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Interview with Richard Moll and
Director Griff Furst of "Ghost Shark" on Syfy 8/19/13
I was moving during most of the summer, so I missed a few
interviews, including this one. I'm very sorry I did because
I used to love Richard Moll on "Night Court" - I watched
every episode! He's done a lot of fun TV shows and movies
Moderator: Gary Morgenstein
August 19, 2013
2:00 pm CT
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen thank you for standing by,
and welcome to the Syfy conference call Ghost Shark.
Gary Morgenstein: Welcome everyone on this Thursday, August
22 at 9:00 pm. We’re delighted to premier Ghost Shark. I
know it’s been a summer of sharks, and to talk about Ghost
Shark and their careers and shark mania, and whatever you
guys want to talk about, I have star Richard Moll and
Director Griff Furst.
Welcome everyone.
Richard Moll: Why, thank you. Pleasure to be here.
Griff Furst: Thank you.
Operator: And we’ll proceed with our first question from the
line of Jamie Steinberg with Starry Constellation Magazine.
Go right ahead.
Jamie Steinberg: I was wondering if you guys could each talk
about how you got involved with the film.
Griff Furst: I was involved in this film from the ground up
really. My partners and I at Active Entertainment met with
Tom Vitale and his team over at Syfy and we kind of
collectively came up with the title Ghost Shark first, and
then after that we went into several different variations on
the story that would eventually become Ghost Shark. So,
that’s kind of how it all started for us.
Jamie Steinberg: I was asking for the stars though, if they
could talk about how they got involved with the film.
Richard Moll: Well, the way I got involved was like this.
The phone rang one day and they said, “How would you like to
come down to Louisiana and do a movie called Ghost Shark?”
And I said, “Well, let me think about it. Okay.” That’s how
I got involved, and it was actually my maiden voyage to
Louisiana, so there was a pleasure in that. It was a
pleasure meeting and working with Griff first.
His father, Stephen Furst, I’ve known for a long while. I
don’t know Stephen very well, but I believe he guested on
Night Court and of course we know him from Animal House and
he was a contemporary of mine on the NBC lineup with St.
Elsewhere, because that was going on when Night Court was
going on. And I think we might also have worked in a film in
the former Yugoslavia, just to show you how far back we go,
an NBC Movie of the Week, I think he may have been in that
as well.
Jamie Steinberg: Could you talk about what you found
challenging about your role, Richard?
Richard Moll: Avoiding snake bite, I think, would probably
have to be number one on that. No, I don’t know what it is.
Richard Moll: But, you know it was fun. It was challenging.
I don’t know. It was an emotional rollercoaster. I worked
hard on that and I hope I didn’t freak everybody out getting
into the various moods, but that was challenging. And, you
know just keeping one’s energy up and giving your best every
time you could; that’s challenging too. But there’s also a
real sense of fun with it because of the type of film it is
and the people you were working with and just the excitement
of being in Louisiana around Baton Rouge and getting to
visit New Orleans one day. They treated us royally at NOLA,
you know that wonderful restaurant there…
Jamie Steinberg: Yes. Well, I have to say you’ll always be
my favorite Two-Face.
Richard Moll: Really? Well, there’re so many Two-Faces in
Hollywood that, you know, I’m really honored that you would
choose me among all of them, but that’s very nice. I enjoyed
doing that role very much with Warner Bros. Television. We
did it for the Batman cartoons. Really quite wonderfully
done cartoons, and it was just great working with people
like - you never knew who might show up, too - because we
sort of do the voiceover, all of us in a big room in a
semicircle with the mics in front of us. And the people in
the booth in front of us, you know might run into, like Rene
Auberjonois or who knows who, so it was just really fun
working with some of those talents.
Jamie Steinberg: Great. Thank you so much.
Richard Moll: My pleasure, our pleasure.
Operator: Thank you very much. And we’ll proceed with our
next question from the line of Christiane Elin with
Sci-FiVision.com. Go right ahead.
Christiane Elin: Hi. Good morning, guys. Thanks for taking
the call today.
Richard Moll: Good. You’re welcome.
Christiane Elin: With the summer and the big Sharknado hit
from Syfy, how do you feel like Ghost Shark stands compared
to the natural-occurring phenomenon of Sharknado?
Richard Moll: Take it, Griff. Run with it.
Griff Furst: Oh, I think Sharknado was a - it was - I think
it’s a nice lead-in for Ghost Shark, I do. Those guys are
good friends of ours—the Syfy original filmmakers—It’s very
incestuous. So, I worked with that writer and that director
before and we’re all kind of rooting for each other, so were
all very pleased to see Sharknado become the Twitter
phenomenon that is has. And, at the end of the day, they’re
very different movies. It’s a very different group of
filmmakers, even though we’re all friends, but you know I
think they compliment each other nicely.
Christiane Elin: I’m into the paranormal, but I don’t know
if there’s ever been a Ghost Shark before.
Richard Moll: Actually, when I was trying to find it on the
computer I think there was a Ghost Shark film, of all
things, out of Australia, I believe. Did you hear about that
one, Griff?
