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What We Can Expect from "The Magicians"
Season 4 1/9/19
The season three finale of "The
Magicians" ended with Dean Fogg assisting the Library to
control all magic by siphoning the well spring. The dean
makes an agreement to spare the lives of Quentin, Margo,
Eliot, Julia, Penny, Kady and Josh by erasing their memories
and replacing them with alternates. Magic is rationed on
Earth, and the seemingly invincible monster infects Eliot,
who locates Quentin, telling him “There’s so much for us to
do together, I can’t wait to get started on all the people
who really deserve our wrath.”
The Season 4
shows Margo summoned by an energetic emanation of the god
Ember, who tells her that his emanation would only be
triggered by “world war, pandemic, arrival of hostile or
uninvited gods onto Fillorian soil, revolt of dwarves, or
mass rising of the dead.” We can assume that at least one of
these events is happening during season four.
From the
trailer, we know that the gang eventually get their
memories back, and monster-controlled Eliot and Q most
likely fight against the Library. A January 6, 2019
post by "The Magicians" writer Sera Gamble may allude to
a mirror world/alternate dimension. We also know from the
trailer that mirror bridges will again be utilized.
Seasons One through Three are
currently being streamed on
and Netflix,
and Season Four returns to SYFY Wednesday, January 23rd.

Based on the best-selling novels by
Lev Grossman, SYFY’s "The Magicians" centers on Quentin
Coldwater (Jason Ralph) and his 20-something friends as they
discover their magical abilities and ward off evil creatures
who threaten to destroy the magical world they’ve come to
know.Last season on “The Magicians,” our core group embarked
on the epic quest of the seven keys to restore magic after
it was turned off. Dean Fogg negotiated the lives of his
students, erasing their memories and giving each – except
Alice who is now imprisoned by the Library – a new,
magic-free identity. Even with their new identities, our
core group is far from safe since inside Castle Blackspire,
an ancient, powerful and unkillable Monster escaped
confinement and jumped bodies to a new host, Eliot. Season 3
ended with The Monster finding a mind-wiped Quentin, and
Season 4 will pick up with The Monster seeking out the
others, and something else… From Universal Cable
Productions, “The Magicians” stars Ralph, Stella Maeve,
Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer
Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor, Brittany Curran and Trevor
Einhorn. The series is executive produced by John McNamara,
Sera Gamble, Chris Fisher, Henry Alonso Myers and
Groundswell Productions' Michael London and Janice
Williams.e, Chris Fisher and Groundswell Productions'
Michael London and Janice Williams.
Website: syfy.com/themagicians
Facebook: facebook.com/MagiciansSyfy
Twitter: @MagiciansSyfy
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Page updated 1/9/19