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Interview with Martinez of "The
Walking Dead" on
AMC 12/8/16
Today I was lucky enough to get to chat with the star of
"The Walking Dead," Martinez, who plays David on the
#1 hit show on AMC. I spoke with him a little about
the season 7 mid-season finale, which airs Sunday,
December 11, 2016, as well as what fans should be expecting
in this season, and a few questions about his role in the
Q: Is there anything you can tell me about the
show that the fans would or wouldn't be suspecting? Without
giving out any spoilers...
A: Fans of the comic book
are going to be very excited about what's going to be unfolding
the rest of this season and next. Fans of the comic book are
going to quickly realize which storyline is coming up. In
my personal opinion, and it's also that a lot of other people, this is
arguably one of the best storylines in the entire comic
book. This season is going to be very violent and very
scary because there is going to be a lot of roles
introduced. Take it from Rick and the gang. All the sections
are going to come together or not. Are they going to be able
to work together or not? I believe Jeffrey Dean Morgan just
announced that he signed for another season. So just amazing
stuff coming up, especially with what the fans see this
Sunday night on the mid-season finale.
Q: What was one of the scenes you really enjoyed filming,
or that you were in personally, that you are very proud of?
A: I have two scenes. One coming up this weekend that I
am really excited about because I get to interact with
Andrew Lincoln, and he is such an extraordinary actor. In
terms of field leadership, he really is a patriot, and a
leader on a day-to-day basis. From the time they yell
"action," during the take, up until they yell "cut." He
really is a type of person to lead by example. It's really
is amazing, and I am very proud to have gotten to work with
him. There is another amazing scene coming up later on, that
I'm so stoked about. However, I can't mention because it
would be a big spoiler.
Q: What is it that you enjoy
playing about your part on the show? What is it that you
bring to this season that is going to really resonate with
the fans of the show and the comic book?
A: I really
feel like, compared to my character in the comic book... I
really want to thank the writers. They really did a good job
at elevating the role of David. That ideally is in the comic
book, and making him a more interesting part of the story
line, and at the same time, fans of the comic book are going
to appreciate the canon. The ideas of the canon of the comic
book are kept, but made differently and slightly reinvented
by the writers of the show. What I love about the role of
David is for me, I really feel like it's an opportunity to
give the fans one of the best nasty versions of what a
Savior is. A lot of people might feel that David's
character is so unique, and different from all the other
Saviors and begin able to take the audience on that ride of
the viciousness and nastiness, especially in this world were
everything is grimy and gritty, and tough as nails. That
what this character is, and I have a really wonderful
takeaway where I get to show another side of this character.
I think it is really special, and I feel like the viewers
are going to really connect to it in a way that they didn't
expect to, and that's really what I'm looking forward to the
Q: What other character do you see yourself as
from the show? Who would you be?
A: For me, man, it
could go a couple of ways! I mean, of course, everybody
wants to be a badass Darryl or Rick Grimes. As you
can tell by my character, I have a mean and nasty side. So I
can see myself becoming a Negan, like in a very warped
reality or something. That's why I think Jeffrey Dean Morgan
is so great. He allows us, as a audience, to explore
the darker side of our personality, and he makes it kinda
okay to root for the bad guy. So I would really, really hope
I would have the fortitude and courage to be able to really
help these people in an objectively moral way! Because
morals change and can become really different.
Q: What is the oddest or most weird encounter you have
had with a fan?
A: Coming from set to the trailers on
the first day, we had just finished wrapping... it was
pretty late at night, and as we pulled into where the
trailers were, there was a huge crowd of people. I was
like "Oh, my God! What's going on? Is everyone
alright?" They were like, "Oh, no, everything is fine.
Those are just the fans. They have been camped out here
since 5am." Yeah, but I think one of the funniest
reaction I have ever had was on Twitter I get a lot of "I
hate you, die! And by the way, you're a great actor." I had
this one lady say "I wish I had Carl's gun. I would have
shot you in the face myself." I reposted her tweet and I was
like, "That is awesome, thank you."
Q: I know you
work with a lot of talent on the set, but who do you see
yourself hanging out with, when you're not filming?
A: Well, to be honest, being bi-coastal, working in Los
Angeles and Atlanta, the crew are awesome and so nice.
I don't know if it's the southern hospitality, or what, but
everyone is just wonderful. I mean I remember having
conversations with Andrew Lincoln and Josh McDermitt about
acting. They are just such intelligent, smart actors.
Definitely my fellow Saviors. In fact, I do hang out
with them. I have to give a shout-out to my boy Li'l Diggie.
In fact, there is a meme out with Dave Chappelle, where he
plays that crackhead character (from his show). I hang
with him, William Sanderson... Mikie the D.P., and in fact,
I'm going to be hanging with the crew members next week. So,
yeah, just a lot of cool people on set all around. But it's
just like old high school friends. There is just not a lot
of interaction between shows with me. I tend to be more of a
private person on hiatus. I'm at home with my wife watching
some Netflix or something. I've never been a real big party
guy. I mean, I could lie and make up all kinds of fun and
exciting things, but it would all be a lie.
