Interview with Inga Cadranel of "Orphan Black" on BBC America - Primetime TV Show Articles From The TV MegaSite

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By Suzanne

Inga Cadranel

Interview with Inga Cadranel of "Orphan Black" on BBC America 1/8/14

There's a funny story behind this interview... this PR group often emails me to ask if I want to interview this or that actor, but when I reply, they're very bad at getting back to me. It's not just email, and it's not just me, either, as I knew someone else that had the same problem with them. Anyway, they asked me about interviewing Inga last Spring, and since the show hadn't aired yet and I'd never heard of her, and I was really super busy, I wasn't that into doing an interview (it's a lot of work to come up with the questions, record it, transcribe it, etc.), so I suggested I send some questions via email.  Well, I never got the questions back, and again they were not very good at replying to me. Eventually, I happened to see Inga posting on Twitter, so I sent her a message, asking about the questions. She'd never seen them but very kindly offered to email me so I could send them again. I got them within a week or so. So it's very funny.  And it turns out, she has been in a lot of great shows and is well worth interviewing. Now I wish I'd taken the time...oh, well, anyway, here is the email interview. Good thing the show was a huge success and returns April 19, 2014, and Inga is still in it! It's a great show, so make sure to watch it.

1. I've been watching "Orphan Black" and enjoyed it so far. What can you tell us about your character?

Angela DeAngelis is a very driven and honest woman. Her intentions are pure and clear ,which I think is rare with so much hidden purpose with the other characters in the show.

2. What motivates her?

To be a good cop. To do her job right.

3. Will we see more about Detective DeAngelis in the second season?

Unfortunately, with the loss of the "Beth" clone, DeAngelis has less connection with the others, so no, not more, but she's still there working on it. I don't control what the writers think fans will be more inclined to enjoy and what characters and story lines they've decided to go with.

4. Have you already started filming the second season? When does it air?

Yes, we have. I think it airs in the spring.

5. Is there anything you can tell us about what might happen in the second season?

Nope, contractually, I can't.

6. Do they tell you ahead of time the secrets of the show (like about the clones), or do you learn about them gradually from the scripts?

No, I learn gradually.

7. Do you get recognized a lot now for your TV roles?

Mostly for "Lost Girl".

8. Any good fan encounters you can share?

A cop let me off a speeding ticket because he recognized me from another series I did called The Bridge.

9. (I love that show!)  Do you go to Comic-con or plan to? Or other Scifi fan events?

I've never been asked to do a convention or comic-con, I wouldn't even know how or think there is a fan base that would be interested in me there.

10. Does the cast hang out at all when not working?

I only do with Kevin Hanchard ( Det. Art Bell).

11. I heard that you are a singer. Any chance you'll be singing on the show?

I don't think Det. DeAngelis can sing. LOL.

12. Do you have plans for an album?

Yes .

13. Is there anywhere fans can hear you sing?

Not right now... our only CD was before the time of iTunes, so it's only in hard copy in Canada.

14. You've been on two big science fiction shows. Are you a scifi fan outside of work?

Yes. BattleStar Galactica changed my view on sci-fi, but I have yet to be into another sci-fi show of that caliber.

15. What else would you like to tell your fans, or fans of Orphan Black?

It's a very different show this season -- a lotta big changes!!

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