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Interview with Michael Nardelli of "Dark/Web" on
Amazon Prime 6/28/19
Here's the
audio of our interview.
It was a really fun interview.
Here's the transcript of our chat!
Suzanne: Hello. Michael: Hi,
Suzanne. Suzanne: Hi. How are you? Michael:
Good. How are you? Suzanne: Alright. Can't complain.
Michael: Happy Friday to you. Suzanne: Yes, you
too. Michael: Thank you. Suzanne: I keep
forgetting, the day's kind of messed up for me cause my
husband... this summer is off work on Fridays, so it just
really screws everything up for me. Michael: Man,
lucky him. What does he do? Suzanne: Oh, he's a
provost at Southern Arkansas University, but... all of the
staff at the university during the summer, they work longer
hours Monday to Thursday so they can take Fridays off.
Michael: Oh, that sounds nice. Suzanne: It is
nice. But it really throws me off. I don't know what day it
is. Michael: Well, maybe you to take a day off, too.
Suzanne: Yeah. So, now, I was told that you're writer,
producer, excuse me, producer and star of Dark/Web.
Michael: Yeah, a bunch of those things. Suzanne: Who
created this series? Michael: So the original idea I
had doing kind of an anthology show that was connected by a
narrative that kind of tied all the developments together. I
kind of had the idea that it would involve old high school
friends coming back together to solve a mystery, and then
from there I just kind of got back in touch with Mario
Miscioni and my brother, Tim Nardelli, who I'm always in
touch with anyway. We had done this film called Circle in
2015 that Netflix acquired, and we were kind of looking for
the next thing to work on together that would sort of even
take it to the next level, take everything we learned from
that and do something a little bit more ambitious and
challenging. So we started talking about this idea of how to
connect these stories and what would be the connective
tissue, and we all kind of landed on the Dark/Web, which at
the time was kind of just sort of like coming into the news
cycle. Michael: Now I pretty much mature on the news
or even in commercials every day. But at the time I'm like,
okay, that sounds like a really cool kind of place, a
cesspool of sort of story telling and ideas that we could
have plenty of material to pull from, and it's going to be
around for awhile cause it's very hard to police and very
hard to get rid of. That's kind of the genesis of the
creation of it, and we decided let's do an eight episode
series this time instead of Circle, which was a 90 minute
feature. Suzanne: Sure. And so how did you figure out
the writing of it? Who was going to write what, that kind of
thing? Michael: It just kind of all happened very
sort of collaboratively and intentionally. We outlined what
the series would be, we knew sort of what that connective
tissue storyline would be. The main, we call it the, A
story, the serialized story that connects everything.
Suzanne: Right. Michael: And then we kind of, we
had a couple of the anthology segments in mind for what kind
of do we want to tell, and we knew what kind of clues and
imagery devices we needed inside those to connect
everything. So Mario and I wrote the main story, and we knew
it would be the anthologies, and then we kind of had an open
contest online for writers of this website, LRM Online, to
submit stories with the promise that we would produce the
winter, and it would be part of the show. We did that, which
was crazy, and then we met Zelda Williams, and she had a
story that fit within ours, in our infrastructure, and this
guy, Bowman Modine was great and Eric Salberg and Roxie
Shih, who directed the A story and an anthology. So in terms
of kind of delegating who wrote it, it was mostly Mario and
I, and then we were able to bring in these sort of guests
writer or directors for the anthology segments. And it all
just, I don't know, it was crazy. It all just kind of
worked. It all fit. At least we felt that way.
Suzanne: Yeah. Michael: Then when people watch, they
can decide if it fit for themselves. But it was very, the
writing of it and everything was all very kind of stress
free and very collaborative and creative. Suzanne:
Well that's great. Michael: Yeah, it was fun.
