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Interview with Jack Black and Richard
Curtis of "Red Nose Day" on
NBC 5/13/15
I was excited to speak to these guys, but unfortunately,
I didn't get a chance to because there were so many people
and not enough time. I didn't really have much of a
question, though. I was excited because Jack Black is such a
huge star now, and Richard Curtis has written and produced
so many wonderful TV shows and movies over the years, like "Blackadder",
and "Mr. Bean", "Four Weddings and Funeral," and "Love,
Moderator: Jill Carmen
May 13, 2015 6:00 pm CT
Operator: Played back recording Reservation Number 21768667,
Marsha Rickett, NBC Red Nose Day Call 26, missed the
scheduled start time.
Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for standing by. Welcome to
the NBC Universal Red Nose Day Jack Black and Richard Curtis
Press and Media conference call.
During the presentation all participants will be in a listen
only mode. Afterwards we will conduct a question and answer
session. If you have a question please press 1, 4 on your
telephone. If at any time during the conference you need to
reach an operator please press star 0.
As a reminder this conference is being recorded Wednesday,
May 13, 2015. I would now like to turn the conference over
to Jill Carmen. Please go ahead.
Jill Carmen: All right, thank you everybody for calling in
today. We're delighted to have Jack Black and Richard Curtis
with us today to talk about Red Nose Day, NBC's 3-hour star
studded entertainment event for charity that's airing
Thursday, May 21 at 8:00 pm.
Jack made a very special trip to Uganda for the special and
visited a project that'll be funded by the Red Nose Fund
from money raised through donations to Red Nose Day, so he
can tell you about that experience. And Richard is the
Executive Producer and Creator of Red Nose Day, which has
been hugely successful in the U.K. and raised over $1
billion for charity over the last 30 years.
And because we have a lot of outlets on the line today I'd
just like to ask that we limit questions to two per outlet
until everyone has had a chance to ask a question. And
they're ready to take your questions now. Thank you.
Operator: Okay, our first question is from Mike Hughes with
TV America. Please go ahead.
Mike Hughes: Hi, it's a question for Richard. I'd like to
hear kind of like a little bit of your overall philosophy
because you've been doing this for much of your life. Over
half of your life you've been doing some kind of
fundraising. What is it about your nature or something that
makes this important to you?
Richard Curtis: Gosh, you know, I consider myself a pretty
average person. I think that there are two things.
I've never lost the belief because of things that I've seen,
like Jack has seen in Uganda, that tiny bits of money can
make a huge amount of difference. So it's massively tempting
when you think, "Well if I can do this I'll raise $1000,"
you think, "Well its $1000; that's 250 malaria nets." I can
never get that out of my mind, that it's an unbelievable
reward for quite a simple action.
And then the length of it really is because it was
surprisingly successful. It was like having a child and then
you have to manage it. We made $15 million I think on the
first one, and then $27 million on the second one and I
didn't know how to walk away.
So I'm just trying to be a responsible adult. But I do
hugely believe in the effect that just the generosity of one
human to another can - the difference that can make.
Mike Hughes: That's great. And just one quick follow-up, as
far as the tone you think this one will have here in
America, because I know in England the Comic Relief's been
very much comedy oriented, when you Idol Gives Back it was
very music oriented. How do you see this one being on NBC?
Will it be very comedy or what are you looking for, for a
general tone of this special?
Richard Curtis: Yes, I think it's - look, there's a little
bit more of a broad entertainment streak, but the reason we
picked Jack was because he's a beloved comedian, as well as
all his other dramatic skills. And I think I'm hoping people
will get a lot of laughs, as well as emotional moments.
Mike Hughes: Okay, thanks a lot.
Richard Curtis: Thank you.
Operator: And we have a question from James Desborough with
New York Daily News. Please proceed.
James Desborough: Hey gentlemen, good afternoon. How are you
Richard Curtis: Very good.
Jack Black: Very well, thank you.
James Desborough: Richard, if I could start with you please
it's (unintelligible)...
Richard Curtis: No, start with Jack. He's just sitting there
Jack Black: No, Richard. Richard, they want to talk to you,
let them talk to you.
James Desborough: Jack, I've got a deeply personal question
coming for you, so I'll start off with the easy one first.
Richard, you obviously have done wonders in the U.K. with
the show, now you're bringing it to America. Is this going
up a notch? Is the level of star that you're bringing to the
table and the attraction that you can bring to this, kind of
going really into the super-super A List with what you're
doing? How do the stars compare?
