The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #190

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #190

GH's Sonny, Michael, Morgan and DanteWhat new shows are you watching? Which shows are you behind on? Come join us and let us know on the Talkin' TV group on Facebook! It's a nice little group.

We could really use a new "General Hospital" update writer, so please email me if you're interested in helping out! All youClara and The Doctor have to do is watch the show and write up a detailed description of what happened. You don't have to be a great writer, just a competent one.

I'm still enjoying watching "Doctor Who" on Saturdays, even though sometimes it's kind of dumb and not very logical any more. The new Doctor has grown on me a bit more.Gold as hero

I still love "Once Upon a Time" on Sundays. I'm looking forward to seeing Gold as a hero again! I don't like seeing King Arthur as a bad guy, though.

"The Good Wife" really should be calledMorgan "The Great Wife" because it's really great. I'm loving seeing Jeffrey Dean Morgan on there! He's always awesome and sexy, and this looks like a particularly fun character.

This past weekend, I spent a lot of time working on the site, catching up on everything! Make sure to check out our Reviews Page where we have a lot of DVD and new TV show reviews.  Also, I put up lots of our interviews with TV stars.

BaptisteAs always, we made our weekly Primetime News PagesThis week's page is here and next week's will be here.

I have more interviews coming. Tuesday I interviewed Marianne Jean-Baptiste, star of "Blindspot" on NBC.  She was great for years on "Without a Trace," and then this past year, she was on the second season of "Broadstreet" (Where she used her real accent for a change!).  I have to admit that I had a little trouble understanding her on the call. Thank goodness they provide a transcript for it!

Monday I'm interviewing Marina Squerciati from "Chicago PD!" That should be a fun one.Castle and Beckett

"Castle" was interesting this week, but it had kind of a convoluted story.

"The Big Bang Theory" is always good, but I think they missed the point of a filk song. It's more like, fans just sitting around, having fun, singing fake fan songs. It's not about having a band. It was funny, sure, but kinda dumb.  Of course it makes no sense that Sheldon is so upset about Leonard moving out or that Penny and Leonard Raj and Lucywould enable him by Leonard agreeing to stick around longer. I know a lot of fans, of all types, many of them very weird, but I've never seen that situation. Now, Stuart living with Bernadette and Howard because he's poor and can't afford to move out -- that I have seen! Many times. On the other hand, if he's so poor, then how does he own a comic book store? That makes no sense. Only on TV! He would have been bankrupt long ago. Now, I would say that all that matters is whether it's funny or not... but if the show is set in the real world and pretends to be real, then it should be believable. Otherwise you spend more time going, "What?" than you do laughing.Teddy Sears as Jay Garrick

It looks like Jay Garrick is going to be around for a while on "The Flash," which is great!! I love it. Didn't the super-villain this week look a lot like Pauly Shore? He sure did to me. I wasn't at all surprised that Zoom turned out to be the Harrison Wells of that other Earth. Presumably he's still the guy from the future that took over Harrison Wells' identity. Poor Wells, he gets murdered by Thawne in two worlds! I'm very glad that we get to see more Brian, Stewie and robotof Tom Cavanaugh, though!

As usual, parts of "Family Guy" were funny... at least it's had some good jokes. That's the best we can ever say of it. It's a comedy, so that's all that really matters. This one never has tried to be in the least bit realistic.

I'm glad Michael Chiklis has joined "Gotham," so far, but I didn't like Jim and Harvey throwing guys out the window. That was not a good guy thing to do.  How can I root for the good guys to win if they're killers? Maybe they were on the second floor so the poor guys didn't die. I hope so!Jim and Harvey the Dynamic Duo!

Having cops come in straight from the police academy to become a special "strike force" is not too realistic...even for a show about super heroes and super villains.  Remember how Ben McKenzie (Jim) played a rookie cop in "Southland?" He had to ride along with a senior cop for a while until he learned how things worked. Cops from the academy are green. You can't just turn them loose like soldiers who came straight from boot camp!  Normally I wouldn't judge a superhero show Ed and Peggyabout realism, but hey, "Gotham" has mostly been a really great show, so I expect a little more from it.

