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Interview with Tyler Blackburn of "Pretty Little Liars" on
ABC Family 2/7/12
I asked him the question below about what he likes to do
in his spare time and if he liked to watch himself or not. He was
a really nice guy and hearing him talk about the show really made me
want to watch the show and see what happens. Sounds like a great show
and I think that now that he is a series regular, I might just start
watching. I am curious to find out who the mysterious A is.
ABC Family’s Q&A Session with Tyler Blackburn– Pretty
Little Liars
Moderator You’re a series regular now on PLL. How does that make you
Tyler I am very, very excited. I just loved every minute of working on
the show, so the fact that I can work on it more and more, it’s such a
good feeling. I am over the moon.
Moderator Do you happen to know who A is yet?
Tyler Well, obviously I can’t say a whole lot about that, but I can tell
you that by the end of this season A will be revealed. So yes, I do
know. I do know, but I can’t give any hints or anything.
Moderator What was it about the show that piqued your interest to want
to be a part of it?
Tyler Well, when I first auditioned and I got the sides for Caleb, I
just thought he was a great character. I got some backstory about
Hanna’s character and she was sort of a spitfire, and I just felt like
Caleb was able to keep up, and I liked that. But, it’s funny, when I saw
a big billboard for the show—I think right before it came out—and it
looked sort of edgy and it was, like four beautiful girls, and I was
like, “I could totally be on that show.” So then I got the audition, and
I was like, “Wow, this is very fortuitous.” And I auditioned, and I just
felt like it was a good place for me. So it all worked out really great.
Moderator What would you say are the similarities or differences between
you and Caleb?
Tyler Similarities: I think I can kind of keep up with all different
personality types, but I may be not quite as troubled as Caleb and his
past are. But I definitely have a brooding side, I think, that comes out
sometimes but you know. That’s probably how we’re similar and also
Moderator Are we going to continue to see Caleb being involved in the
adventure and the mystery of A or is this target going to slow him down
a bit?
Tyler I think that after this next week’s episode it does slow down a
little bit for Caleb. I think A definitely gives people these hurdles,
and if they prove themselves and successfully jump over them—A doesn’t
necessarily back off but gives a slight amount of breathing room. So I
think that’s sort of what happens with Caleb. He’s put in some hot
water, but he does prevail in some ways. So I think that for the rest of
the season after that, he’s focusing again on his relationship with
Hanna, as opposed to all of this craziness. So it does shift a little
bit, but he definitely helps to facilitate finding out the mystery of
who A is.
Moderator Now, when you’re reading the scripts, what’s your general
reaction? Do you find yourself shocked by what’s happening or surprised
by what Caleb’s actions and reactions are? Did you expect Caleb to be
where he is now or where he ends up in the next two episodes?
Tyler Well, when I read the scripts, I’m not going to lie, I get really
into it because it’s really well written, and it’s exciting. Obviously,
the mysteries are left open for us too, and once we read a script and
it’s like, “What does that mean?” And then it’s answered in the next
episode, or it’s not. So it does get very exciting.
As far as where Caleb is, it’s just really funny because I was supposed
to do four episodes of this show, and I kept doing more, and I was like,
“Wow, this is really cool, and I’m enjoying this.” Then I was starting
to think like, “Oh, it would be awesome if Caleb helped the girls find
out who A is,” and then that’s kind of happening. So I am surprised, but
I’m not surprised where he is at this point.
Moderator It seems there’s going to have to be some sort of serious
showdown between Caleb and Garrett. What can you tell us about what’s
going to happen with them?
Tyler Well, Garrett’s just a creepy dude. He’s also a cop, and Caleb has
a bit of a sordid past with the law and I think that A knows that. A
sort of sets it up to where Garrett and Officer Wilden are able to
basically charge—not charge but assume—that Caleb has done some hacking
illegally and A sort of sets Caleb up in that way.
So you wonder is Caleb going to get in trouble with the law again, and
the law happens to be Garrett. I think Garrett also has some ulterior
motives as well, so they’re definitely out for blood. But Caleb is a
tough dude, you know? He has a lot of street smarts, and he can keep up
pretty well.