Richard Curtis: Well that's a very interesting question. I
mean of course, you know, my sons don't consider anyone in
the U.K. famous. And if you tell them that Daniel Pudi from
Community is in the show they go absolutely crazy. The idea
that we've got John Krasinski in the show from the American
Office makes me my sons' most popular human.
But I think you'll be impressed by one or two people. I mean
we've just been shooting with Reese Witherspoon, Zac Efron,
Liam Neeson and Richard Gere in the last couple of days. So
I think there's going to be, you know, a broad variety of,
certainly people we wouldn't dream of getting in the U.K.
and doing here.
James Desborough: Lovely, thank you. Jack we adore what you
do on screen left, right and center. I wanted to ask you a
question a little bit different regarding the whole wider
Will you be bringing your (unintelligible) School of Rock
guy, you won't be bringing that to the musical remake of it,
but will you be bringing any of that aspect to be, to
musical aspects of the Red Nose event when it comes out,
when it plays?
Jack Black: Well I mean I went out to Uganda and spent a lot
of time with kids. That was - that's kind of like School of
Rock. There was a little bit of jamming, there was a little
bit of music out there.
But at - yes, it was mostly just, I was out there as a
reporter, just sort of letting people know what the
situation was like in some of these poverty stricken
neighborhoods and where their money would be going. And yes,
I was - it's a lot different obviously than going and doing
a movie strictly for laughs.
James Desborough: Will you be jamming with anybody on Red
Nose Day evening? Any secret collaborations you could tell
us about.
Jack Black: Well if it was a secret I couldn't tell you. But
no, there's no plans to do any jamming as of now. No, I'm
going to leave the jamming to the professional jammers.
James Desborough: Thanks.
Richard Curtis: And when we did Idol Gives Back, do you
remember Jack, you did a very passionate version of Kiss
from a Rose?
Jack Black: Yes.
Richard Curtis: You remember that?
Jack Black: It was a little Kiss from a Rose, there was also
an amazing little number I did with Robert Downey Jr. and...
Richard Curtis: Yes, and Midnight Train to Georgia.
Jack Black: ...old what's-his-name. That's right. With Ben
Richard Curtis: Yes.
Jack Black: I've had a lot of fun with Richard over the
years. We've cooked up some cool stuff.
Richard Curtis: I mean there was a really sweet moment I
don't know whether you saw it, on the Today Show a couple of
days ago, with Jack beatboxing with this little boy. I don't
think it's going to be in our appeal on the night, but it
did demonstrate, you know, what Jack came back with -- the
conclusion that these are normal gorgeous kids who would
fool around...
Jack Black: Yes.
Richard Curtis: ...with their dads in just the same way kids
in America can. But they've got to spend their whole day
picking up garbage.
Jack Black: Yes. Yes, I was the one doing most of the
learning on that day; I wasn't doing too much teaching, just
sort of taking it all in.
Operator: Okay, and our next question is from Megan French
with Us Weekly. Please proceed.
Megan French: Hi Jack, I have a question for you. I was
Jack Black: Yes.
Megan French: ...how the kids responded to the red nose when
you had put on in Uganda?
Jack Black: We had some fun with the red nose. Everyone
wanted a chance to try it on. There was a flurry of red nose
activity. You know it's as old as comedy, that red nose, and
yet it still has some magic in it, unlike the pie to the
face, which really seems to have faded over the decades. The
red nose still somehow has survived the years of ridicule.
Richard Curtis: You have to say, in terms of malnutrition
the pie in the face might be thought to be slightly
Jack Black: Yes.
Richard Curtis: ...in that context.
But they, by the way which you can see, we've got some
amazing pictures of Jack and the kids and the noses. I don't
know if they are being circulated but if you go to the Red
Nose Day people there are such beautiful, joyous shots of
Jack fooling around, which you don't see much of on the
night. Because on the night we're trying to, you know,
portray the seriousness of it. But there are some wonderful
pictures if you - if any of you want them.
Megan French: And Jack, will your own kids be involved in
Red Nose Day at all?
Jack Black: I don't think that the kids are going to be
doing anything in the show. They're not quite ready for show
biz, so to speak. But yes, they knew that their daddy went
to Africa and they knew what that was about. I talked to
them about it. But yes, they're not directly involved in the
charity as of now.