Suzanne: Now, I see this, the first independently funded TV
series. Can you say who funded it or how it was funded or
how did that work out? Michael: Yeah, so I've
produced I think like four movies at this point, so I have
different producers and financiers that I've gone to. I also
have a network of my friends and family that I'm able to go
to. On Circle, we partnered with this great company called
Votive, and that's owned by a friend of mine, Brent Stiefel,
who I'd met through past projects. It's kind of just, yeah,
it was one of the first independently produced TV shows, so
we didn't have any big support from any studios or anything
like that, so it was just kind of being scrappy and getting
out there and thinking, "Okay, well who do I know in my
network that we'd be interested in this? Who have I worked
with before that's been a good experience that would come
back and do this?" Michael: The hard part was just
generating the content that would be attractive to people
that want to invest in film and television. Luckily we
worked hard on the script that had an outline and a look
book and a trailer and all of these things. Then once you
have the elements, it's kind of just get to sit down and
think, "Okay, well who can I go to and how do we do this?"
Every time it's a little bit different. This was a series,
and it was a little bit larger than our film, Circle. It
takes some homework to figure out how you can raise finances
for something like this, but luckily I've done it four times
now, so it's getting a little easier. Suzanne: That's
good. Michael: Yeah. Suzanne: Yeah. You
describe it as an anthology series. It really kind of
broadens that definition in a way because you have that
stories within the story type of thing. Michael:
Yeah. I saw somebody online called it the first serialized
anthology series, which is kind of an oxymoron, I guess.
Right? Really, the two don't go together. In that sense,
it's hard to describe a little bit because it hasn't really
been done that I've seen before, but that's actually what we
really liked about it was doing something different and not
just copying Twilight Zone or Black Mirror and Outer Limits
and shows that had come before and kind of trying to break
the formula a little bit is what we really liked about it.
What excites me when I watch it, and hopefully people agree.
But yeah, the idea from the beginning was always to have
followed you segments, and if somebody's just watching one
episode, they'll watch that and get value out of it and
hopefully enjoy it, but if you keep watching, you see that
all these stories are connected in a certain way. I don't
want to give away too much, but. Suzanne: Yeah,
right. Michael: There's a mystery to these stories
that is more than just the sum of their parts.
Suzanne: Right. Michael: So it's kind of like you're
almost like a detective when you watch going on this
journey, figuring out, "Okay, well here's the story, but
what's really being said here, and why are certain things,
why are their certain recurring motifs and imagery and
phrases that I keep hearing?" And I promise by the end of
it, it'll all makes sense. Suzanne: Okay. Yeah,
that's what I was going to ask you, because I only watched
the first three or four episodes so far. Michael: Oh,
you watched it. Cool. Suzanne: Yeah, she sent me the
link. I hadn't had time to watch them all, but it is all
explained in the end? Michael: Oh, yes. It's all
explained in the end. Everything pertaining to the story as
in who sent them and why they were sent. I think hopefully
it's not what you're expecting. It should be a bit
surprising, but yes, everything is as explained by the end
of it. Suzanne: Okay, good. Yeah, I'm not expecting
anything cause I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm just sort
of watching it, and I'm not the type that sits and tries to
figure out the mystery. I'm not good at that, so if I see it
coming it's really bad. But otherwise, I just sit and enjoy
it. It's very intense. I like that. Michael: Oh,
thank you. Yeah, I think you're the first journalist I've
talked to that's actually seen it because we're finally
getting it out there now, so that's exciting. Someone's
actually watching it. Suzanne: Oh, yeah. No, I
enjoyed it so far. And it's going to be an Amazon, right?
Michael: Yeah. July 18th. Suzanne: Now, if Amazon
says, "Oh, this is really great and it got lots of views and
we want a second season," do you have ideas for a second
season? Michael: Oh yeah, for sure. For two more
seasons. We have ideas. We wrap up the storyline at the end.
You'll see. So if we don't get the chance to do another
season, it's done, but there's absolutely a ton more ticks.
I mean there's a ton more just on the real Dark/Web to
explore for years and years and years, but in terms of our A
story story line, we definitely have outlines in ideas and
concrete plans on where it would go should we be lucky
enough to continue. Suzanne: Right. Did you go
through a regular casting product process, or did you just
get friends, people you worked with before to guest star on
the different ... Michael: So a little bit of both.
From our movie, Circle, that had 50 actors in it, so we
almost have our own Circle company of actors. It's almost
like a theater company at this point. I've worked as an
actor a lot since I moved to LA a long time ago, so I'm
always casting people in my friend group or that I've worked
with before just because it's easy, you know what you're
getting and it's fun, and you get to work with your friends.
