This was a very fun
conference call with actor Omari Hardwick, who plays Ty on the show.
He liked to talk a lot, and he was very personable. We discussed at
length his character's troubles with his wife versus his job.
Turner Entertainment Moderator: Kristina Stafford August 19, 2010 1:00 pm CT
Operator: Good day and welcome to the Omari
Hardwick "Dark Blue" conference call. Today's call is being
recorded. At this time, I would like to turn the conference over
to Ms. Kristina Stafford.
Kristina Stafford:
Good afternoon and thank
you so much for joining the Omari Hardwick "Dark Blue" conference call.
"Dark Blue" airs Wednesdays at 9:00, 8:00 Central on TNT.
And we'll take our first question from Lisa Steinberg of
"Starry Constellation Magazine."
Lisa Steinberg: Hi, good morning, thank you
so much for speaking with me.
Omari Hardwick: You're welcome. No
problem, how are you doing? Is – are we connected?
Lisa Steinberg: Yes, we sure are.
Omari Hardwick: OK.
Lisa Steinberg: I was wondering what it is
about your role on "Dark Blue" that really continues to challenge you?
Omari Hardwick: Maybe repeat the question
Lisa Steinberg: What is it about your role
on "Dark Blue" that really …
Omari Hardwick: Oh, OK.
Lisa Steinberg: … continues to challenge
Omari Hardwick: Well I think – I think that
you know at least for me, it's ever – it's ever changing you know it's
ever – it's ever growing in terms of Ty Curtis, and he's somebody that
we saw the first season, of course, pretty much – pretty much attached
to the balancing beam of being the husband and being the righteous
provider, and then also being you know the provider for his task, and
for his group and his team, and keeping that a priority, and making sure
that he was the best cop he could possibly be.
But at the same time, the best husband he could be.
And I think it's a natural built-in challenge for me this year, of
course, because of the basic – but I guess paramount changes that were
made that will ultimately unfold you know to Ty as a character in terms
of that balancing beam sort of being alleviated a little bit, and he
doesn’t have the same pressures of being the husband that he did last
year, at least, and this year, his priority has sort of increased to
just being the cop that he signed up to be you know from the beginning.
And I think – I think the writers are constantly
challenging me as an actor to bring to Ty whatever they ask me to bring.
I think the writers are equally as challenging as the character is, but
it's ever – it's ever changing, and I think Ty is.
Lisa Steinberg: And there's an addition to
the show now with Tricia Helfer, and I was wondering how you feel
bringing this new cast member into the show has really I guess like
upped up – upped the ante, or – for further viewers, or made it more …
Omari Hardwick: Yes …
Lisa Steinberg: … enjoyable for them.
Omari Hardwick: … it – I think she – I
think Tricia has definitely brought – has brought a different
complexion, should I say, to the – to the show you know in terms of
first and foremost, I guess, what she brings to Dylan McDermott's
character, and that being – that being the love interest, we saw – we
saw him as more of brooding sort of enforcer last year, and this year,
Carter Shaw has got his hands full of the gold pot, I guess, that makes
him a lot lighter in the – in the gold pot you know as analogous to
Tricia, and what she's brought.
She's also brought a natural sex appeal that obviously
she's a very beautiful, sexy woman. But as a character, what she's
brought is the sex appeal of a woman in charge you know and Dylan's
character is sort of seduced by her, not only literally, but
figuratively as well you know I mean the things that we watch on TV,
we're still watching.
And the genre of TV that "Dark Blue" plays under, we're
still watching mostly men you know from positions of power in law
worlds, like Dylan played before in "The Practice" all the way to cop
roles, like he's now playing on "Dark Blue." And I think it's
really a fancy and kind of nice thing to see all the sudden a woman in
charge of him, and thusly in charge of our entire squad.
And as an actor and as a person, she's just been a joy
to work with. She actually is a lot tougher maybe than she even
lets on as her character, Alex, on the TV show, she rides motorcycles,
and I ride as well, and Logan Marshall-Green rides. So the three
of us have definitely taken to the streets and ridden our bikes.
So she's been a great addition.
Lisa Steinberg: Thank you again for
speaking with us.