Moderator Are we going to see anymore of Caleb with his family that he’s
been introduced to, and how is that going to play into everything?
Tyler I’m not sure. I know for a fact that the rest of the season takes
place in Rosewood, but third season—who knows? That would be fun if
Caleb and Hanna were to go surfing in Malibu or something like that.
That’d be fun.
Moderator Since A is going to be coming after Caleb, does that put a
wedge also between his relationship with Hanna in any way?
Tyler You know what? Quite to the contrary, it brings them a little bit
closer. Usually, it’s Caleb trying to protect Hanna, but because Caleb
is in hot water, Hanna has to kind of figure out how she might be able
to help Caleb, and so the roles are reversed a little bit, and I think
it brings them closer, actually. So I’m sure A is pretty pissed off.
Moderator The show is very girl-centric, but I’m wondering if you hear
from male fans at all (straight or gay) as far as the guys watching the
Tyler Obviously it is a rarity, but I have for sure. I don’t know their
sexual orientation necessarily, but it could hardly matter either. A fan
is a fan and if guys don’t reach out—I mean, the thing is I know that
guys have to watch it. I watch every episode, and I enjoy it not only
because I work on it, but it’s because it’s a really good show, and it
has a little bit of everything. Yes, it’s girl-centric, and there’s
fashion and stuff, but it’s scary sometimes. You know what I mean? It’s
like, mystery. So I think guys would really enjoy it. I know they’re out
there. I know they’re out there.
Moderator Have you ever come up with theories about what’s going to
happen next before you read the script with other cast members? Do you
guys ever sit around and think, “I wonder if it’s going to go this
Tyler I think a little bit, but it seems like we crank it out. I mean,
it’s like we film an episode, halfway through the episode we get the new
scripts, almost, and it’s like—it moves so fast, and the writers are
just so good at their job, that we kind of just leave it to them. And we
kind of—we’re along for the ride, in a way, you know?
Moderator Do you think there would ever be a possibility for fans to
hear you sing on the show?
Tyler Well, on the show, I’m not sure. I mean, that would definitely
have to be sort of like a decision for the character. But I actually
have recorded a couple songs, (one of them was for a web series that I
did) and we filmed a music video for it. So that’s actually available
online. That song is called “Save Me.”
Moderator Called “Save Me”?
Tyler Yeah, and then I’ve also recorded another song that—it’s sort of
through ABC Family—and hopefully I can continue to do so. They’ve just
been really great in providing a platform for me to get in the recording
studio and hone that craft. So we’re hoping that some cool stuff can
happen with that music, so I absolutely know that the fans will be able
to hear some music from me.
Moderator If it were up to you, what kind of mischief would Caleb be
involved with? Or would you like to see him end up more of a hero?
Tyler Oh, well I think at this point he’s definitely leaning towards
hero, and I think for the sake of this show, I would definitely enjoy
that. I think these four girls must be driven crazy every single day. I
can’t even imagine. So if Caleb can alleviate any of that and play the
superhero for a minute, I think I’d like that. I think that they would
be very grateful. I think the fans would enjoy it too.
Moderator Who do you see Caleb ending up with romantically, ultimately,
and who do you think is going to be going after Caleb?
Tyler At this point I think that he and Hanna are just like a dynamic
duo, honestly. I think it’s kind of a match made in heaven, and so I
personally hope that they end up together, and I think that if anybody
else goes after Caleb, Hanna’s claws will come out.
Moderator Do you have a favorite moment from filming so far behind the
scenes or something shot?
Tyler Oh man, there’s so much because it’s just this show allows you to
explore different settings and stuff, you know? I mean, I loved—well,
just so many—but in one of the recent episodes where Hanna and Lucas are
out on the rowboat and there’s this whole surprise party for Caleb,
actually. And I wasn’t even in it that much, but it was just so fun to
be in this Warner Bros. backlot outside. I mean, they literally just—the
sets on the show are epic, and I love being outdoors. I love being
on-set, so it was just a … combination of the two. So I really enjoyed
that, but there’s just so many. I just have so much fun while I’m there,
so it’s kind of a hard answer to come up with.