Megan French: All right, thank you.
Jack Black: Welcome.
Operator: And if you'd like to register for a question
please press 1, 4 on your telephone. And we have a question
from Jamie Ruby with scifivision.com. Please proceed.
Richard Curtis: Jamie.
Jamie Ruby: Hi guys, thanks for talking to us today. Hi.
Richard Curtis: Sorry, can I interrupt you for one second
just to say what my kid did last year on Red Nose Day?
Jamie Ruby: Okay, sure.
Jack Black: Yes.
Richard Curtis: Which is that we stuck him to the front door
of our house with duct tape and then we sent pictures of him
to his godparents and said, "We're only going to take him
down if you give us 50 pounds." And he made the money
Jack Black: That's very cool.
Richard Curtis: Yes.
Jamie Ruby: Yes.
Richard Curtis: Anyway, sorry. On to you now.
Jamie Ruby: No, that's okay. My first question's for Jack. I
know that you said you won't be per se, "Jamming," but is
there anything about your performance that you can tell us
Jack Black: My performance is really something that I did in
Africa. It was about me going there and being the eyes and
ears for Red Nose Day on location. That was really my - the
extent of my participation. The comedic and musical
performances on the day are going to be a bunch of other
people. I'm just going to be enjoying in the audience.
Jamie Ruby: Okay, great.
Richard Curtis: Can I just say something about Jack, which
is that - and his films. One of the things that we've tried
never to do on Red Nose Day, and I think is really
important, is we don't really want to send experts out.
The last thing anyone wants is someone talking about
agricultural leaves and holistic, you know holistic health
systems. What was so brilliant was that Jack went open-eyed
as a normal human being. He just happens to be a human being
that most people know or feel they know.
And so that's what I think is so wonderful about the little
films he's made, that it's like you're there. You know,
you're not being lectured to by someone who knows everything
about all the charities and the politics and the economics,
you just are a human being reacting to other human beings,
which is what we're trying to do on the night; just make
people identify with other people whose lives are hard and
see if they can spare some money. And Jack just did that so
Jamie Ruby: Right. And then Richard, I was wondering if you
could talk about kind of the idea and the process of
bringing Red Nose Day to the U.S.
Richard Curtis: Well, as you know it's a obvious thing to me
because there is - this is such a country of great comedy. I
mean just at the moment there's just so much extraordinary
coming - comedy coming out of the country, so many great
films. And it's an amazingly generous country.
I did this first - the first Idol Gives Back and I think we
raised $50 million or something from the public in a couple
of hours. So it always seemed like a very natural thing to
do, it's just taken me this long to get round to it. And in
a way, you know, just the particular people at NBC at the
moment I mentioned it to them were really, really keen. So
it all came out perfectly.
But it doesn't seem to me there's any reason, in terms of
compassion and humor, that America shouldn't be exactly the
same as the U.K.
Jamie Ruby: Right. All right, well thank you very much, both
of you.
Richard Curtis: You're welcome.
Jack Black: Sure.
Operator: We have a question from Joan Tupponce with
Richmond Times-Dispatch. Please proceed.
Joan Tupponce: Hi, this question is for Jack. How are you?
Jack Black: Doing well thank you.
Joan Tupponce: I wanted to find out from you on the trip
that you made to Uganda, what for you was the - a memorable
moment that really touched you the most during that trip?
Jack Black: You know, it was spending time with these kids
and these parents and just seeing how amazing they were as
people that really moved me the most. If it - if I had gone
over there and just seen a bunch of victims that didn't have
any hope, it wouldn't have been as powerful to me as seeing
these kids that were so funny and talented and brilliant.
And I just was most blown away by the tragedy of the
potential, you know, and these amazing people that I could
see growing up and having amazing contributions to the
world. And that's what really gave me the deep sense of
urgency, you know is that these kids have magic in them and
they need to be, not just rescued, but you know, inspired.
They're hungry for education just as much as they are for
food, you know? It's not just about survival; it's also
about like nurturing something really special. That was my
biggest takeaway in general and the thing that moved me the
most was just how great these kids were.
Joan Tupponce: What do you feel like that you learned from
this trip? You know maybe - I mean I don't know if you've
been to that area of the country - to that country before,
but what do you feel like you really learned from them?
Jack Black: You know, I just I guess just part of living in
my little bubble is just assuming that the whole world was
modeling themselves after us, you know, that all of our
music and all of our movie stars and all of our culture just
trickles down.