Omari Hardwick: You're welcome.
Operator: We'll take our next question from
Suzanne Lanoue of The TV MegaSite.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi, thank you for taking
our questions today.
Omari Hardwick: No problem, Suzanne.
Suzanne Lanoue: What do you think – is it
difficult playing your character sometimes sort of close to the vest
because you have to keep part of the characters hidden from what he's
really thinking going through until we see how the story plays out?
Omari Hardwick: Yes, I think it's a great
question. Yes, I'll speak first and foremost on – or maybe sort of
reiterate what I – what I stated before, and that's the fact that Ty was
– you know was the character that it wasn't the same mystery so to speak
that surrounded Dean, and you knew more about Ty because of the fact
that he was the actual one that painted the picture of American world,
and that being the house and the wife you know working on the kids, if
not kids yet.
And so obviously there were more things that you could
pick from and relate to your own life, and I wasn’t – I don’t think – I
wasn't as mysterious a character as the other characters were. But
I think it still was very much a challenge for me, and one that I took a
lot of pride in keeping him as mysterious as possible you know not the
built-in mystery that maybe surrounds Dean Bendis' character, but Ty
Curtis still needs an element of mystery, and for you not to know
exactly what he's thinking, particularly professionally, because he's
got a job at hand, and he's still a grown man doing that job.
So you know all of his tricks cannot be let out of the
bag, and I think it's definitely as an actor, when you're playing a
character like that where everything's not in the front of the house,
but more so in the back of the house, I think it definitely is more so a
challenge for you not to sort of spit it all out, and show all of your –
all of your hand when you're at the table. And I think it's what
keeps "Dark Blue" exciting I think for the most part, all of the
characters have an element of mystery, and until it's hatched, you don’t
necessarily know what we have you know inside the egg.
And so maybe it was a lot harder for Ty to be more
mysterious because they gave me more of the – of the revealing
character, but I think this year more than ever, he has finally found
his mystery, and I think people are along for the ride of not
necessarily knowing what they knew last year. Sure, great
Suzanne Lanoue: Thank you. I – yes, I
think it's really interesting about your character in that you're the
only one that's actually married. And part of me would like to see
how the character progresses if the marriage breaks up, and goes through
all that drama, and becomes a single guy. But on the other hand,
you're the only one that is married, so it's kind of nice to have that
contrast in the characters.
Omari Hardwick: Yes, I think – you know
obviously I'm not meeting you in person, but you obviously carry very
much the sentiment that I – that I've carried as the person playing him.
So I couldn’t echo what you say any better than that. It's
twofold, it's kind of a gift and a curse that the writers have given me,
but it's at the same time exciting, because it is you know twofold, half
in one, half a dozen in the other, so I don’t know, it's tough.
Suzanne Lanoue: Thank you. Thank you.
Operator: We'll go next to Lena Lamoray of
Lena Lamoray: Hi, it's great to speak with
you today.
Omari Hardwick: Thank you, thanks for
Lena Lamoray: Welcome. Now this
season, you're really exploring the darker side of your character.
So what are your thoughts on Ty's seemingly downward spiral?
Omari Hardwick: Well like I was just saying
to Suzanne, it's – you know it's six in one hand, and half a dozen in
the other, because you know the six in the left hand has been the fact
that he is sort of the (wise age). And I want to hold onto that, I
don’t want to play even in the element of darkness that he's been asked
to live in this year, I don’t want to play that cliché, I've never
really been the actor that thinks that's the route that you should go.
So I still – you coined it a “downward spiral,” and I –
maybe I wouldn’t necessarily coin it that, I would call it – but I agree
with you, but I would more so call it just exploring the very, very
human side of himself, and I think we all wake up and have a wolf that
screams inside of us. And normal society doesn’t allow most folks,
probably including yourself, and myself even as an actor to be able to
do what these characters can do in terms of that wolf being let out.
And I don’t necessarily think that that's foreign or
that abnormal you know I just think that Ty painted the picture of what
society knows, which is a controlled anger, and maybe that's what made
me most interesting to view, as I humbly say, was the fact that I had to
have more of a controlled anger, whereas maybe the character that they
hired Logan Marshall-Green to play was not as controlled, so to speak.