Moderator How did you get involved into acting?
Tyler Well, I’ve always been interested in it, actually. I mean, since I
was in preschool I was putting on performances and stuff, and then I did
plays and all of that throughout my childhood. But it wasn’t until the
end of high school that I decided that I wanted to professionally, so I
just started taking some acting classes and really learning how to act
for TV and film because it’s quite different from theater. So then I
just sort of met different managers and agents and started the roller
coaster that is the entertainment business. I’m very happy to be where I
am at this point.
Moderator I know that when Caleb was brought in on the whole secret
between the girls he wasn’t given the entire truth, just enough so that
he could help them out. Will he learn the whole truth of what’s going on
with them?
Tyler This season from here on out, as far as Caleb goes, after next
week’s episode it does start to focus a little bit more on the four
girls as the mystery of A is coming to a close. So he doesn’t learn the
whole truth this season. I think that he possibly will learn it next
season, but for this season, he knows that they’re being harassed, and
he’s not okay with that. So he, I think, has his theories, but yes, he
does have a lot of unanswered questions about what’s going on. I think
he thinks Jenna’s abusing them because he’s been sort of taken advantage
by her as well. He sort of has his own theories, like most people have
their theories on who A is. You know what I mean?
Moderator In the past, it’s mainly just been you and Ashley working
together, but now you seem to work with all of the girls more. What is
that like?
Tyler It’s really fun, honestly. I like that that’s shifted. Obviously,
I love working with Ashley, and I find that we have just really good
chemistry and stuff. But it’s been really fun working with everybody. I
mean, it makes me feel like I’m maybe like the fifth PLL or something.
But everybody is great, honestly, in their own way as actors, so it’s
fun to experience that. With acting, it’s like you form chemistry with
different people in different ways, so it’s really added even more fun
to work, you know?
Moderator So it’s not too much of an estrogen-fest or anything?
Tyler I love women, and I just think that they’re great. I mean, yes,
they can be a little nutty sometimes, but they’re great. So I’m pretty
comfortable. Definitely, I like to come home and, like, do something
Moderator Decompress?
Tyler Yeah, I like to do yard work or something sort of like more manly
to—well, but I can adapt. It’s fine. It’s all good.
Moderator Could you tell us what your number one song on your playlist
is right now; do you have a celebrity crush; and the most magical place
you’ve ever been?
Tyler My number one song right now—there’s actually a guy named Matt
Corby who I am obsessed with, and I just like pretty much any of his
songs. My celebrity crush—gosh, that’s just sort of difficult because
there’s a lot. Wow. I don’t know. I don’t know. There’s just so many
beautiful female celebrities out there. I’m not sure. And then, the most
magical place that I’ve ever been- I really love the island of Kauai.
I’ve been there many, many times, and I just have a lot of affinity for
it. When I’m there, I sort of like turn into a jungle boy, and that’s
fun to do sometimes. But I am going to gear up next week for the first
time ever, so I’m thinking that might be pretty high on the list after
Moderator What do you think makes Hanna and Tyler’s chemistry click
together, especially after Tyler’s original lies and deceits?
Tyler Well, I think that they’re both similar in the sense that they put
out this tougher exterior, but they have a lot of sensitivity inside. So
I think when they’re together, it’s kind of a platform for them to be
able to open up and really feel something. You know what I mean? I think
that that makes them feel safe together, and I think that feeling safety
with a significant other is just really important.
As actors, I feel that it’s a little bit of the same thing. Not that we
have these tough exteriors, but that Ashley and I can just really have a
good conversation, and we really sort of understand each other. So I
think that that helps, absolutely.
Moderator Why do you think PLL fans have taken to Caleb so well?
Tyler Well, the show is about four girls and I think that our fan base
is mostly girls. So you have to have a balance between the female eye
candy and the male eye candy. I feel like they like the fact that Caleb
sort of breaks things up a little bit as far as he does definitely bring
something—not humorous, but just like an edge to things. He can be a
bad- I think, and he’s also a good boyfriend to Hanna, and I think that
girls like watching that as well.