But this show has so many roles to fill, so the real saving
grace was our casting director was Russell Boast, and he's
awesome. He got us so many great people, some of the names
that you know that are in it, and then some of these up
becoming faces who have now gone on to book really cool
projects. He was great, and he really opened the doors for
casting and just said, "Lose any preconceptions you have and
just let's see. Don't worry about what you think a character
needs to look or sound like. Let's just see anyone who's
right for the role, and the best person gets the job." That
was so great. We have a really diverse, inclusive cast in
front of the camera and behind the camera, so that's where a
lot of our parts were cast off was from Russell Boast. He's
awesome. Suzanne: Great, great. Oh. Shh. Sorry, dogs.
Michael: I'm surprised my dogs haven't done that yet.
Suzanne: Oh, let's see. Sorry, I lost my place because
the dog. Michael: Hey, that was a good strong bark.
Suzanne: Yeah, she's loud. Michael: I have two
girl dogs, and they're loud when they get going.
Suzanne: Yeah, she's not too bad most of the time, but this
time of year there's lots of squirrels and things in the
backyard, so let's see. Okay. So a lot of the works you've
done before from just perusing your list on IMDB seem to be
on the dark side. Is that something that you generally do
enjoy? Michael: Yeah, I'm kinda drawn to darker
stuff. I really love comedy too, but I think I'm drawn to
that, sure. Yeah. I like darker storytelling. I love genre,
I love kind of meaningful, intentional sci-fi and horror
things that have stuff to say about society and emotions and
people. That's definitely what Dark/Web is. A lot of it's
metaphorical for our real Dark/Web every day. The show is
about the Dark/Web specifically, and then it's about sort of
the web as a dark place. There's a lot of cautionary tale
built in there. Yeah, so I like darker stuff, but I've also
done a Hallmark Christmas movie, and I'm in a play right now
that is very much kind of a farce, satirical comedy, and I
studied at the Groundlings, so I love comedy too. I just
don't get to audition for it as much. In terms of like what
I like to write, that would definitely be more on like the
darker genre stuff for sure. Suzanne: Right. Okay.
You're talking about your stories just reminded me. There
was one thing I didn't, I wouldn't call it a nitpick. Maybe
I didn't understand it correctly. When the characters, like
when their phones are going off and there's all those ping,
ping, ping, why don't they just turn the sounds off or the
notifications, because I have all that stuff turned off on
my phone. Michael: Yeah, they do. You'll see. They
do. Suzanne: Okay. I just haven't gotten that far.
Michael: You saw the first three episodes?
Suzanne: Yeah, something like that. Michael: Yeah.
They do. There's a scene where I'm like teaching a classroom
full of kids that just will not turn their phones off, which
is actually, my sister used to be a teacher, and I'm friends
with teachers now. They tell me that is a real problem in
classrooms. He's trying to get them to turn that off, but
he's obviously lost control of that classroom.
Suzanne: Yeah. I would think that- sorry. I would think that
most teachers today would just say, "Give me your phone." Or
they'd say, "If I hear it, you're going to detention,"
something like that. I don't know. Michael: Yeah.
Yeah. You'll see he's kind of, like, starts off a bit of a
pushover. He's kind of lost control of his life and the
classroom, so he's trying, but those kids are clearly ruling
the roost unfortunately, which was really funny to film. But
no, they do silence their phone. You'll see. Suzanne:
Oh, okay. Michael: But it's just in those first
episodes, we wanted to make it clear that this missing girl,
this friend of theirs is desperate and reaching out and
wanted to kind of build that intensity and that panic. Did
you see even the characters get a little bit annoyed. All
right, enough, which is how I get some times. I'll have my
phone at my desk, and I won't think to silence it. It'll
beep and beep and beep, and golly, all right.
Suzanne: Yeah. I think we've all been annoyed by other
people's phones doing that. Michael: Yeah, it's just,
again, this new world that we've accepted of always being on
and connected and reachable and ding, ding, ding. I had to
put away my iWatch because it was just too many alerts, too
many dings for me. Suzanne: Yeah. Yeah. I've been on
the computer and the Internet for a long, long time, like
the early to mid nineties and I've always, always turned the
sound off on my computer on and then on the phone, because I
just hate that, but I think- Michael: Oh, it's
intrusive. Suzanne: It is. It really is. I'm on
social media so much that there's no way I could get through
a day if I didn't turn off all those notifications. I just,
it would drive me crazy. Michael: Yeah. Those are all
the, I mean, you'll see if you keep watching, those things
are touched upon. You'll see. Suzanne: Good. Good.