And so I must say that it's a lot more fun to not have
to be as controlled. I don’t know if I would call it such a
downward spiral, but the darkness of where you see a character played by
Denzel Washington and Alonzo in "Training Day" verse the controlled
anger maybe that he plays in "Man on Fire" definitely ties more of the
Alonzo this year. And I think it's a lot more fun than to be the
one whose jaw is clenched, and trying to hold back all that he wants to
really scream out to the wife and to the job you know so I think it's a
lot more fun for me this year.
Lena Lamoray: Definitely. Now can you
share any stories about what goes on behind the scenes of "Dark Blue"?
Omari Hardwick: Well I'm – as I told my TNT
cohorts, and my publicist, I am speaking to all of you from an
undisclosed spot in the canyons of Los Angeles, California, but in the
back yard of my cast mate, Dylan McDermott. So definitely what
goes on behind the scenes is us hanging out you know that is not cliché,
and it's not something that on this show you find to just be something
that sounds good to the interviewer.
I think that there's a lot of joking, there's a lot of
camaraderie, there's a lot of locker room banter that takes place off
the set, at least between the guys, and even between Nicki and Tricia as
well. But my week proceeds as such, I started out yesterday with
lunch with Logan, I did a bike ride this morning with Dylan, and now I'm
speaking to you guys. I am going out tonight to have a drink with
Nicki, and then I think I'm doing next week a motorcycle ride with
So at least for me you know in real life, Omari Hardwick
is a middle child. So maybe Ty or the Omari that plays Ty is the
same thing when it comes to the environment off the set you know I kind
of think that if it's cut and we go back to our trailers, I think it's a
beautiful sight to see that we actually get along, and that we hang out,
and you know we have our moments of letting the directors and the – and
the writers feel our frustration with certain things that are going on
on the set. But that's to be expected.
But otherwise, it's a pretty light environment, because
the content, of course, of what we're portraying every Wednesday is so
heavy. So I would say that it's a – it's a light environment, and
maybe very reflective of what actual undercover cops go through.
You know I think there's a lot of banter and a lot of joking and a lot
of off the job camaraderie that they have to abide by as well to be able
to stay sane.
Lena Lamoray: Thank you.
Omari Hardwick: You're welcome.
Operator: We'll go next to Earl Dittman of
"Wireless" magazine.
Earl Dittman: How you doing, Omari?
Omari Hardwick: Hey. How are you
Earl Dittman: Doing great. I guess
first off, were you a fan of "Battlestar Galactica"?
Omari Hardwick: No, I wasn't.
Earl Dittman: Oh, you haven't seen it?
Omari Hardwick: I was – you know what, I've
never – I've never been a big – I've never been …
Earl Dittman: Sci-fi fan.
Omari Hardwick: … a big sci-fi, but I do –
I'll tell you what I did like, if the sci-fi had a lot of story to it,
then I was more into it. Like my brother was a Trekkie, my older
brother, my – I was more (Buck Rogers), because it had more story to it,
so …
Earl Dittman: Yes.
Omari Hardwick: … you know "Battlestar
Galactica", I didn’t – and I feel bad about it, and Tricia's beat me up
for it, I knew her work – I knew her work, I was very familiar with her
from other projects.
Earl Dittman: From "Burn Notice" and other
Omari Hardwick: … I can't say – I can't say
I tuned in – no, I can't say I tuned into that.
Earl Dittman: Oh, well she's done a great
amount of work. So she's – it sounds like you all are having a
great time together, you all are really working out well.
Omari Hardwick: Yes, we're doing – we're
doing good. We're trying to …
Earl Dittman: I think …
Omari Hardwick: … we're trying to do our
Earl Dittman: Yes, well you know what's
great about it is, I also think that this season, everyone's – the
season seems a little lighter, it doesn’t see as heavy.
Omari Hardwick: Yes, it's definitely
lighter. I mean you know we don’t – we don’t necessarily know what
the viewer wants until you throw out the first fate and you know we got
bites back that were more about – that were more about the darkness of
the show being the thing that was hard I guess to digest. And so
we threw out a different bait, and I think it's lighter. And
hopefully that will continue on to be something that pleases the world,
I don’t know.