I think the writers have done an amazing job at creating the character
and the evolution because when I first got on the show, he really was
just kind of a rebel and stuff, and you start to learn more about him
and why he is the way he is. I think that people like that as well. It’s
just when you get a background or a backstory to a character, I think
that they like that.
Moderator If you could pick the perfect celebrity guest star for the
show, who would you pick, and what would their storyline be?
Tyler There’s just so many though. Whenever I get asked like, “What’s
your favorite movie; who’s you favorite actor,” I’m like—it’s hard for
me. I’m not someone who has, like, a favorite. I don’t have a favorite
song or a favorite band. I just love so many things, you know? Gosh,
ideal guest star—let’s see. Literally, the first name that comes to my
mind is Dustin Hoffman. I don’t know why.
Moderator Do you have any Valentine’s Day plans you can share with us?
Tyler I do, but I’m going to be in London, actually. I don’t have a
Valentine or anything like that. I’m going to just explore the world a
little bit for Valentine’s Day.
Moderator A is like the big mystery of the show. How is revealing it at
the end of this season going to change the dynamics of the entire show?
Tyler That’s a great question, and I wondered the same thing. Obviously,
you feel like, oh, the show would end, but that is not going to happen.
Once A is revealed, there’s another mystery kind of starts from that. So
they definitely have kept the momentum going, so you’re not going to be
disappointed, and there’s just going to be more and more. I think this
is probably one of the biggest black holes that anybody could fall into
because there’s just so many layers to it, you know?
Moderator Do you think it’ll have any negative impact with the fans
after A is revealed?
Tyler No, I don’t, honestly. I think that people are going to, like,
just be aghast, literally. It’s going to be so awesome.
Moderator Since you’re a series regular now, do you think Caleb will get
more of his own storyline?
Tyler Well, I mean, yeah. It’s possible. Obviously the four girls,
they’re the ones with all the headache and all of that. So I think that
it’s going to—my assumption is that it’s going to remain mostly about
them, but I do think that Caleb’s part is going to become a little
larger. I mean, I would hope so. Just once he’s sort of clued into
everything that’s been going on, I think that he will play a bigger
As far as his own storyline or backstory, I’m not sure. That would be
cool. I mean, as I said earlier, it would be awesome if he and Hanna
went to California and went surfing or something. That could be a cool
storyline—turn it into the endless summer, you know?
Moderator Is there anyone on the show that you haven’t really been able
to work with that you would like to work with?
Tyler Holly, I think, would be awesome. I really enjoy watching her, and
she is just so sweet and awesome and amazing, and I would love to do
some work with Holly. We never really get to do anything, so I would say
her or Keegan. I think that would be cool.
Moderator If you met the group of girls that are on the show in real
life, would you hang out with them, or would you have anyone that was in
particular closer to your similar tastes in females?
Tyler Very well put. Honestly, in real life, I hate drama, so I probably
wouldn’t really hang out with them too much because they have a lot of
drama. But as far as their characters go, I would say Aria or Emily,
maybe, just as far as personalities go—maybe hang out with them a little
bit. I mean, they’re all pretty cool, but I would say one of those two.
Moderator Do you have any other new projects lining up, or are you just
really focusing on Pretty Little Liars right now?
Tyler Yeah, well, now that I was made a series regular, that’s just
pretty much my focus at this time
Moderator Do you have any memorable fan experiences you can share with
Tyler Memorable fan experiences—actually, over this last weekend, I met
a bunch of teenage girls—and this is a little bit of a downer, maybe—but
one of the girls had a condition called alopecia—that’s where you
basically lose all of your hair—and she asked me to sign her head, and
it was very touching, actually. I would say that would probably be one
of the most memorable. I don’t know why. I felt a lot of compassion for
her, and she was so bold and awesome about it. She was like, “Hey, I
don’t have any hair. Please sign my head.” And I was like, “Absolutely.”
Very, very sweet.
Moderator What’s been the coolest experience you’ve had being part of
the show?
Tyler Oh my gosh. Those are, like, countless to be honest because it’s
been such a change in my life. This show is amazing, and it’s just so
successful that I’ve had the opportunity to do so many things. Wow.
