I hope you're all enjoying the
new Fall
season! I've just been watching show after show, and
writing lots of
reviews. I like "The Muppets" on ABC and "Life in
Pieces" on CBS, but neither one all that much....I'll
probably keep them on my DVR for awhile.
We have a monthly DVD
giveaway, but not very many people enter. Your odds of
winning are very good! We used to get thousands of people
entering, but now we only get about 50. I know that DVD's
are not as popular as they once were, but still...I know
many people still watch them
and buy them. These are free!
Plus we have TV books and more. You get to choose your prize
from our great selection. So enter! October's giveaway
starts Monday! I don't always send the prizes out right
away, but usually within a few months. We pick 2 winners
every month. I have about 4 months' worth to send out
Last week's episode of "Vicious" on PBS was the season
finale. I hope you
got to see it because it was hilarious!
I'm very glad to have "Doctor
Who" back on BBC America, even though the show is not as
good as it used to be. It's still a fun ride.
This weekend's "Last Week with John Oliver" was
hilarious. They did a great bit for "Days
of Our Lives" viewers.
Watch it now!
I have a pet peeve - I hate when someone on TV
mispronounces a word or says something wrong. I notice two
this week. Thorsten Kaye is British, but he's playing
American on "Bold &
the Beautiful." He had a line this past week where
he says, "I'm sterile." Well, he pronounced it like it
rhymed with "peurile", not like it's supposed to be (rhymes
with "peril"). I know they film the soaps quickly nowadays,
but you'd think someone would have caught that. I do
LOVE Thorsten, though, no matter what!
On Tuesday's "Nightly Show," Larry Wilmore said that
Kahlua (the liqueur) is Hawaiian! It's not, at all. It's
Mexican. Perhaps he (or someone on his writers' staff) was
mixing it up with the Hawaiian dish Kalua Pig, which is a
completely different thing. Ah, well.
Back to "Bold & the Beautiful" -- I really hate Steffy.
They've just made her very mean. (To be honest, I've never
really liked her--the actress does a wonderful job, though) I'm also not thrilled with the secrets
between Ridge and Caroline. I kind of figured she'd end up
pregnant by Thomas, though. I haven't seen all of this
week's episodes yet...I'm kind of worried that I'll hate it.
Speaking of soaps,
I watched an episodes of "The
Young & The Restless"
this week. I gather that Ian Ward
has a twin out there? I'm surprised no one on the show
thought of that, especially considering what happened with
that guy Marco. Soaps really should get rid of the whole
"evil twin" idea, anyway. It's almost always stupid. The
thing that soap writers don't seem to understand today is
that the audience likes SOME fantasy. We're happy to suspend
disbelief for some things, like the characters waking up
wearing perfect make-up, and the guys walking around with
their shirts off all of the time, with perfect abs.
However, if you're going to do something outlandish, it has
to make sense and be consistent. They do way too much
contrived stuff that's just annoying and makes fans tune
Don't forget that we put up content on our show daily,
and you can find it all on our
"What's New" page!
The first "South
Park" episode this season was not funny. The second one
was funny. The third one was okay. It used to be a
very funny show, but now it's inconsistent. I read in
Entertainment Weekly where they were complaining that by the
time they write up a show about today's news or other
topics, then it's old by the time it airs. Well, the
trouble is that they should stop trying to be topical and
just be funny! That's all we care about with a comedy.
The second episode played the song "Safety Dance," so I
had that stuck in my head for a day or two! Don't you just
hate those ear worms?
We're all so glad that soap veteran Brian Gaskill is
okay! He and his girlfriend were
caught in a high speed chase
when a car crashed into them, but they ended up unscathed.
Brian is very kind to his many fans and chats with them on
both Twitter and Facebook. He's had a lot of roles, and I
loved him as Bobby on "All
My Children," but my favorite role of his was Rafe on "Port
Charles." He was so great on that. He's going to
be on an upcoming episode of "Castle,"
so that will be great!
Speaking of "Castle," I didn't like this week's episode.
It's completely unbelievable to me that Beckett would
suddenly leaving her job and husband. (I know she's already
had some therapy, but clearly she needs more!) I do
understand that they want to shake things up, and they're
afraid that having them married and happy means the fans
will get bored. However, this is not the way to go about it.
Each weekend, we put together a page that has the week's
Primetime News and
This week's
page is here and
next week's
will be here. Hope you enjoy it!
FOX and some of the other networks let me watch their
shows ahead of time. "Bones"
has always been particularly good about letting us watch
their shows ahead of airing, and letting us interview all of
their people. Tuesday morning I got to
interview Emily
Deschanel (Brennan) and Executive Producer Michael Peterson.
It was a great call. I
enjoyed the 2 episodes, and I loved
the guest stars, particularly Josh Casaubon, who was on "One
Life to Live" as Hugh Hughes. He was also nice to me on
Twitter when I asked him this week if he was going to be on
more than one episode. Alas, he is not. You'll see why on
next week's episode! Funny thing, though. I was watching the
episode and said to myself, "Who
is that impossibly-handsome
guy? He looks familiar..."
It was also fabulous to see two "General
Hospital" actors on "Minority Report" this week.
One was Ron Melendez, who played Dr. Andy Archer, and the
other was Bradford Anderson, who plays Spinelli. They were
also both in "GH:
Night Shift." This is one of the few new shows I'm
watching because I do love scifi.