Griff Furst: Yeah, somebody sent it to me. There’s a Ghost
Shark fan page on Facebook, and I got a link from somebody
that said, “Hey, great minds think alike. We made a movie
called Ghost Shark,” back in to 2004 or something. And I
lost the trail and it was kind of amusing, but they had no
shark in their movie. Theirs was like an invisible shark.
So, that’s the only other Ghost Shark, or paranormal shark,
that I’ve ever heard of. But, I don’t think there’s ever
been a full-length, real feature made about a Ghost Shark,
until now that is.
Christiane Elin: And so, I’m assuming that we just don’t
have to be afraid of the water, from what I’ve seen. So, the
ghost shark can pop up at just about anywhere?
Richard Moll: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Griff Furst: I think Syfy nailed it when they released the
trailer with the tagline, “If you’re wet, you’re dead.”
Richard Moll: Yes. I haven’t taken a shower since then. You
were talking about the other film, Sharknado, which I
enjoyed watching. It was really nicely produced and nice
values and everything, and totally believable. But anyway,
you know it is kind of incestuous because we realized the
producer of that film, Anthony Ferrante, and I worked a long
time ago in Romania doing another Syfy project called
Headless Horseman. So, there’s another tie-in with all of
those folks; just wanted to get that in there.
Christiane Elin: Well, thank you for the long career with
Syfy. I’m glad you’re back on for Ghost Shark.
Richard Moll: Well, so I am. Thank you for everything.
That’s nice.
Operator: And we’ll proceed with the next question from the
line of Stacy Roberts with SeriouslyOMG.com. Go right ahead.
Stacy Roberts: Hi, guys. I absolutely loved the movie.
Richard Moll: Really? Oh, you’re fabulous.
Stacy Roberts: So there are a lot of awesome deaths in it. I
know which one’s my favorite, but which one is your
Richard Moll: You’re not a ghoul are you, by any chance, or
some sort of really strange, blood-thirsty person?
Stacy Roberts: Yes, I am. No, I’m just kidding.
Richard Moll: I just wondered. I don’t even remember the
deaths. I know mine’s the least favorite because it means I
won’t be in the sequel, so that’s the way I look at it. What
do you think, Griff, favorite death?
Stacy Roberts: Unless you did a prequel?
Griff Furst: Yes, there’s always the possibility of a
prequel. We – Richard and I were actually just talking about
that. I’ve lived a lot of deaths and I like a lot of them. I
think I probably like the deaths in the montage because they
come so fast and in consecutive order. I don’t want to give
the specifics of any deaths, but there is a montage
somewhere about midway through the film where a bunch of
people get it right in a row, so I quite like that moment.
Richard Moll: Maybe it’s a bit of an homage to The
Godfather, you know?
Griff Furst: Totally.
Richard Moll: Remember that...
Stacy Roberts: How did you come up with the concept of Ghost
Griff Furst: How did we decide which direction to take the
Stacy Roberts: Yes.
Griff Furst: Before we actually settled on the story that
you have seen, there were three very, very different ideas
for it. So, we knew what we wanted the villain to be when we
first came up with the idea, but we weren’t too sure about
the story. So, we worked together with Syfy for probably
about six months just on the treatment phase and came up
with three different stories. And finally the third one, the
guys at Syfy thought we nailed it, and we proceeded with the
screenplay from there.
So, it was a bit of a lengthy process, but it was definitely
for the best because the stories were very, very different
before we actually nailed the right one. So, it was just a
little bit of trial and error, and they were all good
stories, but finding the one that was perfect took a little
Stacy Roberts: Okay. And what was the snake story that you
or Richard mentioned earlier?
Richard Moll: A snake story? Did you mention a snake story?
Stacy Roberts: Wasn’t there something about being afraid of
being bitten by a snake?
Griff Furst: Oh, that was just the actual shooting
Richard Moll: That or a small alligator. I don’t think it
was a bad as we like to paint it. We like to get
melodramatic about things, but there were a few swampy areas
and you wanted to be careful where you’re planting you feet,
but when you’ re going at a dead run through the swamp, it’s
hard to make those choices sometimes at midnight. But
anyway, it was fun...
Stacy Roberts: Sounds like it.
Griff Furst: In the film, when you hear a character say,
“Watch out for snakes,” that was kind of our inside joke
because the place was filled with snakes. So, we shot about
two weeks after Hurricane Isaac came through and it brought
a lot of water inland and made our beaches a little more
swampy than we had hoped, and the water moccasins were quite
fond of our set. So, we had people in boots with rakes and
shovels trying to scare snakes away as best they can, but
yes, we were dealing with a lot of snakes on the set.
Stacy Roberts: Okay. It sounds like that’s still a horror
movie. Thank you very much and thank you for the movie.
Richard Moll: Well, you’re more than welcome from both of
Gary Morgenstein: Thank you everyone. Thank you, Richard.
Thank you, Griff. Remember Thursday, 9:00 pm, only on Syfy,
Ghost Shark.
Richard Moll: Well, thank you. That was a pleasure. A lot of
fun really.
Gary Morgenstein: Take care, guys. Thanks again. Bye
Griff Furst: Thanks, Gary.
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