Earl Dittman: Yes, are you getting the
reaction to this, to the new format?
Omari Hardwick: You know what, I don’t – I
don’t know as much, I don’t really know you know I sort of have stayed
away from the reactions in terms of being quantified by numbers. I
definitely on the street am getting people, but at the same token,
there's a lot of people that didn’t watch the show last year, so they
don’t have a lot to compare it to. But I'm definitely getting
positive feedback, sure.
Earl Dittman: Well it's an incredible – you
know it started off incredible, but I think it's gotten even better …
Omari Hardwick: Thank you, man.
Earl Dittman: … it really hit so many
formats, and it really does at so many different places. Thank God
the guy's got a girlfriend and is getting laid.
Omari Hardwick: That's funny.
Earl Dittman: But …
Omari Hardwick: That's funny.
Earl Dittman: … it – was the change kind of
jarring for you at the beginning, or was it kind of a smooth move into
the new environment? Because there's a lot of changes obviously
with all the characters.
Omari Hardwick: Yes, it was – I tell you
what, it wasn't as much a trend – it wasn't as much a jarring – that's a
– that's a good word you chose – it wasn't as much jarring for me in
terms of Tricia being brought in. I think we all felt that Dylan
especially, if not specifically, needed to be lightened in that he was
brooding, and you know not – obviously not Dylan, but his character.
And I think that that change was more something that
maybe we all kind of saw coming, particularly you're working with actors
that are film actors as well as – with seasoned actors as well as film
actors. So you can sort of – like a musician, or a producer, you
can sort of tell the next beat that's going to happen, for something
like that. What was jarring for me was the changes that were made
to my marriage life character wise, those were a little jarring, they
definitely were jarring if I could speak for (Madra Golding), who you
know played the character (Melissa).
So yes, that was very jarring, and something that even
(Danny Cannon), who's Executive Producer and part creator, along with
(Doug Jung), even he spoke to me in private and said you know that's not
something that he necessarily would have done at another – you know at a
– at another time and another place he said he would have kept it the
way it was. But changes were necessary, and something had to go.
So that was more jarring, but a lot of the major changes, particularly
the one that you speak about with Tricia, was not jarring for me.
Earl Dittman: Yes. Do you all – do
you all film in Los Angeles?
Omari Hardwick: We do, we film in – it's a
show that – and so to piggyback your question, it's a show that we
signed up for in excitement, because it was being sold to us as
something that was going to be shot in the offbeat side alleyway street
of downtown Los Angeles, which you don’t find a lot in TV, first and
foremost, and definitely not in TV that's shot in L.A.
And some of those changes, these we were not as jarring,
again, some of those changes that I can add to this season were that we
are not as much in the downtown L.A. area, we now have definitely
married the work in the streets of L.A. to the work on the – on the
studio lot.
So those are – those are definitely also a little bit of
– a little bit of the changes that happen that…
Earl Dittman: But you know it works really,
really though, I have to say, as a big fan you know of both the first
season and this season, it works really, really well, and I'm so – I'm
very happy for you all.
Omari Hardwick: I have – I have to trust
you – I have to trust you on a lot of that. You know we, as
actors, just show up and we hit the ball, but you catch it. So I
appreciate it.
Earl Dittman: Well thank you, guys, and
keep putting out some good work, really appreciate it.
Omari Hardwick: Thank you, brother, thank
Operator: We'll go next to Megan Ward of
Megan Ward: Hi, thanks for taking the time
Omari Hardwick: Hey, Megan, thank you.
Megan Ward: So what can you tell us about
the new film, "I Will Follow"?
Omari Hardwick: I can – well I can tell you
that most recently, Ava DuVernay, who is the Director, she has the – it
has made it into the New York Film Festival, or Urban World,
specifically, which will take place in New York, and getting a lot of
buzz in the independent circle, and in terms of the film festival
And it's a project that mostly speaks to the – maybe the
live life to the fullest, but at the same time, living it with a lot of
fear, single women that are out there, that character is played by – her
name is escaping me right now, which shouldn’t, because she's a friend
of mine – (Sallie Richardson), and she plays sort of that Julia Roberts
character we see in this you know film that she's now in that was based
on the huge selling novel.