And I was just sort of surprised to see amazing music and
cultural stuff that was homegrown there in Uganda. And these
kids making music that was in their own language and that
was inspired and interesting. Just a different thought of
Africa that I'd never really considered before. And that was
the biggest eye-opener for me.
Joan Tupponce: Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Jack Black: Yes.
Operator: And we have a question from Kristine Kowalski with
Twist Magazine. Please proceed.
Kristine Kowalski: Hello, both of you.
Jack Black: Hello.
Kristine Kowalski: I have the same question for both -
whoever would like to answer. Our readers are kids and
teenagers so I was wondering what you could tell us about
what you think that teens especially will appreciate about
the special and how you hope to get them involved on social
Richard Curtis: Okay, shall I jump in for a bit there
because I've been working on the show. I mean I hope...
Jack Black: Yes.
Richard Curtis: ...that people will see - kids will see a
lot of things that they really, you know, love and enjoy.
One of the - last night we were working on editing quite a
big sketch that we'd been doing with the cast of Game of
Thrones as you've never seen them before. And I think we're
going to be issuing a few things from that in advance so
they'll get a sense of it.
We've got you know, a huge number of movie stars from Anna
Kendrick to Chris Pine involved, we've got Elizabeth Banks
and John Michael Higgins from Pitch Perfect, we've got
Michelle Rodriguez from Fast and Furious, we've got a lovely
sketch with the Voice and with Will Ferrell. So I think
that, you know, it would be an odd child who wouldn't love
something during the course for the night. So I hope that
they'll all watch.
And one of the cunning things is obviously we want them to
watch and then get their parents to sit down next to them
and give some money. And you know, anything that can be done
on that day, you know.
Any One Direction fan knows that One Direction went to Ghana
last year. So we'd really love kids to watch it, you know
encourage each other. And even encourage each other to do
fund raising things, you know; to buy noses, to bake cakes,
to you know, dye their hair red or stick themselves to
I mean because as Jack's seen, $5, if you'd hunt around the
back of your couches and find something, $5, $4 for a
malaria net can change a life. So I'm hoping that people
will actually do fun things on the day, raise a bit of money
themselves, watch the show, see people they love doing
really unusual things, and then you know, make sure that
their dad or mom's wallet comes out of the back of their
pocket or purse.
Kristine Kowalski: Same question for Jack, "How you would
love to see kids on social media reacting?"
Jack Black: Well you know, I hope that the kids, when they
see these other kids from across the world, will be inspired
to help just as their parents can help, you know? It's a
real eye-opener for the whole family I think.
Kristine Kowalski: Okay.
Richard Curtis: Yes and by the way, at the end of the - you
know, all the way during the night you can donate online.
It's incredibly easy. And then at the end of the evening
we're also just doing donating by text.
So it really will be this strange thing that you just, you
know, during a commercial break you can save someone's life.
It's a bizarre thought, but even after 30 years I still
believe in it. And I think social media can do so much to
push things forward.
So anyone who finds something they see with either Jack or
Michelle or Blake Shelton have done which is serious, spread
that around because knowledge is power. And anybody who sees
something funny spread that around too and get people to
watch the show.
Kristine Kowalski: Awesome, thank you so much.
Richard Curtis: Thank you.
Operator: Next question is from Emily Reily with Hidden
Remote. Please proceed.
Emily Reily: Hi Jack and Richard, how are you?
Richard Curtis: (Unintelligible).
Jack Black: Doing well, thank you.
Emily Reily: Thanks. I had a couple questions for you Jack.
Jack Black: Okay.
Emily Reily: So I saw the video of the - of you and the boy
from Uganda singing Let's Feel It. What was it about Feel It
that got you so emotional, do you think?
Jack Black: You know, he's a really bright kid. And he's a
survivor in a way that I can't imagine going through what
he's gone through at his age. I don't think I would have
And he's also just sort of fun to hang out with. And that's
what really tugs at my heartstrings is when they're someone
I like, that's all. It's just simple. It's just humanity,
you know? And I hope that that comes through in the films
that we shot in Uganda, because you know, when you can
relate to a person that's in trouble and you can see the
potential there, I think you're a lot more likely to lend a
hand, you know?
Emily Reily: Another question...