Gosh. Let’s see. Being a little bit more public figure, it’s sort of
awesome when you can lend a hand to certain charities and that type of
I’m now a global investor of Stomp Out Bullying, and I was able to go
to—not the White House—but to Washington D.C. to raise awareness about
cyber-bullying and bullying. And that was pretty awesome just to have
certain people there to listen to a little bit of my story, just talking
to people who experience that and let them know that it’s—the world is a
safer place than it seems—and keep pushing through because it’s pretty
awesome out there. The ability to have a voice like that, I think, is
Also, just to be able to act. That’s really what I love to do. I love
being on set. I love getting scenes and rehearsing them, and it’s just
awesome to have that opportunity, so I’m just excited for everything.
I’m just an excited person, I guess.
Moderator When will Caleb wise up to Lucas’s obvious, undying love for
Tyler It hasn’t really been written, but I feel like he totally knows,
to be honest. The thing is Lucas is a good guy, and he’s been a pretty
good friend to Caleb—other than the whole gambling thing—and I feel like
it just kind of it is what it is, and I think Caleb feels like, “Hey, we
can be friends and make it all work.” But I’m not sure if it’s going to
be—I’m not sure if there’s going to be, like, a showdown or anything
like that. I just think it is what it is, and I think Caleb just has
respect for the situation and Lucas. I don’t think Caleb really goes out
of his way to, like, rub it in his face or anything like that.
Moderator Hanna has a lot of secrets and lies, and Caleb seems to be a
little bit turned off by them, yet a little bit turned on by them. What,
if anything, can drive Caleb and Hanna apart?
Tyler You’re correct in saying that he kind of likes it, but also
doesn’t like it. I think that Caleb likes to solve problems. Do you know
what I mean? He definitely likes to solve problems. That’s why he likes
to sort of get in between there and figure it all out. But I don’t know
to what extent—I don’t know what it would take for them to separate. I
don’t think that—honestly, maybe something like cheating or something. I
don’t know, you know? I feel like they have a lot of trust in each
other, and I feel like something like that would break their trust.
Moderator A lot of the stars have said that they would be interested in
doing a PLL convention for fans. Would that be something you were
interested in doing?
Tyler Oh, absolutely. Yeah. That would be so fun. I mean, something like
Comic-Con or something like that. I just think that’s so fun. That
energy must be so tangible. It must be cool because … that, I would
totally participate in that.
Moderator You get to go to al these amazing award shows, like People’s
Choice now. How does that make you feel?
Tyler It’s awesome, to be honest. It’s a little bit surreal. I try to
live just like a very normal life and just do what I like to do, so when
I go do that, honestly, it’s nerve-wracking a little bit. It’s a little
bit intimidating. I still go into it with really wide eyes and all of
that, but it’s really just fun and a little bit surreal.
Moderator Do you think Caleb and Hanna are made for each other? Leading
up to the finale, can we expect any surprising turns for Caleb or maybe
even getting that Caleb/Lucas duo back on the screen?
Tyler Their little bromance? Not with Lucas, but I will say that Caleb
is sort of put in a position to have to do something that he really
doesn’t want to do to help someone out. So yeah, that’s actually a
spot-on question, so I think fans will love it. They’ll love it. I
thought it was awesome.
Moderator If you could give Caleb a piece of advice for the coming
episodes and coming seasons, what would it be?
Tyler I would say, actually, a combination of don’t forget to breathe,
and take notes because there’s a lot of information out there.
Moderator What other things do you like to do in your spare time?
Tyler I like to do a lot of things, to be honest. I’m someone who likes
to sort of grab life by the horns and just kind of do some stuff.
But some stuff I love doing these days: I love traveling. My friend has
a ranch up in Oregon, so I’ve been spending some time up there, and as I
said, I’m going to Europe next week. But when I’m home, I take a lot of
hot yoga, which is really awesome, and I like hiking and just kind of
getting some space. I also loved cooking recently—well for a while, but
I go in spurts—so I’ve been cooking a lot. Going to see live music and
movies and stuff like that. I’m pretty—not boring—but I’m mellow, I
guess you would say.