And she goes through, without giving too much away, she
goes through a major loss in her life, and in the midst of that, she
turns to love to try to heal her. And my character is one half of
the love triangle that – or 1/3 of the love triangle that she's stuck
between, between herself, me and then a character played by the very
talented Blair Underwood.
So it's myself, Blair Underwood, like I said, Tracie
Thoms, the very talented actress who we saw on the Quentin Tarantino
film recently, and it's a good independent project that I shot right at
the end of "Dark Blue" and – of last season. And so I'm looking
forward to it, I'm definitely going to New York to introduce the film
with the rest of the cast, and we'll see. It was a first time
directing job by Ava DuVernay, who had only I think before that shot a
Megan Ward: Wow. Now you've been busy
with TV and movies, but you started in theatre. Can you tell us
about your return to theatre?
Omari Hardwick: I'm really excited, I spoke
too soon, it's so ironic, because I spoke too soon. About 2 weeks
ago, it appeared as though I was returning on a particular play that was
((inaudible)) in its theme, and I was extremely excited about it.
And then have wanted to return to the right play for a very long time,
and they put a pin in me, which in – for laymen's term, they basically
put me on hold. And it turns out that I am actually now not doing
So I'm not returning as quick as I thought – as quickly
as I thought I would be returning to the stage, but I am up for several
theatre projects, and actually was talking to Dylan McDermott today
about one of them that was put on stage years ago, and it's a piece I'm
really excited about that was written by Miguel Pinero, the famous poet.
And so we'll see how – you know how soon I can actually talk specifics
to you about my return to stage, but it's not going to happen as quick
as I thought it was.
Megan Ward: OK.
Omari Hardwick: Very excited though, I mean
that's my birthplace, and Logan and Dylan as well, so the three of us
talk a lot of theatre jargon when we're on set, and I'm really excited
to be able to get back to a place where the wood is underneath my seat
for at least a 2-month period.
Megan Ward: Great, thank you so much again
for your time.
Omari Hardwick: You're welcome, Megan.
Operator: We'll go next to Suzanne Lanoue
of The TV Mega Site.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi, nice to talk to you
Omari Hardwick: Hey. How you doing?
Suzanne Lanoue: I was – all right. I
was looking at your biography, and two things struck me, because I'm
from San Diego, and I noticed you spent some time there.
Omari Hardwick: Oh yes.
Suzanne Lanoue: Are you still – are you a
big Charger's fan still, or …
Omari Hardwick: I am – I am a big Charger's
fan, I've been very disappointed. You know maybe I speak for you
as well, but I've been really disappointed because they've been you know
close, but no cigar …
Suzanne Lanoue: Yes.
Omari Hardwick: … you know it has been a
tough thing for me. And I actually thought that they should not
have let go of the coaching staff that they let go of when they were
what, 14 and 1, or 13 and 2, or whatever. So – but I am a big fan,
I will continue to support them. I have a cousin who played with
Oakland Raiders, so I kind of you know have to whisper that I also
follow the Raiders as well. But you know I grew up in Atlanta, so
I think my team's …
Suzanne Lanoue: Right.
Omari Hardwick: … really circled between
the Atlanta Falcons and San Diego Chargers.
Suzanne Lanoue: Yes, my husband's a huge
fan, so yes; he's always expressing his displeasure with them.
Omari Hardwick: ((Inaudible)).
Suzanne Lanoue: Yes.
Omari Hardwick: He's taking it out – he's
taking it out on your TVs? You probably lost a couple of TVs,
right? Yes.
Suzanne Lanoue: Yes. And the other
thing I noticed, well we just moved a month ago to Columbus, Georgia,
and …
Omari Hardwick: OK.
Suzanne Lanoue: … here from Decatur.
Omari Hardwick: Yes, there you go.
Suzanne Lanoue: Do you go back to visit?
Omari Hardwick: I do, I – yes, I – it's a –
yes, Decatur and then Stone Mountain. I actually was more so
raised in Decatur, like you say, and you know my roots in Savannah.
