The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #191

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #191

Tuesday 11/3/15

scene from Crazy Ex GirlfriendI can't believe that not one of the Fall TV shows has been canceled yet...but I'm not complaining! Here's a great list of each broadcast networks' shows and where they are in the ratings.  Not surprised about any of the lower-rated shows, but I hope they give "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" on The CW more of a chance...dumb name, great show! I'm sad that "Heroes Reborn" is not doing as well as it started out.  Not loving the ratings for "Castle," "Bones" and "Sleepy Hollow," either!

Make sure you check out this week's news page here and next week's will be here . We put up a lot of info and video clips every week!

I apologize because I haven't been posting this blog for a few weeks! I've had terrible computer problems. The laptop I use regularly died, and I had to buy a new one, so all of my spare time has been spent learning Windows 10 and trying to get the new laptop back the way I like it. The other computer, a desktop, that I use for making the soap transcripts, also died, so I'm waiting to hear if that one can be repaired or not.  It always happens at once, doesn't it? I did back up my laptop, but in June, so I've lost a lot. Marcos, who hosts my sites, is going to take a look at it and see if he can salvage anything. Otherwise, it would cost me hundreds of dollars to pay someone to try to do it. Which I would really rather not spend!

So back up your data regularly. For me it's been kind of a pain, so I need to find a better way to do it regularly....

Tonight I binge-watched the wonderful Amazon series "Red Oaks." You want to make sure to check this one out! I only intended to watch one episode and got sucked in. The characters and their relationships are fantastic, and also it's just a really good story, and very real, yet funny. You will not be sorry.

Another good show I watched recently was this old 2006 British show called "The Eleventh Hour" starring Patrick Stewart. I found it on the Acorn TV channel/website. It's only 4 episodes. I sure wish it were more. Stewart stars along with the fabulous Scottish actress who played Christina in "Ugly Betty."  They remade it in the US, but with different actors. I haven't seen that version yet, but I hear it's good. The guy who created and wrote the series, Stephen Gallagher, also has done some "Doctor Who" episodes from the 80's and some other really good shows and movies. I told him on TwitterBelle and Rumple how much I liked the show, and I was very pleased that he replied and followed me. I look forward to seeing more of his work. I downloaded two of his books to my Kindle as well.

Otherwise, I've just been catching up on my usual DVR shows. I really enjoyed this week's "Once Upon a Time," since I'm a huge fan of Rumple and Belle. "The Good Wife" has been great as always. I was chuckling all the way through this week's episode.

Bones and Sleepy Hollow crossoverWith baseball and everything else, some of our shows were re-runs, like "The Daily Show" and the "Nightly Show" and "Family Guy."    It's okay - there has been plenty to watch, anyway.

For the first time in, maybe ever....I'm behind on watching "Bones." That's because there are so many other good shows on at that same time. I do intend to catch up, though. My DVR's can only hold so much.

I am caught up on "Blindspot." This morning I got to interview Lou Diamond Phillips, who's always awesome. Who doesn't like him? I mean, I've loved his work ever since the 80's when he starred in "La Bamba" as Richie Valens. He's done so many great shows and movies. My favorites of his were "Stargate Universe" and now "Longmire." We were supposed to ask him about his guest-starring role on "Blindspot," but the thing is, he couldn't tell us anything, so it was kind of funny.  He was very nice, though, as he always is on Twitter as well. It was a great call and I know he will be a blast on the NBC show.

Last week's big exciting news for me was that they are making a season 5 of "Longmire," which is great.  A lot of people on the Phillips call were asking him about that and congratulating him.  He's also starring in a movie about the legendary night stalker serial killer, Richard Ramirez. I'm sure he'll be fabulous as always.

This season so far, "Doctor Who" has been better. I really didn't like the new doctor last season, but he's been great so far now, and I love the stories. I think they're way more original than they were. Sometimes they're a bit weird, though, and then I get confused. But weird is way better than predictable or stupid.

I really liked the show that airs after that on BBC America, the one about the Vikings and Brits, but I haven't had time to keep up with it so far. Another one that I liked but don't have much time to watch is "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" on The CW. It's a musical comedy and very out there. Just my kind of show.

I'm still enjoying all of my CW shows, especially "Supernatural" and "The Flash."  I love seeing Jay Garrick (Chad Sears) on "The Flash" and I loved the way the last one ended (with usWells and Cisco seeing the return of Harrison Wells (not that he was ever really gone).  Oh, and "Gotham" continues to be great as well. I'm glad that the new chief finally yelled at Jim for not following the laws and rules. That was really bothering me. He needs to be a good guy.

I fell behind a bit for a few weeks on "Heroes Reborn" so I caught up on that as well. It's so good. Okay, I mean, it's enjoyable. It's not the type of show that you want to think too hard about, especially once time travel is involved. There are just too many odd things that seem inconsistent if you keep watching. It's just for fun. In fact, it needs more fun, but I don't know if they'll be doing that with this particular incarnation.  As much as I love Jack Coleman, I think they needed to have more superheroes and more powers than what they've been showing. Perhaps it's a budget thing. Otherwise, though, I've really been enjoying it, and seeing Mohinder and Hiro last week was icing on the cake. Unless something drastic happens, I don't think there will be more "Heroes" after this outing. Too bad. By the way, a girl I went to high school with, Lisa, is married to the show's creator, Tim Kring; we were in choir and the musicals when she was a sophomore and I was a senior (very talented singer and actress back then). Her mom was a former actress and drama teacher, I believe? She helped us out with "Fiddler on the Roof," which Lisa starred in.  We were also both in the Chamber Singers and our group went to Mexico for a tour for two weeks. I think we even roomed together briefly. Very nice girl, and I'm sure she's turned into a really nice woman.  I just see her sometimes on Facebook. Anyway, her husband Tim always does top-notch work. I wasn't a big fan of his last two series, but "Heroes" is one of my favorite all-time shows, and I also loved his show "Crossing Jordan." I'm sure that if "Heroes Reborn" Sherlock and his dadfinishes this year, he'll be on to some other great show.