I hope you got to see FX's "Fargo" start its second season this week because it's really outstanding. It's definitely one of the best shows on TV. I'm glad it's an anthology show, though, because I never got around to finishing last season! So now I can start off fresh with this season. It's really really good.Uhtred

Last week I watched another new show "The Last Kingdom" on BBC America. I enjoyed that a lot. I might have to start watching it regularly.  It's kind of like "The Bastard Executioner" or "The Vikings" but without nearly as much violence. I've read it compared to "Game of Thrones," too, but I haven't seen GoT. I'm guessing it's less violent than that one, too. It's just better. More British.

Marlena, Kate, Sami and LucasSince last week, I've been watching "Days of Our Lives" a little bit as well as "Young & The Restless" (as well as still watching "The Bold & Beautiful").  You may wonder why I'm not also watching "General Hospital," which has been my favorite for years? Well, I'm behind on it and don't want to sneak ahead.  "Days of Our Lives" has been far too violent and depressing. It was very sad to see Will get killed off, and all of the people who love him finding out about it and getting sad, crying etc. Today with Sami was very hard.  I'm only watching it while I run the transcripts sometimes...I didn't feel like having the quiet or putting something else on, like music. I don't think I'll keep up with either show regularly...Gwen and doctor

Y&R has been fun to watch because of everyone finding out that Gabe is Adam, and now Chloe returning to the show (I hope she comes back permanently!), and I sure hope Devon finds Hillary soon because the story with him and Neil et al. is really tedious.  It seems pretty obvious that Cane was the one in the park who took the ransom money (I have no idea why). I think I read that Victor is going to prove that Adam didn't run down Delia, that it was really Gabe. I don't know if that's speculation, a rumor or a real spoiler.  I always keep tabs on what's been happening with the shows, even though I'm not watching them daily...

Oh, and it's great that Michael E. Knight (Tad from "All My Children") is on the show! This looks like a short-term character, though... I hope not.

FYI -- On yesterday's Y&R description on my cable, it says "Devon takes the lawn into his hands...." Ha ha!!

Trevor NoahI think Trevor Noah is doing a pretty good job with "The Daily Show!" He's good at doing funny voices, that's for sure. I think he's getting a little better at his new job every day.

I have another small stack of 6 DVD's and about 7 new shows to review! It never ends...

I had to take care of some non-TV stuff this week, so I got way behind on running our daytime TV transcripts. It took me a few days, but I'm almost caught up now!

I'm glad that "Supernatural" finally addressed the fact that people are still dying, even though they killed "Death" last season! They didn't explain it, but at least they mentioned it. Poor Cass and Sam. Evil demon baby?Cartman and restaurant owner Hmm, that's a new one....that was one cute baby!  I loved Crowley's line: "I'm not your sidekick!" He always has so many hilarious lines.

This week's "South Park" was fun. It was all about Yelp reviewers. I enjoyed it a lot. Especially the very end when they had a song...hilarious! Their best Defiance favoritesepisode in a long while. I read elsewhere that they had a very similar song in season 16. I don't remember that one, so well done on their part.

I'm really bummed that "Beauty & The Beast," "Defiance" and "Dominion" have been least BATB has one more season left. I don't completely blame the networks, though. These shows had low ratings. It pays to remember, as I said last week, that most TV shows do get canceled within a few years.  TV networks canceled like 65% of their new shows every year! So if a show gets 3-5 years it's done veryLongmire actors well.

If you love "Longmire" and want to see Netflix bring it back for season 5, then please watch it repeatedly on Netflix. Make sure to rate it highly. You can also rate it on IMDB and Metacritic.  It might also help if you tweet about it and visit the Longmire groups and pages on Facebook and make comments, say you want it back for the 5th season. Thanks! Make sure you check it out because it's a very good show. I think season 4 may be their best.

Hope you have a great weekend!

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