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Interview with Cody Christian of "Pretty
Little Liars" on
ABC Family 2/5/15
He seems like a nice young man. The two questions I
asked were: What originally drew you to the role of playing
Mike? and Is there a character you would like to do more
scenes with or have more interaction time with? (ABC
Family doesn't put our names on the questions the way other
networks do)
ABC Family’s Q&A with Cody Christian
Pretty Little Liars
Moderator: What do you think it is about Mike and Mona that
made them such a good match for each other?
Cody: I think the dynamic between them, and the relationship
that they have, is so unique because they both needed
something that they weren’t getting and I feel like that was
an understanding. Mona and Mike were sort of scrutinized by
a lot of people and they were at the will of people’s
judgment, so I think what they both gave each other was an
understanding for who they are, and who they wanted to be,
and what they wanted, so there was really something special.
There was a connection there that really made them unique.
Moderator: Can you tell us more about that secret bag Mike
was leaving behind? What was going through your mind when
you were filming that scene?
Cody: There was a close-up shot of the bag and I think the
audience saw there were some sour candies in there, which
are actually my favorite. I love sour gummies. I’m a huge
fan of Sour Patch Kids. The real question is, it’s
interesting to see how people interpret it because it’s – it
almost read as disappointment on Mike’s face -- and that
could be led to assume, was he waiting for somebody? Was he
intending to meet somewhere there at the dock? Was he just
out there taking a stroll? That’s the question in the air
right now. Fortunately, we will get those answers very soon
in the episodes to come!
Moderator: What can you tell us about the movitations behind
Mike’s recent actions?
Cody: I think what’s motivating Mike is what’s been
motivating The Liars from Season One -- and that’s to find
answers. That’s the extent of it all. He wants to know why
and what happened. He wants answers about Mona.
Moderator: Will Mike’s character, or even the viewers, be
getting those answers sooner rather than later?
Cody: Absolutely! I stand behind saying that. The answers
will be given to the audience very, very soon. I know that
there’s been times where cast members have said “soon” and
then a season has gone by before something has actually
happened [laughs]. But I can tell you, in regards to Mike
and what’s going on with him now, the audience will receive
answers very soon rather than later.
Moderator: Is it more fun to play Mike now that he’s a really
mysterious character?
Cody: What attracts me to different characters, and the
different roles as an actor, is to take on what almost
scares me in a way. I want to take on what’s a stretch, and
what’s so far out of my everyday life, that really makes me
commit to a character and sort of lose myself. It’s great to
really be in a position to create something new and
That’s what I’m getting now with Mike. I’m doing these
scenes and then all these things that are happening with the
characters that are so out of character for Mike. Being able
to portray that, and being able to be behind it and create
all these new moments that the audience has never seen, is
so exhilarating for me. I’m definitely excited for fans to
see the rest of this story arc and what else is to come with
Moderator: What can you say to the theory that Mona isn’t
really dead?
Cody: I don’t think it can be put to rest because you know,
that’s the thing in Rosewood ---- you could see a body but
that doesn’t mean someone is dead.
Moderator: Do you have a favorite episode or favorite scene
from the series?
Cody: Yes, I actually do! My favorite episode is yet to come.
It’s actually episode 520. It is by far my favorite episode
that I’ve shot, my favorite episode to film, and I think
when fans see it they’re going to know why.
Moderator: What’s it like working on set with everybody?
Cody: The cast is incredible! We’ve had time to grow and sort
of connect with each other. We’ve been able to see and learn
everyone --- how they work with each other, what makes
people laugh, how to make people smile on bad days, all of
that. So it’s really just this big family. I know that
sounds cheesy and cliché but it really is!
You spend all this time together. I’ve known Lucy now for
almost four or five years and all this time accumulated, and
all this time working together, and all this time laughing,
or maybe it’s being upset, or maybe it’s being sad. Tt’s
incredible to know that you can go there and have this
support group, this extension of a family that is close to
you and is there for you no matter what you need.
Moderator: What do you like the most about your character
Cody: One of my favorite things about the character is the
relatability he has to our demographic and the audience.