Don't forget to check out our new "Supergirl" section, although I'm still building it up a bit.

I'm really looking forward to the return of "Elementary" on CBS and "Major Crimes" on TNT this week! Yay!

I'm glad to see that "Life in Pieces" is a's a funny show.

I still have 5 DVD's to watch this week and a few new shows. Make sure to check out my reviews.

I was kind of bummed earlier today because I got turned down by the TV Critics Association for membership. I hope they'll give me a reply with a specific reason because the one they gave so far was kind of vague, and insulting. :(  They said: "Thank you for applying for membership with the Television Critics Association. Unfortunately, we are not extending membership to you at this time. The TCA Board of Directors vetted your Sheldon is angryapplication and your application failed to meet the criteria set out on the official TCA website at time of application. We appreciate your interest in the organization and you are welcome to reapply when the portal for admissions opens in March. Please know that all due attention is given to each applicant, the vote is taken at a closed meeting and we do not divulge particulars about any candidate. "

I asked which criteria they didn't think I met because the ones I read listed on their website, I definitely did fit! They said your website or media has to be your full time job (check) and your main source of income (check), and devoted mostly to TV (check), and supported by ads (check) and that you act in a professional manner (check). I thought that saying I "failed" is kind of a rude way to put it, personally. That last sentence may mean that they won't reply to my questions, though. I guess we'll see. How can I improve to apply again if they won't tell me why? That's very annoying.

Wednesday 11/4/15Bold & Beautiful cast

I've been running all of the soap transcripts from last week to catch up. I really only watch bits and pieces. I'm enjoying seeing the Halloween costumes so far.  I loved seeing Michael E. Knight on "The Young & The Restless." I hope we see more of him!

I was very happy today because Larry Willmore of "The Nightly Show" on Comedy Central favorited my tweet! LOL!  We watch his show regularly, but we noticed that on Tuesday's show they used a word incorrectly. I tweeted: "We love your show and it's usually really funny! By the way, your writers on Tuesday used the word 'equivocate' incorrectly."  So that's funny that he favorited that. I tweet to him all of the time, so I'm glad he finally noticed! Ha ha!

I've got another stack of DVD's to watch and review... I was very happy to get the movie "Mr. Holmes" today. It's a movie, not a TV show, but that's okay. I've been looking forward to seeing it. I love all forms of Sherlock Holmes! That's why I created our page for "Elementary" and "Sherlock."

Saturday 11/15/15

I'm afraid that after this, I stopped updating the blog! I just got very busy. Now here it is, 11 days later. Oops!Donald Trump

I don't normally watch real or serious politics or news on TV, but today I saw part of the second Democratic debate.  Doesn't it seem like every presidential election, there are more and more debates (way too many)? My husband is an expert on presidential debates, so he watches many of them.

I don't want Donald Trump to be president, but he would be the first TV personality to become president!  Ronald Reagan was on TV, too, but he was more of a movie star, I think (B movie star, George Clooneybut still...). Al Franken, who used to be on Saturday Night Live, is in congress. Several other actors, including Gopher from "The Love Boat" and the late Fred Thompson from "Law & Order," among others, have been senators or congressman or run for other offices.

I wish that one of the actors I liked would run for president, but I guess most of them are too smart, or too busy, to do that. They prefer to give money to their favorite candidates instead. Too bad. Wouldn't President Clooney be great?

They finally have canceled a new TV show - "Wicked City" on ABC. I hadn't even gotten around to watching it yet. There have only been three episodes! I think there were only 10 total, so I wonder why they bothered toJeremy Sisto cancel it? Seems kind of silly. Too bad... I really love Jeremy Sisto and he was playing another police detective, like he did in "Law & Order." He was so good in that.  He looks great in this new show. He's lost weight and looks very fit (and they show him with his shirt off).  I hope he finds another good TV gig soon. Maybe people had trouble with it being another show set in the past. There are so many now. I do have to say, though, that the soundtrack to the show plays lots of great 70's and 80's songs. Or maybe the show was too dark for ABC, which usually shows Nathaniel Marstonlighter, more family-friendly shows. It does remind me a little of "Aquarius" on NBC.

There was some very sad news this week. Actor Nathaniel Marston, most known for "One Life to Live," was in a terrible car accident and died.  Everyone says he was a really nice guy and he'd turned his life around after he'd had some anger issues and dealt with them. He was a fabulous actor.

I've been keeping up on the soaps.  This surrogate story on "Bold & The Beautiful" with Maya, Rick and Nicole is really drawn-out and boring.  It's just been over-discussed and too talky. The rest of the show's okay. Y&R has been keeping my attention still.

I can't believe it's already almost Thanksgiving!!! Where does the time go? There are so many great shows on TV now. Which one is your favorite?

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Page updated 11/15/15

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