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Interview with Hayden Byerly of "The
Fosters" on
ABC Family 2/20/15
ABC Family’s Q&A with Hayden Byerly
The Fosters
Moderator: How will Jude react to the news of Callie wanting
to move in with her biological father Robert?
Hayden: In an upcoming episode, Callie drops the bomb and
tells Jude exactly what she wants and what she thinks is
going to happen, just to inform him and let him know of the
possibilities. I definitely think that Jude has a reaction
that I don’t think many people were expecting, but he
understands. He gets it. He wants to be able to see his
sister, but he also wants her to be happy. So, it’s very
cool to see them have that special moment.
Moderator: What’s going to happen with Connor and Jude?
Hayden: Jude and Connor’s relationship will continue to move
forward. Whether or not that means that it will continue to
evolve and grow.
Moderator: What’s it like to being on set of The Fosters?
Hayden: It’s awesome. It’s very cool. Everyone on set, the
cast and crew, everyone is super kind. You start to know
everyone. You start to learn everyone’s names and you become
very closely connected with them, and you can really look at
them as a family member almost. It’s basically just walking
around like a family reunion, except you know everyone.
I love working on set. It sometimes saddens me when I’m not
waking up at six in the morning getting ready to go there.
Moderator: How do you get into character?
Hayden: Usually it’s a lot of help from the amazing dialect
coach that we have, his name’s Michael Traynor. He helps me
on a lot of personal and very professional levels. He really
helps me adapt to some of the really hard situations that
Jude’s put in, and he really makes me have that mindset of
where Jude would be and helps push me into Jude.
Moderator: What do you find most rewarding about playing
Hayden: I think that the impact that he has on so many
different people, being able to portray a character that has
so many issues and problems and has gone through so many
tough times that so many kids in the real world have
experienced, I think that it’s most rewarding to hear these
kids say they were able to come out and tell their family
they were gay because of Jude’s character, and because of
seeing the show. That’s a reward that no one else can match.
Moderator: If you could pick somebody past or present to work
with, who would you pick and why?
Hayden: Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s one of my favorite actors.
I’ve always been a huge fan. I love the work he’s done and I
think that he’s such a great actor. I love so many movies
that he’s in and the characters that he can play, and how he
can go in one direction or another. He can play so many
different people at one time. He’s a very incredible actor,
and I would want to work with him if I could.
Moderator: What do you like to do in your spare time when
you’re not acting?
Hayden: I am a big fan of skateboarding, running around. I
live on the beach, so it’s a great place to do so. It’s
always sunny and nice out. I’m a pretty big video game
player as well, and I definitely like to read, so I would
say those are my top three things I like to do.
Moderator: Where do you see Jude’s character and his life
progressing in five to ten years from now?
Hayden: I think that because of the things Jude has gone
through and some of the stuff that he’s had to deal with,
Jude’s going to be a good person. I definitely think he’s
going to have a good job, and he’s going to be close to his
family when he’s older. He’s probably going to college and
have as normal of a life as he can. I definitely think that
maybe even going 20 years down he’ll be married and have
kids some day. I think that Jude is going to be someone
who’s going to be very attached to people in his life, and
he’s not going to want to let go.
Moderator: How did you first heard about the audition for The
Hayden: I heard about it just like any regular audition. I
just went in like a normal audition --- going to it and
reading the different lines, it was one of my first times I
actually went behind and sat on one side of the conference
table and had maybe 12 people on the other. It was nerve
wracking, but apparently I did really well because I got the
role [laughs]
Moderator: What do you think of Jude’s newly found
independent streak? Do you think it could cause Callie to
feel like she’s not really needed so much anymore?
Hayden: Jude and his independence and him becoming a little
older is something that Callie is seeing, and I think that
is helping her make her decision live with the Quinns. She
thinks that Jude will be fine on his own and she’s not
leaving him permanently, they’ll still see each other, but
that he doesn’t need her always in the house. Jude’s
independence has a little impact on her decision, but he is
getting much older, so that’s something very cool.
Moderator: Do you think the show is going to explore the
foster care system a little more going forward?
Hayden: I certainly hope so. There’s a lot of stuff, back
stories that Jude has experienced, and I’m sure he does have
his own demons and I definitely want to be able to see that.
I would hope that maybe even in Season 3 we get to take a
look at that.
Moderator: Does your relationship with Maia [Mitchell]
transfer into real life?
Hayden: It does, yes. Maia and I are like real brothers and
sisters. We hang out with each other all the time, and we
play around. We’re like a real brother and sister on and off
camera. It’s pretty funny. It’s interesting how that energy
transfers off. It travels with everyone. I definitely look
at Sherri [Saum] and Teri [Polo] as my moms, and Jake. [T.
Austin] and David [Lambert] as my brothers, and even Cierra
[Ramirez] as a sister. So, it’s interesting how the whole
cast does feel like my second family.
Moderator: Where do you see the Callie-Robert plot line
going? Do you think it would be the best decision for you
guys to move in with your birth father?
Hayden: Me personally, this is coming from me, I am a fan of
her being with the Fosters. I definitely believe that
families should stay together. I don’t think they should be
torn apart and have Callie go live with one family and then
Jude live with the other. I don’t think that that’s the
right thing to do. I personally think Callie should stay
with the Fosters, but seeing the current situation it is
kind of difficult to stay with them.
Moderator: I wanted to ask you if you could act on any other
ABC Family TV show, which one would you love to be a part
Hayden: One of the new TV shows that’s come to ABC Family
that I’m a big fan of, is Chasing Life. I’ve been checking
that out a lot since it airs at 9/8c right after The
Fosters. I like that show a lot, and I think that if I was
to play on any other ABC Family show that would be one I
would choose, because it’s a very good show and it looks
like they have a very good cast.
Moderator: What’s it like to be a part of the LGBT community
on such a high scale?
Hayden: It’s really important. It makes me feel very special
and very needed. I definitely think that being a character
who has these experiences and then talking to people with
these same experiences, in real life, is very cool. It’s
very interesting to hear their stories. I like hearing the
resolutions, because usually they end in “Now I’m happy,” or
“And I’ve finally done this,” or “Suddenly done that.” I
hear those a lot and it’s cool to be able to be part of such
a community that goes through these struggles and to try and
help them in any way you can.
Moderator: Do you think Connor was right in breaking up his
friendship with Jude?
Hayden: I don’t think Connor was in the right to break up
Jude and Connor’s friendship, because Jude did tell the
truth. As we know, sometimes in friendships you’ve got to
tell the truth and you’ve got to tell what happens, and you
have to tell stories that you might not want to share but
sometimes you have to. I don’t think Connor should have
reacted the way he did, but I definitely can see why he was
angry and upset at the time.
Moderator: How would you say you and Jude are alike?
Hayden: I don’t want to sound narcissistic [laughs], but I
think Jude and I are both very kind people who hold on to
those in our lives. We both care very much about our family
members, and we’d do a lot of things, almost anything for
anyone in our family. Jude and I are very observant and know
what’s going on at all times.
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