Saturday October 3
I hope everyone is having a nice Fall! It's still very
hot here in Hawaii. I don't have much energy today to watch
TV or do much of anything else!
This past week, we watched the new "Daily Show" with host
Trevor Noah. He's ok. We'll see if he continues to be funny.
He's not THAT funny yet. So far it's like he's just copying
Jon Stewart. We'll probably keep watching him for awhile...
"The Nightly Show" also continues to be pretty funny,
most of the time. We also watched "Real Time with Bill
Maher," but he wasn't that funny this week. Well, everyone
has an off week.
I'm really enjoying the return of "How To Get Away with
Murder," even
though it's kind of a silly, hyper
show (not very realistic). Viola Davis definitely deserved
that Emmy. Funny thing...I was in the grocery store and they
played an ad for some charity, and right away, the voice in
the ad was familiar. I thought, "Gee, that sounds like Viola
Davis..." and sure enough, it was. I got it right! LOL! She
has a very distinctive voice and acccent.
I can't wait for the return of "The Good Wife" this
week! Another great show.
I'm really loving "Heroes Reborn," too. I'm so glad it's
back! It's probably my favorite show now. I misspoke last
week when I said "Once Upon a Time" and "Teen Wolf" were my
favorites. They take second and third place. I hope it's a
big hit so that they bring it back again next year.
Saturdays I'm always busy getting our
Primetime News
schedule page ready for the week.
This week's is here
and next week's
will be here. I couldn't do it without the great
help of Danielle and
Angie. Well, I could do it, but it
would take up a lot more time and not be nearly as good.
Sunday October 4
I was working a lot on the site all day.... more writing
and all that, than
watching any actual TV.
I'm back to watching last season's "Arrow," trying to
catch up on that. It's a great show! All of the CW shows
come back this week, but I'm behind on all of them except
for "The Flash," "Supernatural," and "Vampire Diaries." I
still have quite a few episodes of "Reign" and "The
Originals" to watch. I will do that once I finish "Arrow!"
We watched "Family Guy"
tonight, which was pretty funny in parts.
They usually have at least one great joke, usually from Stewie. Wouldn't it be great to see a crossover episode with
Stewie and Cartman? I would love to see that.
We also watched "Last Week with John Oliver" as's so funny. He does these TV-spoofs sometimes
that are excellent (they're usually making a larger point,
going along with his commentary about police abuse or
something). This week he was talking about the new
people-rating app, Peeple, so he presented one called
Peebles, where Mario Van Peebles rates your photo (and of
course, he had Mario Peebles on to do it). That was
I live in Hawaii, so that means there are three hours
between us and L.A. So sports events are earlier in the day.
This time of year, CBS now has Thursday night football, but
they show it in real time, so that pre-empts "The Young &
The Restless". However, they do show it Friday night after
midnight, instead. My DVR didn't record it this week,
and it wasn't on the schedule. Apparently our local cable
company, Oceanic Time Warner Cable, messed up. So we missed
the episode completely here.
Gisele and I will be
transcribing it this week to make sure we have it. It's a
real pain to transcribe by hand, and neither of us watches
Y&R regularly so it's even more tedious.
Monday October 5
Are you getting ready for Halloween yet? :) I need to do
that soon. I see that two shows this week are already
Tomorrow I have a conference call interview with Carlton Cuse about his show "The Strain." Then on Wednesday, I
get to speak with Tom Selleck (!!!!!!!) and famous
director/producer Robert Rodriguez. Woo hoo!! (The Rodriguez
call was postponed)
I don't really know what to ask Carlton Cuse yet...I
don't watch his show. It's too gross for me. I doubt he
wants to hear that! (Update: I was having back spasms so I didn't
get up for the call - I took a muscle-relaxer and went to sleep)
I watched 3 episodes of "Bold & Beautiful" today, to
catch up. I took some
time out of catching up on "Arrow!" I
have a lot of trouble with what's going on now on that show.
I don't know why Caroline would tell Ridge that she slept
with Thomas. Honesty is fine, but telling him that it was
THOMAS just makes her look stupid and selfish. She had to know that it
would destroy her relationship with Ridge, not to mention
Ridge and Thomas' relationship. Sure, it's a great reveal
and great drama for the show, but if it's contrived like
this and out of character, then that lessens the drama.
I'll be very glad when these hair trends for men are over
(especially on TV and in movies): shaving their heads (or
buzz cut) and wearing beards. I know that the guys hate
shaving, and they think it looks better if their hair is
shaved close (especially if they're losing their hair), but
I hate both looks. Men look much handsome with their
faces showing and hair!
Especially handsome actors. Why hire
a good looking guy and then let him cover up his face with a
beard? Makes no sense. Especially on soaps! They know mostly
women watch, and most of us don't like beards.
There's a rumor that Justin Hartley might be cast as the
new "MacGyver!" That would be awesome. I'm sure Y&R fans
wouldn't want that, though. Personally, I would love it if
they'd bring back Michael Muhney. There were a lot of rumors
about this leaving, but don't forget, they were only rumors
and never confirmed.
There are two truths about the TV industry that I've
learned in my long life of watching TV and reading about it.
1) People in the industry lie (I'm sure it's true of movies,
too). Especially if legal matters are involved, like
contracts. Most of the time they will say nothing, but
even so, they often lie (or their PR departments do).
Many rumors crop up in the absence of the facts, too.