And a lot of times, the write-ups get it kind of messed up, but that's
OK, they're paying homage to my grandparents, who are still –
fortunately I'm lucky to have all four, and they're in Savannah.
But I was raised in Decatur, and mom and pops eventually
moved to Stone Mountain, and I went to (Maris) High School in the middle
of Northeast Atlanta. And I got back hopefully I'll start to be
able to go back more, but at the same time, hopefully you know not as
much as maybe I would like to, because it will only mean that I'm
really, really busy working. If I can …
Suzanne Lanoue: Right.
Omari Hardwick: … get back two times a
year, that's really good.
Suzanne Lanoue: Yes, that – yes.
Omari Hardwick: You know I went home
recently because a cousin passed away, so I had to go home recently for
that, and also to finish a Tyler Perry movie that will come out in
January that I shot in Atlanta as well.
Suzanne Lanoue: Oh great.
Omari Hardwick: Yes, so I do …
Suzanne Lanoue: That's great.
Omari Hardwick: … I miss the – I miss the
trees, I miss the life, and …
Suzanne Lanoue: Yes.
Omari Hardwick: … I'm glad that you're
there now; you can hold it down for me.
Suzanne Lanoue: I will, and I'm sorry about
your cousin.
Omari Hardwick: Oh thank you, thank you for
Suzanne Lanoue: Thank you.
Operator: At this time, I'll turn the
conference back over to Kristina Stafford.
Kristina Stafford: Thank you so much for
participating in the Omari Hardwick "Dark Blue" conference call.
As a reminder, "Dark Blue" airs on Wednesdays at 9:00, 8:00
Central on TNT. A transcript of this call will be available within
24 hours, please check with your respective TNT publicist, and thank
you, Omari, and thank you all for participating.
Omari Hardwick: You're welcome.
About Omari Hardwick
Omari Hardwick has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry
with his passion, dedication and undeniable, natural talent. Hardwick¹s
film credits include Lionsgate¹s Kick-Ass alongside Nicolas Cage, Chloe
Grace Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse; Buena Vista Pictures¹ The
Guardian opposite Kevin Kostner and Ashton Kutcher; MGM¹s Beauty Shop
alongside Queen Latifah; and Sony Pictures Entertainment¹s Gridiron Gang
opposite Dwayne Johnson and Xzibit. This summer, Hardwick can be seen in
The A-TEAM. Hardwick may be best known for his starring roles in
television, including his lead role as ³John ³Sack² Hallon in the TNT
series Saved.
Hardwick¹s first big break came in 2003, when he was cast as a series
regular in Spike Lee¹s Sucker Free City. Two years later, he landed the
feature The Guardian and Saved, both of which he booked within a
three-week span. Throughout 2007-2009, Hardwick worked on various
projects, including guest starring on several television series and
filming several movies, including Summit Entertainment¹s Next Day Air and
Touchstone Picture¹s Miracle at St. Anna.
In addition to acting, Hardwick is a founding member of Plan B Inc.
Theater Group and a co-founder of Los Angeles Actor¹s Lounge. He has big
plans for his production company, Bravelife, in 2010, with plans to expand
the company. Hardwick also continues to work on poetry and has written
more than 4,000 poems.
About Dark Blue
In the world of law enforcement, being an undercover cop is among the most
dangerous jobs. It also happens to be a huge adrenaline rush, as shown by
the elite team of detectives in TNT¹s action-packed series DARK BLUE.
Golden GlobeÒ winner Dylan McDermott (The Practice) stars in this drama
series from executive producer Jerry Bruckheimer, which airs Wednesdays at
9 p.m. (ET/PT). Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica) joins the cast of the
series, which also stars Omari Hardwick (TNT¹s Saved), Logan
Marshall-Green (The O.C.) and Nicki Aycox (Supernatural).
DARK BLUE follows the lives of an undercover team of Los Angeles police
officers so covert, many of their own colleagues don¹t even know they are
involved. The team is supervised by Lieutenant Carter Shaw (McDermott),
who frequently butts heads with his superiors over the risks the team is
prepared to take to bring down a target. This summer, Carter will be
forced to take orders from FBI Agent Alex Rice (Helfer) as they work
together on a special joint task force. Alex¹s arrival will also set the
stage for a major change in Carter¹s personal life.