Moderator Do you watch yourself on TV after you film a scene?
Tyler I’m going to be honest. I do watch it. In the beginning, I was
really reluctant, but I think it’s awesome to be proud of yourself, and
I am proud of the work that I do, and I’m proud to be a part of this
show. Obviously there are moments where I’m like, don’t ever make that
face again, or—you do get a little critical. But I think it’s really fun
to watch it because you do put a lot of time and effort into it, and you
see It on the page, you perform it the way you think it should be done,
and you want to see the end results and how it came out, and I think
that’s awesome.
Moderator What was your reaction the first time you found out who A was?
Tyler I kind of got giddy. The finale episode is like—I mean, do you
remember—I mean, most people would remember when Ian was hanging from
the bell tower, and there was so much action. That’s literally just a
fraction of what goes on in this season finale. So it’s adrenaline
pumping. I really genuinely was, like, biting my nails reading the
script, and I was just so stoked when it all came to a close and the way
it was done. It’s awesome.
Moderator What is your dream plotline for Caleb in season three, now
that you’re a regular?
Tyler Wow. I just feel like there are so many options. I feel like it
could go so many ways. I do feel like because of the big reveal— which
they’re dubbing “A-Day” by the way—I feel like that’s just going to
really open up a huge can of worms for everybody involved, everybody at
Rosewood High, all the parts, Caleb, I think everyone’s going to start
to get clued in, I would imagine.
So I feel like, obviously, Caleb wants to continue to help Hanna
specifically, but also her friends. So I don’t know. I really don’t have
a solid answer for it. I just want him to continue to be there with them
and trudge through the grind of A and all of the damage A has done.
Moderator A lot of our readers are Team Haleb fans, (Hanna and Caleb)
but there’s also a lot of Team Ezria fans, (Ezra and Aria) so I just
want to know if you could choose between the two, which couple do you
think has a better chance of survival.
Tyler Absolutely Haleb.
Moderator Because?
Tyler Well, they’re the same age. No, but I do think that’s going to be
a factor. I think, obviously, the romance of it with Ezra and Aria is
really romantic, kind of because it’s so forbidden. I hope it lasts, but
it’s going to be a little bit more challenging, I think. I think that
Haleb will be the winner in that one.
Moderator Hanna may be the one for Caleb, but which character is the
most your type in real life?
Tyler I said it before and I think it’s the same still: It would
probably be Aria. She just has a little bit of this kind of—a little bit
of this Bohemian vibe to her, like funky fashion. Yeah, I think I would
say Aria.
Moderator What about the girls in real life, all the actresses? Which
one would be most your type?
Moderator I might get in trouble with that one. I’m not sure. I mean,
they’re all very unique in their own way. They’re their own people, and
I find that to be attractive in a person, so if I could have all of
them, maybe.
Moderator Besides Pretty Little Liars, what is your favorite show to
watch on TV?
Tyler Well, I have guilty pleasures, but the truth is I don’t really
keep up with shows like ritualistically, but I will say I enjoy
watching—I’m sort of embarrassed to say it—I actually kind of enjoy
watching Revenge. I remember being younger and watching Emily VanCamp on
Everwood, and I thought she was so cute, and so I really like her in
general, and I think that show is just really, really juicy. So
sometimes my teenage girl comes out. But I would say that’s it
really—and I watch that on my iPad when I have a chance. But when I sit
down to watch TV, I love watching the Discovery Channel or—I said this
in an interview yesterday, I love Man Vs. Wild. I want to go on an
excursion with Bear Grylls. I would love it. So I like that kind of
stuff, and I love Food Network. I don’t, like, record shows and sit down
and watch them. You know what I mean? I don’t really do that,
Moderator Can you give us spoilers about what viewers can expect in
these episodes leading up to the season finale?