2) Viewers may see TV, movies et al. as entertainment, but
to the people involved in it (especially the "suits"), it's
a business first and foremost. It doesn't matter how
much you like a TV show, or how many fans it has on the
internet, or how good it is. All that matters is if it makes
money for the network or not. Low ratings have killed
many great shows. Sometimes a network will save a show
if they think that there's something in it for them, such as
demographics (younger people watch it). Even though
the ratings system is not perfect, and may be deeply flawed,
it's all they have to go on, and they believe in it.
Strangely enough, though, most viewers seem to forget
these facts, even if they know them in the first place. I'm
sure that part of it is that we get very emotionally
attached to our favorite shows. It's hard to be
logical in the
face of cancellation.
If you watch "The Bold & Beautiful" or "Young & The
Restless" or "General Hospital," we could use your help! We
have two great forums for the soaps but no one to run them
any more. Here is our
GH Forum
and here is our
Soaps Forum. It's not hard at all to run these forums.
You just have to post stuff about the shows so that people
will read it or reply to it. You can post your
opinion on the shows or stuff you find online on other
sites, or both. Then the other part of the job is that you
have to tell people about it so that they come visit and see
what you've posted. It shouldn't take more than a few hours
per week. Bettye used to run the CBS Soaps Forum, but sadly,
she passed away a few years ago. The women that used to run
the ABC Soaps Forum quit. Some people lose interest in shows
or in volunteering... Anyway, we could really use your help
with these forums.
I'm enjoying having my shows back. "The Good Wife" season
premiere was awesome!! I've also been loving "The Big
Bang Theory." I really enjoyed the show after it,
"Life in Pieces," too. It's rare that I like any sitcom.
This one makes me chuckle and laugh out loud. Most of the
other sitcoms are there are just so awful and disappointing.
Tuesday October 6
Every weekday I use a program to capture the
closed-captioning from the
daytime soaps, which makes a
A lot of people visit our site for those transcripts! I just
wish I had more time to do them for primetime
shows, too. I
was planning to do them for "Arrow," "Flash" and "Gotham," but I'm
not sure when I'll have time. It's not even running the transcripts
that take very long, but editing them so that they have the
names and look good. The daytime ones come out pretty good,
even unedited, but the primetime ones are a mess. We have
them for "Smallville."
Last night I discovered, much to my disappointment, that
we were indeed still missing last Thursday's Y&R, so I just
typed it up myself. Transcribing is not fun, but I got
through it. It's much easier when the program does it for
me, that's for sure.
I get lots of DVD's in the mail to
review for our site. I
have a bunch to write up. I hope to get to that this week
because I have so many!!
Don't forget that you can always check our
"What's New"
page to see what we've put up this week! It's very handy.
Today I'm putting up lots of TV actor
appearances, and
then I hope to start on putting up many
interviews that I've
had in the past month.
Wednesday October 6
love "Once
Upon a Time," but it looks like they're kind of re-using
ideas from previous seasons too much. Their memories are
erased AGAIN? Regina has to prove herself AGAIN? Come on.
is always fun. I hope they get him and Beckett back together
quickly because it makes him look bad to have to win her
back. I mean, she walked out on HIM. Have some pride. I
don't mind a little humor, but the show's best when there's
a good balance between the humor and the drama. I am
enjoying Castle and Daughter working together, though!
I'm very happy to have my CW shows back! "The Flash"
premiere was
great. I did find parts of it a little confusing and/or
contrived. I didn't like that they opened up with a bank
robbery and then flashed back later to the cliffhanger
resolution. It sort of ruined the drama of the cliffhanger.
I'm sure that Ronnie's not really dead, though. I hope not!
I love that actor. I loved seeing Jay Garrick at the
end (and that it's Teddy Sears -- "Chad" from "One
Life to Live!"), and I loved getting to see Tom
Cavanaugh (Wells) back one more time. However, it made NO
sense that Barry's dad would just leave town right after
getting out of prison! I mean, come on. That was completely
contrived. I understand that for story reasons they may not
want him around much, and that maybe the actor is not
available or they don't want to pay him to be a contract
cast member (and heaven forbid they should have another "old
guy" on a CW show!), but that was not the way to do it. They
could have easily said that he was still around for the next
few weeks, and just refer to briefly, or have him go on a
trip around the world or something, or even just not show
him too much. I mean, it's not like we see the other
characters' families all the time. So that was lame.
Oh, and one other thing bothered me. With STAR Labs closed
down at the beginning of the episode, what did Barry do when
he caught Captain
or other supervillains? They'd already said that
regular jail couldn't hold them. Overall, I enjoyed
the episode, though.
is always fun to watch (and also, often heart-breaking). I
didn't remember last season's cliff-hanger - why was Cass
all red-eyed and doing terrible things? I searched online
but couldn't find it, either. Unless it's supposed to be
some kind of mystery. I enjoyed seeing the King of Hell in a
woman's body - that was a lot of fun. The creepy zombie-like
disease is creepy and's not zombie-like enough to
make me stop watching, but I'm not happy about it. There are
good reasons I don't watch "The Walking Dead!" It'll be
interesting to see how Sam gets out of this latest dying
Thursday October 7
I think I just watched DVD's for the rest of the weekend!
I'm very glad "Haven"
is back on Thursday nights...even if it is the last season!
Make sure to check out our
Primetime Reviews Page
because we review every new show as well as many DVD's!
I'm very late putting this up...oh, well! C'est la vie...

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- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 10/14/15