When we started the show, he was such a normal kid and, in
my opinion, he was going through things that a lot of people
go through in their lives -- whether it’s turmoil within
their own family, whether it’s depression, whether it’s
maybe some rage because of things that are happening that
are out of their control.
What I love about the character is that he’s able to portray
these events and provide this relatability to people that
are watching. Maybe somebody that’s watching can see this
performance, or see the character go through something, and
understand that they’re not the only ones and it’s not just
the. I love the fact that I feel that Mike has that
potential to almost help our audience and demographic in
whatever way that they might need.
Moderator: Which celebrity would you like to guest star on
Pretty Little Liars if you had the choice?
Cody: How awesome would it be if Liam Neeson comes in, right?
[laughs]. And he’s just like, “I will find you and I will
end you.” That would be pretty intense. I would love that.
Moderator: If you had to wager that one of The Liars was “A”,
who do you think it would be most likely to be?
Cody: It’d be insane if one of the four girls were A! I mean,
that’s crazy. I couldn’t imagine for a second, but let’s go
down this road of believing that one of the girls could be
“A”. [laughs]
I think it would be Hanna or it would be Spencer. My reason
is because Spencer – Spencer is always in control of
everything. She always has the answer; she always knows
what’s next; she’s always on top of everything. So her being
this mastermind with a plan makes perfect sense.
But then again, what about Hanna because Hanna is all about
this disillusion, right? You think she’s harmless and
innocent but, really, she’s got brains that could be behind
something as crazy as “A” and this whole mastermind plan to
torment the girls. I think it’s smart to say Hanna or
Spencer and I’m sort of torn between the two. I couldn’t
really pick one!
Moderator: What originally drew you to playing the role of
Cody: A job was what drew me to the role [laughs]. But when I
got past that part, I was really able to read the script and
fall in love with the character and fall in love with the
story. There is so much substance there and what I realized
when I was reading the pilot script, was “wow, this show
could go on forever!”
I could see this show developing – and that’s ultimately
what you want when you get on a new project, or when you’re
on a pilot. I got that feeling when I was reading it and I
just wanted to explore and experiment and I wanted to grow
up with this character. I thought it would always be awesome
to be on a show and be growing up with the character, so
that’s definitely something that drew me to the role.
Moderator: Is there a character that you would like to do
more scenes with or get more interaction time with?
Cody: Yes! In the episodes to come, you will definitely see
Mike branching out and having interactions with characters
that you might not have expected in the longest time. So
that’s a nice thing to look forward to but, speaking on my
behalf, I love working with Ian [Harding]. I would love more
scenes with him.
I think it would also be interesting to see Mike branch out
and maybe have scenes with The Liars. We’ll just have to
wait and see what the rest of this season and season six
brings for Mike!
Moderator: In what ways do you think your character has
grown, or changed, from all these experiences?
Cody: I think a lot of it has forced him to grow up. At the
start of the show, Mike was definitely a child. He was a
kid, a normal kid with a normal life. He went to school. He
played sports. He had his friends and then that was it. Then
all of these things started to unfold and it really forced
him to have to change his perspective and grow up
Looking back, hindsight being 20/20, I don’t think that was
a bad thing. I think Mike being the grown up that he is now,
and the side that we’re seeing of him in season five, is
definitely what he needs. And maybe what his sister needs,
his family needs, and other people in Rosewood need at this
Moderator: Did you think Mike would be in the place that he
is now when you first started the series?
Cody: No, I didn’t. That’s sort of one of the exciting
things, you never really know. Our writers are fantastic
about churning out these new storylines and keeping
everything fresh, keeping everyone second guessing, and
keeping the story unpredictable. I never knew where Mike was
really heading and now that I have the story that I have
now, I’m thrilled. I’m thrilled to be playing it,
representing it as a character, and I’m even more thrilled
to see what’s in the future.
Moderator: If you could be on any other ABC Family show, what
show would you like to be on?
Cody: Well, I actually auditioned for one of the leads on The
Fosters. I actually tested alongside David Lambert. When I
first read that story I was really interested. So maybe if
Pretty Little Liars doesn’t want me anymore, they can kick
me over to that show [laughs]
Moderator: What does the cast like to do on set to help break
some of those intense scenes?