Yeah. So are any of your stories based on nightmares that
you or the other writers have had? Michael: Yes, for
sure. There's one that I wrote and directed that's later in
Episode or Chapter Seven. it's very much, so it's kind of a
metaphor. It's about a rumor on social media that goes
viral, and the person that it's about starts exhibiting
physical symptoms from sort of the stress of that.
Suzanne: Oh, okay. Michael: It's very much like a
body or David Cronenberg. I don't know if you've seen his
movies. Suzanne: I know who he is, but yeah, I don't
remember if I've seen. Michael: Yeah. Oh, for sure.
Suzanne: Don't tell me his teeth all fall out because
that's, I hate that. Michael: Oh my God, I have that
nightmare too. Suzanne: Everybody has that thing.
Michael: Yeah, I have that number all the time. It's
terrible. Yeah. So for sure. Yeah, and then I think for me
there's a general sense of paranoia a little bit because all
this like cyber terror and hacking and loss of identity and
things. I think if you watched episode two, there's a cyber
stalker following a younger role. Yeah, just sort of the
idea of somebody in your window watching. I have that
nightmare all the time because I live on a first floor and
I'm like, "What if I wake up and somebody's looking at me?"
So yeah, there's a lot of that just kind of Freud, uncanny
kind of general sense of paranoia and fear built into it for
sure. Suzanne: Well, that's good because the best
horror probably taps into those kinds of things, I'm sure.
Michael: Well, yeah, and there's a lot of horrific
things happening on the internet as we know, either on the
Dark/Web or just on the regular internet. Suzanne:
Right. Michael: So that was kind of like what drew us
to it is we feel like we're the first generation that kind
of remembered the analog worlds that we grew up in, and now
we are kind of tasked with living in the digital world. So
we remember the old and we're experiencing the new, whereas
the younger generations are just going to kind of grow up in
a digital world and not really know that this isn't normal.
Yeah, that's kind of a big theme that we were exploring when
we were writing it that attracted us to it. Suzanne:
Well, if you do a second season, I just read an article the
other day, I think it was in the Washington Post, where
they're saying because of the over use of phones from people
looking down on the time, that they're growing this extra
bone in the back of their heads like a horn, they call it.
Michael: Oh, God. I hope I grow that because my neck
hurts from always looking. I have to rearrange my whole
office set up and make sure my monitor is like, because it
was starting to affect my neck. I wish I'd get that bone.
That's really gross. Suzanne: Yeah, I know. That
would seem like something that you could use in a horror TV
show. Michael: That is grabby. You could totally do
something with that. I'll file that in the back of my head.
Suzanne: Right. Michael: That's disgusting.
Suzanne: I know. Well, I have a slight spine problem,
and part of it is because of spending 20-something years on
the computer, and when I went in for some physical therapy,
they said they're seeing a lot more young people now with
that problem than they used to. Michael: Yeah, I was
told the same thing, and even my eyes too are suffering,
especially, honestly, frankly doing the show. We had so many
effect shots to approve, and we were just staring at the
screen for days in dark rooms. I had to get glasses..
Suzanne: Oh man. That's bad. Michael: That's
what's so funny is we're just like submitting to these.
We're like, "Okay. These things are killing my vision.
They're hurting my posture, but I'm just going to keep using
them." Suzanne: I know, right? Because you're hooked.
Right? Michael: We're accepting our own demise from
these things. It's crazy. Suzanne: I know. I try not
to use my phone because it does hurt my neck.
Michael: Yeah, and it keeps you up at night. Like, okay,
there's nothing good about me. We've got to get rid of them.
We've got to get rid of all these things. Go back to a
typewriter. Back the landline. Suzanne: Well,
unfortunately my job is all online, so I can't.
Michael: I know. It's completely unrealistic for me, but.
Suzanne: As far as your eyes, it's said if you take a
break, look up and away from the screen every once in a
while and take a break every 15 minutes, then it's better.