Tyler In the next one, Caleb does have a huge storyline in the next
episode. A has really put their sights on Caleb and wants to destroy
Caleb. Caleb is getting a little too close for comfort, I think, and so
he’s sort of accused of some false charges of hacking, and so he winds
up in the police station and has to get out of a pretty sticky
But after that, there’s only a few left, so things just get a little bit
more—let’s see, what’s a good word for it?—obviously confusing. I mean,
the show, not confusing, but there’s just like, “What,” like your
questions do not get answered. So there's definitely more of that.
I will say in one of the upcoming episodes, there’s a big masquerade
ball, and Hanna and Caleb are sort of like a play on Romeo and Juliet,
which I thought was awesome, and I think that fans will enjoy watching
that because it’s just so beautifully done. I can say that.
Moderator I know that you can’t tell us who A is, obviously, but I’m
wondering since we’ve seen Caleb go against two of the most terrifying
and creepy people on the show, (Jenna and Garrett) can we use that to
eliminate Caleb for good as a suspect?
Tyler Well, I don’t even know if I’d go that far. I mean, anything’s
possible. I will say that Caleb is very street savvy, and he’s
definitely had to lie and stuff in the past, so I wouldn’t rule him out,
to be honest.
Moderator Are there any deaths coming up in the rest of the season.
Tyler You’ll have to watch and see.
Moderator In the past, you’ve done some work on the soap opera Days of
Our Lives, how is working on the soap opera similar or different than
working on Pretty Little Liars?
Tyler Well, Days of Our Lives, they shoot an episode in one day, and
Pretty Little Liars shoots an episode in seven days, about. You
definitely get more time with the material. On Days of our Lives it
seems like there’s more dialog, and less time to film it, so you have to
really be on your game. It moves very quickly. That was a great learning
experience for me. It was a little stressful at times, so I definitely
enjoy the formats of one-hour dramas because we have more time. So I
would say that’s probably one of the main differences, but it was such a
great experience for me.
Moderator Would you ever go back to doing soap operas if you weren’t
doing Pretty Little Liars?
Tyler I don’t know if I would go back full-time, but I would definitely
make appearances and stuff like that. I think Days of Our Lives in
particular has been around for so long, and it was kind of a starting
ground for me. So if they wanted me to come back for, I would absolutely
do it.
Pretty Little Liars Official Site:
Tyler Blackburn Joins the Cast as a Series Regular
Burbank, CA (Jan. 31, 2012) - Hanna's worst nightmare comes to
fruition when Caleb becomes a target of "A's" wrath in "CTRL:A," an
all new episode of ABC Family's hit original series "Pretty Little
Liars," airing Monday, February 13th (8:00 - 9:00 PM ET/PT).
Caleb's involvement in cracking "A's" phone has had Hanna worried
from day one and now "A" is determined to punish him for it. With
Det. Wilden and Garrett now circling Caleb on bogus hacking charges
and in possession of his computer, Hanna and her friends are
convinced that this won't end well. What are the police looking for
on Caleb's computer and better yet, would could "A" have possible
planted on the computer to interest the police this much? Aria,
Emily, Hanna and Spencer may soon get another example of what happens
to people they involve in "A's" game.
Meanwhile, Aria learns what Holden's been keeping secret as Byron
starts to question the relationship.
"Pretty Little Liars" is produced by Alloy Entertainment in
association with Warner Horizon Television and is executive produced
by I. Marlene King, Oliver Goldstick and Leslie Morgenstein. The
series stars Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Holly Marie Combs,
Lucy Hale, Ian Harding, Laura Leighton, Chad Lowe, Shay Mitchell and
Sasha Pieterse. Tyler Blackburn, who portrays fan favorite Caleb, has
been promoted to series regular starting in the third season,
premiering this summer.
Part of the Disney/ABC Television Group, ABC Family is distributed in
over 97 million homes. ABC Family features programming reflecting
today's families, entertaining and connecting with adults through
relatable programming about today's relationships - told with a mix
of diversity, passion, humor and heart. ABC Family's programming is a
combination of network defining original series and original movies,
quality acquired series and blockbuster theatricals. ABC Family is
also the destination for annual Holiday events with "13 Nights of
Halloween" and "25 Days of Christmas." ABC Family. A New Kind of
You can become a fan of the show on Facebook and Twitter at: Facebook:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ABCFpll
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