Cody: We’re a bunch of children, so we pull pranks on each
other all day and we try to scare each other. We try to keep
everything light and try to keep everything fun. A crew
that’s laughing all day is a crew that’s having fun and that
crew is going to put the best work out there. We try to keep
everything light and the atmosphere easygoing. That
definitely gets us through the day.
Moderator: How will this darker side of Mike be affecting his
relationship with his sister, Aria, in the coming weeks?
Cody: This is something that the past has already answered
previous times before. I think we’re going to see an
instance, maybe of the past repeating itself, history
repeating itself in Rosewood. Mike and Aria have always been
best friends and they’ve had each other’s backs – and at the
same time, we’ve also seen them at each other’s throats.
At this point, Mike’s done taking orders from people. He’s
done being told what to do and he’s going to do whatever he
feels is necessary to get the answers that he wants. He’s
going to do that at no one’s mercy, so that might cause some
tension between Aria and Mike. But at the end of the day, I
don’t think it’s anything they’re not going to be able to
get through. They’re family and they would do anything for
each other.
Moderator: Do you think Mike will have any upcoming potential
love interest toward that?
Cody: I would like to think so! I would like to think that
Mike will eventually get over the loss of someone that he
loved and be able to move on. How soon that’s going to
happen, I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s something that
we’re going to see immediately. I don’t know if it’s
something that Mike’s going to have to take some time and
really sit on because I can tell you, right now, a lot of
people have disbelief about it. But the relationship that
Mike and Mona had was very serious and it meant a lot to
him. He’s devastated to see her gone, so I don’t know how
much time he’s actually going to need before he’s ready to
move on to something else in his life.
Moderator: Who is your favorite couple on the show?
Cody: I’m going to stay with the home team. I’m going to stay
with the sister. I’m going to say Ezria! They’ve been
through so much – just let them be happy [laughs]
Moderator: Do you and Lucy [Hale] have a brother/sister
relationship off set?
Cody: I would like to say that we do! She’s the older sister;
I’m the younger brother. I’m very protective over her. Any
time she has somebody new in her life, I always find myself
observing the guy and being like “Okay, are you a good match
for her? Are you going to treat her right?” I just do it
without even knowing. I do it subconsciously [laughs]. We
have a great relationship, both onset and offset.
Moderator: Which cast member in real life do you think would
most have the skills to be “A”?
Cody: I feel like I’m going to answer and one of these people
that I say are going to come after me [laughs]. I don’t know
actually. Everyone is great. All the girls are such
sweethearts. All the guys are so polite, so nice. I don’t
Moderator: Do you have a favorite Disney Park you go to?
Cody: I’ve only been to Disneyland one time! I went to
Disneyland last year for the very first time and it was
amazing. I had so much fun! I want to go to Disney World
soon. I’m turning 20 in April and I think I’m going to try
to plan a trip --- maybe to go to Disney World.
I was a fan of the Indiana Jones ride. That ride is
incredible. Space Mountain --- That one is insane, too. I
love it. I could ride those rides, literally, ten times in a
row, all day long.
Moderator: Do you have a favorite Disney movie or Disney
Cody: I have so many Disney movies. I have all the old VHS
tapes of the Disney movies. I have every single Disney movie
there is to have on VHS, so I’m slowly trying to convert
everyone to a DVD so I can be in the modern age with them
all [laughs]
Moderator: If you could choose any character on Pretty Little
Liars to play, who would you want it to be and why?
Cody: I’d like to play Caleb, for a couple of reasons. He’s
the bad boy without even trying to be the bad boy. Plus,
he’s the hacker that can break into anything. I think that’s
pretty cool. Plus, he gets to date Hanna on the show, so
that’s a plus. I’d probably step in Caleb’s shoes for a
little bit.
Moderator: If you were on a desert island, and you could only
pick one of The Liars to get you off, who would it be?
Cody: I would not pick Aria because I feel like Aria would
just cry about it, in the nicest way possible [laughs]. I
would not pick Hanna because I feel like she gets a tad
emotional at times. Emily is a pretty solid choice. If I
pick Emily, she’d probably put me on her back and swim me
out of there. If I pick Spencer, she would arrange something
for me to be picked up in a helicopter, so I’m going to go
with Spencer.
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