I'm also still watching and enjoying "Blindspot," even
though it's not scifi. It does star Jaimie Alexander, who
was so great on "Kyle XY" and the "Thor" movies, as well as
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Funny because for the longest
time, I also thought she played Morgana on "Merlin," but
that was a completely different actress. Now that I see a
photo of her, I can see that! I have no idea why I thought
they were the same. Ah, well.
Getting back to the
Tuesday, I also got to speak with Matt Murray (from "Kevin
From Work" on ABC Family), who was very nice. You may also
recognize him from the show "Rookie Blue." He's a very
good actor but has a comic appeal that makes sense because
he's kind of got that type of face.
I mentioned before that FX is no longer transcribing our
conference calls (which is a big pain in the butt).
Basically, it means those of us who run small sites
will no
longer do most of their calls. I don't know why they don't
see that. Anyway, I had totally forgotten that I did the
call with Lee Jones (star of "Bastard Executioner") back in
early September. They do put the recording of the call up
for us, so we can phone in and get it, but apparently they
only leave it up for 24 hours, so I totally missed it.
Fortunately, I did find some other sites that put up the
transcript of the call, so I just linked to them. It's kind
of annoying, though. Then to make things worse, they did a
last-minute call with Stephen Moyer from the same show, and
I really would have loved to talk to him, but by the time I
saw the email, it was too late. D'oh!
It's so weird how people worship celebrities. I mean, I
certainly understand it because I do get nervous when
speaking with some of my favorite actors when I interview
them (and on the few occasions that I've met them). It's
hard not to gush. I really don't know how I'd react if
someone like, say, William Shatner, turned out to be a
really horrible person the way Bill Cosby has. Still,
I would like to think I'd believe the women who came out and
said they were raped by him. I mean, over 50 have now come
forth. They're not lying. They don't each other. Some of
them have been trying to get justice for many years. When a
celebrity is that rich and powerful, they get away with a
lot. Most predators try to choose victims they think
won't fight back or report the assault. Most rapes are
done by people the victim knows (that's true of most violent
crimes, actually). Yet still people think some
terrible things automatically about rape victims and about
celebrities. I know because I keep finding these people
online and having to argue with them about it. It's
maddening. Bill Cosby is no saint. He may not be prosecuted,
but he's definitely guilty. There's no question. Yet
still some idiots defend him. Go figure.
We need to be able to separate the
actor/director/musician from their work. I grew up listening
to Cosby albums and loving shows like "I Spy," and his
movies with Sidney Poitier. I also loved
a lot of the work done by Stephen Collins. Oh, and I'm
certainly not going to stop eating at Subway just because of
Jared. (I did, however, stop eating at Chik-Fil-A, but
that's a whole different issue) You can enjoy the work
and despise the person who did it. That's why millions of
people love the music of Richard Wagner, even though he was
kind of a racist and was favored by Hitler. It's how you can
love "The Dukes of Hazzard" but wish they hadn't put the
confederate flag on their car.
Tonight was the last episode of "Dominion" for the
season. I sure hope Syfy is going to renew both that and
"Defiance." I still have a few episodes of the former to
watch... I'm very glad that there's a science fiction
channel, but I wish they would give more seasons to the
shows I love. In general, they aren't much better than FOX
in that sense. I do think that FOX is attacked way too much
by scifi fans. Sure, they canceled "Firefly," and lots of
other great shows. Yet you h
ave to remember that they also
put them on in the first place. Without FOX, there would
have been no "Firefly" at all. These networks are
businesses, so they have to care about making profit over
anything else. Still, being a science fiction channel
should mean that you have more science fiction on your
channel than anything else, too.
I have a huge pile of DVD's here to watch. I can't wait,
really. I'm excited
because I got the complete set of "Dexter!"
That's one of my favorite shows ever. Also "iZombie", "Jane
the Virgin", "Reign"...so many good ones.
I can hardly wait for the return of "Haven!"
I got to watch the first two episodes of the season. I was
ed to interview the stars on Tuesday, but I had a
dentist appointment that I couldn't cancel, so my associate
Krista did it, instead. I just love that show and the people
on it. I'm really sad that it's ending.
I had hoped to chat with Tommy Chong (I got an email
invitation to do so), but the PR people never emailed or
called me back. I hate when that happens.
Next week I do get to interview Carlton Cuse (about "The
Strain") and Tom Selleck (about his latest Jesse Stone
movie), so that will be awesome! I might also get to
interview Robert Rodriguez...still waiting to hear the time
on that one.
It was really great to see "Once
Upon a Time"
back, too! I so love that show. It's
probably my favorite show besides "Teen Wolf."
I can't believe some people actually like the new show
"Scream Queens." I just don't get that. It's stupid, not
funny. I guess it just depends on your sense of humor. I
loved "Glee,"
which was written by the same people. Oh, well.
Guy" is back, so that's good...I think! LOL! My husband
and I watch that one together. He doesn't like most TV
I don't normally watch "black-ish," but I thought the one
last week about the N word was pretty funny. I don't know if
I said this last week or not, so please forgive me if I did
I think "Code Black" and "Quantico" are pretty good, but
probably not good enough for me to find room in my
already-too-busy schedule to watch them. I have to save room
for the scifi/fantasy/supernatural/comic book shows.
From what our site's stats are telling me, it looks like
we get over 43,000 pageviews per day, which is not bad.
Apparently we get about 240,000 unique monthly visitors,
which is really great!
I'm trying out a few new ads on the site, so let me know
what you think, good or bad...

You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
Leave a comment (put the blog date or I won't
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Page updated 10/4/15