Michael: Every, yeah. every 20 minutes. Suzanne:
Set a timer. Michael: I've read the same thing. Yep.
Or, referenced in the show too, we talk about on the show,
they have these digital detoxes now, so we can go do that,
no devices for like a week. Suzanne: Yeah. I think
there's something wrong with you if you need that, that you
can't just put it down for a while. Michael: Yeah, I
know, but it's an addiction. Suzanne: It's like
people who are supposedly addicted to video games. I'm just
like "Come on." Michael: Yeah, that was maybe me in
my youth. Suzanne: I'm probably too old.
Michael: I wish I had time to be addicted to video games. I
used to love them. Suzanne: I'm just too old to
relate to that, I think. Michael: Never. You're never
too old for that. Suzanne: Yeah, you're right. I have
an older brother who's very into video games, so I can't
say. Michael: Super Mario, all ages. Suzanne:
Yeah. So what TV shows did you watch growing up that might
have influenced you? Michael: Oh, the X-Files was a
big one. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm a huge Joss Whedon
fan. I love that. The Twilight Zone, I grew up watching that
with my family. Probably started watching it when I was two.
I shouldn't have been watching it, but I did. I think it was
when I was growing up, The Sopranos. I love The Sopranos.
Suzanne: Hmm. And what are you watching now?
Michael: I just watched Chernobyl, and I was so impressed by
it. It was so well done. I didn't know nearly enough about
the true story itself, so it was really enlightening. It was
horrific. Like, it made me sick to my stomach, and I don't
really scare easily when I watch stuff cause I've seen so
many movies. So that was crazy. If you haven't watched it,
you should. Suzanne: I watched the beginning. I
couldn't keep watching it. Michael: It's hard.
Suzanne: It's too horrible. Michael: It's not a
light kind of enjoyable experience, but it was just a
well-made, the music and the set design, the performance,
everything was just so top notch. Suzanne: Oh, yes.
It was really good and great acting. I remember that time
and before that time, so you know. Michael: Yeah.
It's hard because it's true. I can't believe it's true. Then
Killing Eve, I really like that. So I'm watching that and
Big Little Lies just came on, so I'm watching that. I've
been catching up on Rick and Morty. I've been trying to
insert a little more comedy into my life. I can't be
watching all these dark Chernobyl things every week. I'm
going to need more therapy than I already get, so those
ones. I'm trying to think. Everybody keeps telling me to
watch Fleabag, so I'm going to add that into my queue very
soon, and I'm always a huge Twin Peaks fan. I'm always going
back and watching that. Suzanne: Oh, yeah. That was
good one. Michael: What are you watching? Any
recommendations? Suzanne: Yeah, I was just going to
say you should watch Lodge 49 on AMC. They're going to have
the second season coming up soon. That's a really-
Michael: I've never heard of that. Suzanne: It's a
fun one. It's a fun little one that's about just a group of
people in Long Beach, I think. Anyway, it's kind of funny,
kind of a comedy, kind of a drama. It's kind of mixed, but
it's good. It's very good. Michael: Okay, I haven't
heard of that. Who's in it? Suzanne: It has Kurt
Russell's son, Wyatt. I'm trying to think. There's no other
really big names, but I think if you watch it you'll
recognize some of them. Michael: Okay.
Suzanne: It's a small little show, but it's really
enjoyable. I thought it was very good. Michael: Yeah,
I might kind of, because yeah, another big reference for me
for Dark/Web was this movie, The Big Chill. So I like kind
of like character driven, ensemble, slice of life stuff.
Suzanne: Yeah. This one has really interesting, quirky
characters, but not quirky in a annoying way. Oh, you know
who's in it? I'm just trying to think of it. Gosh darn it.
Bruce Campbell. Is it Campbell? Am I thinking of the right
Bruce? Michael: Oh, really? Suzanne: From Burn
Notice? Michael: Yeah, from Evil Dead.
Suzanne: Right, right, right. Michael: Yeah. Wow, I
can't believe I don't know about this. Suzanne: Yeah.
He plays a small but pivotal role in it. Michael:
Gosh, there's so many shows now. Like, he's on a show and I
don't even know about it. Suzanne: I know. It's
terrible. It's really hard to keep up. Michael: Well,
I used to be, I would use to be the Connoisseur, like, "Oh,
I watch every good show," and now it's like there's so much
you can't keep up. Suzanne: I know. I try to review
all the new shows and it's pretty much impossible.