The undercover team includes Ty Curtis (Hardwick), whose job is forming a
wedge between he and his wife; Dean Bendis (Marshall-Green), a
shoot-from-the-hip officer who won¹t hesitate to follow his own initiative
if he doesn¹t agree with an assignment; and Jaimie Allen (Aycox), a former
patrol cop whose success in covering up her shady past is the main reason
Carter originally chose her for his team.
Together, these undercover cops look to catch Los Angeles¹ most notorious
criminals, no matter what it takes. They understand, better than anyone,
that to bring down a criminal underworld, one must first dive into its
depths and get on the criminals¹ level. To do that, they socialize with
seedy characters and spend much of their time pretending to be someone
else, a task made all the more difficult when personal relationships
develop both on and off the job. These undercover officers are frequently
faced with circumstances that strain the line between right and wrong.
When that happens, what matters is loyalty to fellow officers and the goal
of finding the bad guys.
DARK BLUE is produced for TNT by Jerry Bruckheimer Television in
association with Warner Horizon Television, with Bruckheimer, Jonathan
Littman (the CSI series, Cold Case), Danny Cannon (the CSI series,
Eleventh Hour), Doug Jung (Big Love) and Rick Eid (Law & Order) serving as
executive producers. KristieAnne Reed (The Forgotten) is co-executive
Jerry Bruckheimer Television is one of the most successful production
companies in the history of the medium, with innovative and powerful
storytelling establishing new benchmarks in programming excellence. Jerry
Bruckheimer Television¹s series have included C.S.I.: Crime Scene
Investigation, C.S.I.: Miami, C.S.I.: NY, Cold Case, Without a Trace and
the seven-time Emmy® Award winner The Amazing Race and, for fall 2010, The
Whole Truth and Chase. In the 2005-2006 season, Jerry Bruckheimer
Television had a record-breaking 10 series on network television, a feat
unprecedented in nearly 60 years of television history. Jerry Bruckheimer
Television shows have garnered 88 Emmy Award nominations and 18 Emmys.
Warner Horizon Television (WHTV) is one of the entertainment industry¹s
fastest-growing television companies, specializing in the creation of
scripted series for the cable marketplace, and primetime reality series
for both network and cable. Founded in 2006, this second production
entity allows the Warner Bros. Television Group to expand its programming
offerings and explore creative options made possible under a new business
model. For summer 2010 and the 20102011 season, WHTV is producing more
than a dozen series. WHTV¹s unscripted series are The Bachelor, The
Bachelorette, Bachelor Pad and True Beauty for ABC, School Pride for NBC,
High School Reunion for TV Land and Randy Jackson Presents America¹s Best
Dance Crew for MTV. Scripted programs from WHTV are Dark Blue, Memphis
Beat and Rizzoli & Isles for TNT, Pretty Little Liars for ABC Family,
Rubicon for AMC and Unnatural History for Cartoon Network.
TNT, one of cable¹s top-rated networks, is television¹s destination for
drama. Seen in 99.6 million households, the network is home to such
original series as The Closer, starring Kyra Sedgwick; Leverage, starring
Timothy Hutton; and Dark Blue, starring Dylan McDermott; the upcoming
Rizzoli & Isles, starring Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander; Memphis Beat,
with Jason Lee; Men of a Certain Age, with Ray Romano, Scott Bakula and
Andre Braugher; and Southland, from Emmy®-winning producer John Wells
(ER). TNT also presents such powerful dramas as Bones, Supernatural, Las
Vegas, Law & Order, CSI: NY, Cold Case and Numb3rs; broadcast premiere
movies; compelling primetime specials, such as the Screen Actors Guild
Awards®; and championship sports coverage, including NASCAR and the NBA.
The NCAA men¹s basketball tournament will appear on TNT beginning in 2011.
TNT is available in high-definition.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner company, creates and
programs branded news, entertainment, animation and young adult media
environments on television and other platforms for consumers around the
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