Richard Curtis: Jack, you also met a couple of American
doctors, didn't you, who you - I think - I don't know if you
even knew, I don't know if we knew they were going to be
Jack Black: Yes. Yes, that's right. We were at a hospital in
Uganda and actually I - it's like "The" hospital of Uganda.
And there was a couple foreign exchange doctors. Is that
what you call them; foreign exchange doctors?
Richard Curtis: (Unintelligible).
Jack Black: I don't know if there was a real exchange. They
just came over to learn and to help, you know, on a mission.
And they were really bright and really admirable to go to,
you know, the four corners of the world just to help people
that are not of their land, is really inspiring. And I was
glad we got a chance to talk to them a little bit too.
Emily Reily: Another question I had for you of the Uganda
trip, the - like the other children you met, do they know
that you were - like who you were or anything about you? And
how were you able to make them laugh? Like were you nervous
about, you know, getting to reach these kids?
Jack Black: These kids did not know who I was. They had no
idea about my movies. And that was actually kind of
refreshing. I kind of liked that.
And how was I able to get them laughing; I mean they were
making me laugh. It just sort of came naturally. We were
walking around and I don't know, I just - I guess that's
just my go-to when I meet some new people, I want to get the
international language of laughter going. They don't speak
English, I don't speak Luganda, so it was just a series of
crazy faces and that leads to other funny shenanigans.
It was a really - it was a great day. It was painful, but it
was also beautiful, if that makes any sense.
Emily Reily: Any regrets?
Jack Black: What's that?
Emily Reily: Any regrets?
Jack Black: I have no regrets, no. I was in the end really
glad that I was able to go and experience that. And yes, I
just - my only regret will be if we didn't communicate
somehow how beautiful these people are, and you know, the
potential that's there. Because I really feel, you know,
these people that are in trouble there, any one of them
could grow up and save the world, could make incredible
contributions to the planet. And I hope that was
communicated. If it wasn't then that would be my regret.
Emily Reily: Great, thank you so much for your time.
Jack Black: Thank you.
Richard Curtis: Well I hear the films are great so I don't
think you need worry about it. I regret ordering sea
vegetables when we had lunch together, but that's my only
Jack Black: I'm sorry about that. That was my decision, that
restaurant we went to. Next time it's going to be straight
ahead cheeseburger, apple pie.
Richard Curtis: (Unintelligible).
Operator: And we have a question from Anne Easton with
newyorkobserverexaminer.com. Please proceed.
Anne Easton: Hi guys, thanks for doing the call today.
Richard Curtis: Thank you.
Jack Black: Not a problem.
Anne Easton: My first question is, "So how did the trip come
about?" Richard, did you just call up Jack and go, "Hey, I
want you to go to Uganda?"
Richard Curtis: Well actually you know, Jack and I had come
across each other when we were doing this Idol thing. And
then Jack was in the U.K. making Gulliver and I just got an
invitation through a mutual friend to go out and have a bite
of lunch with him.
And at that time Jack just said to me, "Look, you know, if
you're ever doing anything again like the Idol thing, feel
free to give me a call." And so when we decided, you know,
no one makes an offer to Red Nose Day and doesn't find
they've been hooked on the line.
So I called him and it was just amazing, he came straight
back and said, "I'm in." I've got a feeling it was the
shortest email I've ever received except the ones that say,
"No." But no, it was a mazing.
So it oddly enough started in 2007, met again in 2011 and
then here he is suddenly getting on a plane in 2015.
Anne Easton: Jack, when you - when he - when you said that
did you think he'd say, "Hey, I want you to go to Uganda?"
Jack Black: You know, he didn't bring up Uganda right out of
the gate. That - yes he waited a few years before he dropped
that one on me.
Jack Black: I mean yes, you spend some time with Richard and
you see what he's done in the U.K. with Red Nose Day and
it's just impossible to say no to the guy, or at least it
was for me. I just - when you've had as charmed and lucky a
life as I've had you're already looking for opportunities to
give back. And I don't know anyone who's as good at it as
Richard. And yes, I found it irresistible. I wanted to jump
on board and do some good.
Anne Easton: Now real quick, a lot of times when people from
the States go to third world countries and they come back
they feel very differently about the excesses of this
country and they have a hard time with that. Was that
something that you experienced when you came back from
Jack Black: Yes, there definitely was some shopper's guilt.
I don't feel as free with my Amazon purchases, that's for
sure. I - yes, I'm definitely hyper-aware of my own personal
excesses. Yes. Thank you very much.