Michael: Oh, man. That must be overwhelming. Suzanne:
I can usually find time to watch or write, but doing both is
just, just watching is hard enough. Michael: Yeah.
So, yeah, it's hard. But what else can you say, right?
Michael: Yeah, no, I'm with you. I like to try to watch
all of it and get inspired by it, but I just don't have time
to keep up with all of them. So. Suzanne: Oh,
actually The Name of the Rose is pretty good, the new one on
Sundance. Michael: Oh my gosh. I hadn't even heard of
this either. Suzanne: Yeah. Michael: What is
this? Suzanne: And also Dead to Me on Netflix.
Michael: I've heard of that. I heard that's great.
Suzanne: That's really good. Yeah. What happens with me
though is I usually watch like the first one or two episodes
and then I have to move on. Michael: Yes. That's my
problem. I'm kind of like a completionist. Once I start, I'm
like, I want to see how it ends. I like to stick with it.
Suzanne: I am usually that way. Michael: I've got
to get like you. I've got to get better about cutting them
off. Suzanne: No, you don't want to be like me. I
love to watch the whole thing, I just don't have time to
watch everything, and I have to review it, so I'll watch
just the beginning, and then if I have time I'll go back. I
have a whole DVR filled with other shows that I watch
regularly that I already like, so. Michael: Yeah.
You're like, I need my leisure watching. Suzanne:
Right, exactly. Michael: You're always doing work
watch. Suzanne: Yeah, I know how that goes.
Suzanne: Unfortunately, I love Superhero shows and there are
just way too many. Michael: Oh yeah. There's a ton of
those now. Wow. Suzanne: Yeah, exactly. I'm like
cancel some more. I really don't want them to be canceled
but cancel some more. But all right, so my last question, is
there anything else that you can tell us about the series
that you want people to know? Michael: Oh, okay.
Let's see. About Dark/Web. Yeah, I think just that, again,
going back to it being sort of this independence, bespoke
kind of handmade show, I hope people give it a chance.
There's obviously, like you said, superheroes. There's so
much content now, but we really prided ourselves on the fact
that we were at least trying to break new ground and tell a
new story. We have some familiar faces in it, but our big
thing is always giving new people a chance at bat and
exploring new voices and making sure. If you watch Circle,
it's 50 different actors and all different ages and races
and stories and point of views. In the midst of a summer
where there's all kinds of like sequels and franchises, and
even in TV, that that same kind of landscape now, hopefully
people give our our little show a chance. It's a really
great group of artists that worked together with the right
intention of just we really wanted to tell something that
was thought provoking and explored sort of the modern
dilemma and everything. Michael: I'm proud of what we
did. I think we made something that looks TV quality on a
fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a budget of what
most TV shows probably get for one single episode, like one
episode of a HBO Show could probably produce three seasons
of Dark/Web. So it's a bit crazy what we did, and it's not
perfect, but I'm proud of it and I hope people give it a
chance because it was made with the best of intentions to
entertain and maybe inspire some cautionary and
thought-provoking tales. Suzanne: all right. Thank
you. I really appreciate you talking to me. Michael:
Yeah. Thank you so much for watching and for making time for
me. I appreciate it. Suzanne: Well, thank you. I'll
try to watch the rest of it. Michael: Well, no
pressure. It sounds like you've got a lot on your plate.
Suzanne: I know, but now I want to see how it turns out.
Michael: Yeah. I think you'll enjoy it. I think that
definitely, you'll see if you do have time, the episodes bit
deeper in and more expansive as they go, bigger characters
and kind of bigger stakes. Suzanne: All right. Thanks
a lot. Appreciate it. Michael: All right, enjoy your
4th. Suzanne: Thank you. You too. Bye Bye.
Michael: Thanks, Suzanne. Bye. Suzanne: Bye.
