, so - and if he tells me he’s in love with her, then I’m
really interested.
So, we had a lot of fun with that relationship this year. I think it’s
really one of the more interesting things we’ve done.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of (Monique Hale) from
The Voice of TV. Please proceed.
Monique Hale: Hi, thanks so much for talking with us today.
Timothy Olyphant: It’s a pleasure. Thank you.
Monique Hale: She just asked my question, too.
Timothy Olyphant: Oh, she did?
Monique Hale: She did.
Timothy Olyphant: (Now what are you going to ask)?
Monique Hale: I wanted to know - I know, right, I’m scrambling here.
Timothy Olyphant: What else you got?
Monique Hale: So - one of my friends did want me to tell you that she
thinks your accent on the show is beautiful. I’m going to tell you that.
Timothy Olyphant: Well, thanks. I kind of like yours.
Monique Hale: Well, thank you. So, I love the dynamic between Boyd and
Raylan, and I want to know, do you think that Raylan accepts Boyd as
like an old friend? Does he go after him more so because he thinks he
knows him and maybe wants to prove that he can like almost save Boyd
from the criminal road he’s traveling down, or...
Timothy Olyphant: No, I don’t. I mean, I honestly don’t think I seem him
as a friend, you know, in terms of their relationships. I see it for
just as - I think all we’ve told you, according to my scripts, is they
have a history. And I think there’s a knowing this. I think there’s an
understanding between them. But beyond that, I think that’s kind of it.
I think after that it becomes about it’s fun to see them - their worlds
collide, you know? And I think given what he does and given my
character, you know, what my character does it’s - they’re going to keep
running into each other.
Operator: Our next question...
Lindsay Colker: We have time for - I’m sorry to interrupt, we have time
for one more question.
Operator: Okay. Our next question comes from the line of Lance Carter
from Daily Actor. Please proceed.
Timothy Olyphant: Lance, have you thought about this question...
Lance Carter: Wow...
Timothy Olyphant: ...because this is it. I mean, everybody’s got
Lance Carter: (Unintelligible)...
Timothy Olyphant: ...and if you’re not - you know what I mean?
Lance Carter: I know, I better not suck.
Timothy Olyphant: Just don’t ask me like, you know, what do you think of
your haircut this year, or anything like that.
Lance Carter: All right, hold on, let me cross that one out.
Timothy Olyphant: Okay, good. (I’m an expert).
Lance Carter: So, every character that you play, whether in this show or
film, it’s just seems completely unique and you’re always one of the
most interesting to people to watch on screen. Is that
Timothy Olyphant: Well, so far I love your question. I don’t know where
it’s leading, but so far I don’t think that anyone should be
Lance Carter: All right, good. Now, is that because of your choices as
an actor or is it the quality of scripts that you get offered, or both?
Timothy Olyphant: Now, that’s just a setup.
Lance Carter: (Unintelligible)...
Timothy Olyphant: It started with such a nice compliment, and then you
want - then the question is, should I deserve all the credit for what
you said is consistently great work, or should we give credit to
Lance Carter: You know, (unintelligible)...
Timothy Olyphant: That’s really what it comes down to you asking, right?
Lance Carter: No, there’s some - there’s actors out there who completely
stink, you know?
Timothy Olyphant: That’s - yes, I imagine that’s true. Sure. I mean, you
know, some people just aren’t trying. You know, I don’t know, I’ve been
really lucky. I feel like, especially the last two years - first of all,
I’ve been lucky. I’ve been working for a long time and I’ve just really
been allowed to work, and with very little of the baggage and the
pressures that can come with my job.
I’ve just been able to year after year for quite some time now, you
know, get to the set and be in a film and not have - and just be allowed
to keep doing it and get - and just get better. Just kind of, you know -
you know you do it for 10, 12, however many years I’ve been doing it, if
it (weren’t) - you know, if you’re not good by now then I think that’s
going to be about it.
But, I’ve been allowed to, you know, go to work and the last couple of
years I feel like a combination of two things. One, I’ve really kind of
realized how much I enjoy the job. And at this point in my life I kind
of show up to work with a real interest and a real commitment, and I
guess a level of confidence in terms of asking myself, you know, I’m not
looking for answers when I show up to the set. I’m just asking the
questions, you know, asking questions over and over.
And I think I’ve been given some great material. I mean, in the last
couple years I did a small movie, High Life that went to the Berlin Film
Festival. I did Perfect Getaways, The Crazies, this, the TV work I’ve
been able to do, stuff like with those guys in Damages. They’ve been
great roles. They’ve just been really great roles and I’ve been able to
have a dialogue, a meaningful dialogue and collaboration with the film
makers on each one of those projects.
And each time it’s led to, you know, work that I’m really pleased and
proud of.
Lindsay Colker: Thank you. That was our last question. I just want to
thank everybody for joining. Thank you, Tim, for participating. Again,
Justified premiers...
Timothy Olyphant: No, thank you all. It was really very kind of you. I’m
sorry, you tell them when to watch it. I really appreciate it everybody.
Lindsay Colker: Justified premiers tomorrow, Wednesday, February 9 at 10
o’clock pm on FX. Again, a transcript will be sent to everybody who had
joined the call. Apologies if you weren’t able to ask a question.
Thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the conference call for
today. We thank you for your participation and ask that you please
disconnect your line.
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