Q: Are
you anything in real life like the roles you've played on
A: Well, I'm just glad to be
working. But most of the parts I get, I play a drug dealer,
or a black market body parts dealer. But at current points
in our life, we all have a bad guy type of personality, by
which we need to do certain things to get ahead, or even...
or not even, but on the same level playing field. So, in my
every-day life, I'm a raging asshole(Laughs) No. I mean, in
fact, the people I know are like "Oh, my God! This is you?
Cause you're like the nicest guy we know"....When they see
the kind of parts I'm getting called in for. I think, deep
down there is a level of darkness in everyone. So it just
depends on whether you're going to go towards the light or
the dark, and I tend to dance in the light, then I do the
Q: Do you watch your own shows/movies, or do
you own any of the shows/movies you have ever been in on
A: I hate watching myself, but it is a little
bit different with "The Walking Dead," though. Just because
I'm such a fan of the show. I'm such a Dead Head fan. I
mean, I have to watch it. I need to know what's going on
with Rick and Carol. So that's a little bit different.
But I have put together my own demo reels and stuff. I have
to stand back and look at it from a business standpoint.
Like, "What do I need to do to show a casting director,
look--I can also do these other roles as well." So that is
the only way. I can watch myself because otherwise, if I
know I'm going to be on TV, I leave the room or just
avoid the channel I'm going to be on. Yeah, I'm kinda weird
like that.
Q: Is there anyone you would like to meet
that you're starstruck by or that you would like to work
A: Um, it's a little old school, but Al Pacino.
I would love to work with him, and if I ever meet him in
person, I would probably dribble like a baby.. .But you know
who else? I would love to meet that's not even a actor:
President Obama. Regardless of what his political views are,
I just love his speech- writing abilities. I just love his
intelligence. I would love to meet him at some point if I
was lucky enough for that to happen, and Meryl Streep. I
watch her as often as I can. I mean, she is so amazing.
And also JJ Abrams because my favorite franchises are "Star
Trek" and "Star Wars." JJ, I would love to meet you if
you're reading this right now!
Q: If you could switch
with any other character on the show and play another role,
who would it be?
A: I would love to switch with
Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Except, he does it so well... I think
people would be disappointed. He is just so good at it. I
mean, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is amazing. He could
charm the pants off a mannequin. It's ridiculous. But
I mean, that role is so fun, and the writers give him so
much fun dialogue. It's crazy. I would love to switch, but I
think the fans would not be too happy, and a little bit
disappointed if that were to happen. At least if I had his
performance to compare it to.
Q: Is there anything
you would like to say to the fans of the show or that they
should look forward to about the upcoming season?
Fans of the comic book, strap on your seatbelt, tie your
boots, and hold on to something because the rest of this
season and next season is going to be a wild, wild, ride.
For anyone who is a fan of David in the comic books, you are
going to really really love what the writers and producers
have done with the characters, when it is all said and done.
I'm really honored to have been apart of this entire
experience. To the fans, I want to say, you fans are
amazing! Additionally, I wanna knock you out. I have
been receiving so much love from the fans on Twitter. I have
been receiving so much love and fan art from all over the
world--Haiti, France, the UK Ireland, and Australia! I mean
it has been just so kind, and so heart-warming, humbling,
and at times, overwhelming. To see how much people love what
we're doing on the show...it really kinda validates
everything I ever thought about in terms of being an actor,
in terms of the very intimate relationship between an actor
and an audience, what we kind of have together.
Also, if you ever have any questions, you can hit me up
on Twitter
@actorMartinez I love interacting with my fans! I have a
lot more than I did a few weeks ago, so it may take a little
bit longer for me to get back with you. But I'm working on
it and will continue to do so cause without you guys, what I
do would not be anything. I love you guys from the bottom of
my heart, and I wanna thank some of the best fans in the
entire world well.
Martinez (formerly known as currently stars on the
#1 hit show on television AMC's "The
Walking Dead"
playing the role of 'David,' aka 'Davey' one of the
Saviors led by 'Negan' (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). As the
grieving survivors struggle to come to terms with life
under Negan's rule, Negan, Davey and the rest of the
Saviors arrive at Alexandria days ahead of schedule for
their first offering taking the majority of their
furniture, medicine, and all of their weapons which
causes tension between the two groups. Davey creates
even more tension as he gets in a gun-draw with Carl
which almost leads him to get killed. Rick (Andrew
Lincoln) informs the survivors that he is no longer in
charge and they must learn to live by Negan's terms.
episodes of "The Walking Dead" airs Sunday nights at
9/8c on AMC.
Born in Miami and raised
in Jacksonville, Martinez is of
Dominican and Puerto Rican descent.
Martinez grew up playing sports and when his
aspiration to play professional football was thwarted,
he chose to study pre-law at Stetson University. On a
$20 bet during his first semester,
Martinez auditioned for the school play
Bye Bye Birdie
and was cast in the hit comedy. This led him to pursue
his passion for acting and he applied and got accepted
to the top ranked Boston University B.F.A. conservatory
program. After moving to Los Angeles,
Martinez has been working consistently and has
had breakout roles in "Grey's Anatomy," "Brooklyn
Nine-Nine," "CSI: New York" "Prison Break" and "Days of
Our Lives," to name a few.
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