8-episode sci-fi/horror anthology series will be coming exclusively
to Amazon Prime Video, streaming on July 19th. The
series first debuted last February at Entertainment
Weekly's and SCAD's prestigious television festival, aTV
Fest and will have a panel at this year’s Comic-Con in
San Diego.
is confirmed for an official panel at Comic Con with
panelists Sibongile Mlambo (Netflix’s Lost in Space),
Nicholas Brendan (Buffy), Clare Kramer (Buffy), Lana
McKissack (Transformers), Michael
Nardelli (Circle), Noemi Gonzalez (Paranormal
Activity), Rene Heger (Circle), Brian Elerding (Mad Men)
along with filmmakers Tim Nardelli,
Mario Miscione and Roxy Shih. The series will hold two
screenings at the Hard Rock San Diego on July 19th and
Series has a
unique history; marking one of the first times an entire
season of television has ever been produced
independently. The show comes from the creative team
behind 2015's Netflix film CIRCLE, which has gone on to
become a cult hit inspiring online video games and live
theatrical performances and adaptations across the
highlights the voices and contributions of a wide
variety of indie filmmakers, writers, and fan favorite
genre actors and features tales that delve deep into the
strange and dangerous “Dark/Web” that lurks just beneath
the surface of the internet we use every single day.
Series utilizes a unique story within a story format,
with each episode telling a standalone "Dark/Web-centric" tale, connected by a serialized,
season-long narrative surrounding the origin of the
mysterious stories. Each tale tackles a different danger
of the tech age, inspired by real life Dark/Web
occurrences and the modern-day dangers of an "always
connected" world.
In the
near future, the evolution of the internet has given way
to a world in crisis; one where everyone's connected but
no one is safe. Molly Solis, a cyber analyst, understood
these dangers better than anyone and was determined to
make a difference... until she disappeared. Now, friends
and foes from her past are in a race against time to
decipher cryptic messages she's left behind; tales that
paint a grim picture of technology run amok. As the
mystery deepens, they’ll discover the stories, and Molly
herself, may be concealing information that could change
the world... or destroy it.
Felt Films
is the production company behind project (Michael and
Tim Nardelli) who once again
teamed up with CIRCLE filmmaker Mario Miscione,
co-creator of the popular YouTube series THE VAULT.
The massive cast includes: Sibongile Mlambo
(Netflix’s LOST IN SPACE, TEEN WOLF), Julie Benz
Nicholas Brendan (BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER), Gabriel
Nardelli (THE PEOPLE VS. OJ SIMPSON), Hannah
Williams (TEEN WOLF), Robert Davi (GOONIES, DIE HARD),
PINES), Hayley Marie Norman (TOP FIVE), Dora Madison
ALIENIST), Amin El Gamal (PRISON BREAK revival), Lana
McKissack (TRANSFORMERS), Brian Elerding (MAD MEN), and
Noemi Gonzalez (ROSEWOOD).

In addition to “Dark/Web", Michael is currently
starring in the play “The Narcissist Next Door” at
The Complex Hollywood. The infamous phrase “Be
careful what you wish for” has never been more
appropriate in this outrageous comedy written by
Ellen Buckley. The play will run until June 30th. https://www.nextdoornarcissist.com
Michael made his professional acting debut as
Stradivarius Helberg on the television show
‘Quintuplets'. He then co-starred in the independent
film "Derby Stallion" opposite Zac Efron and the
comedy “Grassroots", with Jason Biggs. Soon after,
Michael portrayed a lovesick teenager in the 3D
horror thriller "The Collection" and has recurred on
various television shows including "American Crime
Story: The People
Vs. OJ Simpson", “Revenge", "CSI: New York",
and “Nashville". His additional credits include
starring in the Netflix psychological-thriller
“Circle”, "The Tribe" and Hallmark Channel’s
“Christmas In Homestead”.
Beyond acting, Michael has established himself as a
producer and director. His film, "Another Happy
Day", wherein he also acted opposite Ezra Miller,
Kate Bosworth and Demi Moore. Additional films
include "The Giant Mechanical Man" with Jenna Fisher
and "Dennis Doesn’t Live Here Anymore".
Michael is a self proclaimed Sci Fi, Comic Book and
gamer nerd. When he is not working, he loves to be
involved with the PATH Organization, Autism Speaks,
the Boys and Girls Club of Boyle Heights and NCJW
LA. Michael received his Bachelor’s Degree in Film
and Theater from USC. Back to the Main Articles
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Page updated 7/10/19