Anne Easton: Got you, thanks so much. Thanks, I appreciate
Operator: And we have a question also from Stephanie Piche
with minglemediatv.com. Please proceed.
Stephanie Piche: Thanks. Hi gentlemen, thanks for...
Richard Curtis: Hi.
Jack Black: Hi.
Stephanie Piche: ...being on this call. My question is,
"What do you think gets people motivated to want to
participate and give?" Richard, you had 30 years' experience
with this; is it the comedy, the music, or do you think that
the storytelling really opens their eyes and gets them the
reality of what's happening in other places?
Richard Curtis: Well, you know I think it's the mixture. I
mean it's definitely the films, like the one that Jack's
made that eventually get them to give, you know. And we do
try and say what the money will buy. So no one really
watches a funny sketch and says, "I must give $10 to thank,
you know, Ben Stiller and Will Ferrell for that joke."
But that's the way that we entertain people. And the big
thing is we don't see any contradictions between the two
halves. You know, when I was in Ethiopia in 1986, and this
seems to be everything that Jack's saying, you just see
extraordinary people who want to love, want to have normal
lives, want to fulfill their potential. So I don't think
there's anything disrespectful abut trying to be as stupid
and as funny and entertaining as possible and then just, you
know, once every 20 minutes remind of our shared humanity.
So it's the little appeal films which are full of sort of
grace in humor in their own way, that make the money, and I
think the comedy that makes people stay watching. That'd be
my sentiment.
Stephanie Piche: Great, thank you. And thank you for doing
this, I really admire you.
Richard Curtis: You're very sweet.
Jack Black: (Unintelligible).
Richard Curtis: It's a pleasure. And everybody who works in
any of the projects, as Jack will have seen in the hospital,
they work a lot harder than I've done, you know. I'm equally
aware of being lucky. And I just hope that we can - you
know, you can all help us bring a big audience to the night.
I promise you they'll have a great time. And if we raise a
lot of money I hope that we can raise twice as much the next
Jack Black: Agreed.
Operator: I believe we have time for one more question. A
question from (Elizabeth Widmore) with (Real News Daily).
Please proceed.
Elizabeth Widmore: Hi Gentlemen, thank you so much. Many
young people will be watching the show with their parents
and perhaps seeing other children in these circumstances for
the first time, so what advice can you give other parents
about talking to their kids about gratitude?
Richard Curtis: I don't know that it's about - I mean, I'm
interested to hear what Jack says here. I don't know that
it's about gratitude, I think it's about sort of compassion
and fellowship. You know, I just think the - in the film
that Michelle Rodriguez has made she's watching a little 6
year-old who leaves school after 2 hours every day and works
for 6 hours turning bricks in a mine.
You know, and it's good for us all to know that this is the
way that other people live, but also on this one night to
believe you can make a difference. Instead of closing your
eyes and saying, "This is too hard and I'm too far away,"
just to say, "Well actually I can help (Juliette), I can
actually do something.
So I think it's, rather than making people feel guilty, I
hope it's going to make people feel powerful because they'll
feel, "I can do something tonight, we can do something
together as a family."
Elizabeth Widmore: Jack, any thought on that?
Jack Black: Well personally, you know, I just like to talk
to my kids like they're human beings and not talk down to
them. And if I'm concerned about something I'll talk to them
about, you know, the way - the things I think about the
world and what would make the world a better place. You
know, you don't have to shelter them from everything.
I think it's a mistake we make as parents in general
nowadays is protecting kids from sadness and protecting them
from, you know, the dark corners of the world, when
sometimes those are things that they wonder about but never
talk about because they don't know if they should or could
or would. You've got to treat them like, not adults, but as
human beings, you know. Talk to them about things.
Elizabeth Widmore: Yes, exactly. Thank you so much, both
of you.
Richard Curtis: Thank you.
Jack Black: Yes.
Operator: And now I'll turn the call back to Miss Jill
Jill Carmen: Okay, well thanks everybody for calling in
today. And a big thank you to Jack and to Richard for taking
the time to do this call. We hope you all enjoy Red Nose Day
when it airs on May 21. And thanks again, and have a great
day everyone. Bye-bye.
Richard Curtis: Thank you.
Jack Black: Thank you, bye you guys.
Richard Curtis: (Unintelligible) thanks Jill, thanks
Jill Carmen: Thank you.
Jack Black: I know where I'm going to...
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