has been such a busy month! Last weekend I went to the
Hawaii Comic Con, so that was a lot of fun. It was
mostly about comics, not TV, but I got some cool TV-related
photos and stuff that I'll be putting up soon. You can see a
lot of the photos on, or you can wait until I upload them here
to the site after I edit
them. The biggest thrill was getting a photo with Stan Lee
and then getting his autograph and hearing him speak.
Without him, we wouldn't have all of those great superhero
movies; but also, we wouldn't have had the great Marvel TV
series like "Daredevil," "Agents
of S.H.I.E.L.D.," or "Agent Carter," or the 70's
"Incredible Hulk," (not to mention the great animated shows
about Spider-Man,
Avengers, X-Men and more).
I also got to meet the creator of the popular "Deadpool"
comic, which will soon be a movie. Deadpool has also
appeared on some of the recent Spider-Man and Avenger
Also, I got a photo and autograph with Devin Roth, who
designs and draws many of the characters on the FOX animated
show "Bob's Burgers." He also has drawn the "Buffy
the Vampire Slayer" season 8 comic book.
Lastly, I got to meet Kevin Eastman, who created "Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles!" As you may know, this was/is a
comic book, and a few movies, as well as a cartoon series. I
saw the movies and enjoyed them. He was a very good
speaker, and I also got to speak with him and get his
So, anyway, it was a lot of fun! In some ways, it wasn't as much
fun as the smaller convention I went to in July, which had TV stars, but
this one had 30,000 people! Wow! It was crowded.
spending 3 days at that convention, I had a lot of work to
catch up on. I did somehow manage to find time to put up our
Primetime News and
Schedule pages as always, thanks to the help of our
This past week's schedule is here and next week's,
starting Saturday night,
will be here.
This past week was the official start of the new Fall season
for the broadcast TV networks, so there was a lot going on.
We've been review
shows like crazy for the past few weeks. I also have some
new interviews
to put up. Things have been hectic!
Who" came back on Saturday, and it was so good! I can't
wait to see this week's episode. I hope Clara and Missy
aren't really dead... The old Davros reminds me a lot
of the Emperor
Star Wars!
Park" started last week... I hated the first episode,
but the second one was very funny. I hope the rest of the
season is more like the second episode.
Which of the new shows is your favorite? There are so many
new ones,
and so many returning ones. I know all of the "NCIS"
fans were glad to have their favorites back.
Last Sunday was the end of the 3-part "Arthur & George"
miniseries on PBS. I sure enjoyed that. I have the DVD now,
so I get to watch the extras and
review it for
you believe that "CSI"
is ending on Sunday? It's so sad. I'm glad Ted Danson will
be joining "CSI: Cyber" as well as the cast of "Fargo" this
year. I'm very glad that William Petersen and the others
will be back for the finale episode, too.
It's great to have "Castle"
back. They sure started off with a bang! I guess since they
didn't have a cliffhanger season finale, they decided to
have one on the premiere. I'm glad to see Toks Olagundoye
joining the show. She was great on "Neighbors."
It was also great to see Jack Coleman back. He's sure busy
this year! He stars in "Heroes
as well. I hope you're enjoying that show as much as I am.
I worry that this is Castle's last year. I hear it didn't do
that well in the ratings this week against the new show
"Blindspot" and tied with "NCIS:
Los Angeles." Too bad because the writing is even better
than ever.
I got to interview
the creator of "Blinds
this morning. He was really great to speak with.
"Big Bang
Theory" also came back. It was a bit sad but also funny.
I can't wait to see what happens next!
It's always tough for me to decide which of the new shows I
want to
regularly. "Minority Report" will definitely be one. I
enjoyed "Life in Pieces," "Limitless," "Blindspot,"
"Rosewood," and "The Muppets," but I'm not sure yet which
ones I will watch after this week. I have too much to watch
Oh, and lest I forget, the Emmys were last weekend, too! I
didn't watch
them for a few days, but once I did, I enjoyed them. The
problem with the Emmys is that there are too many shows and
not enough categories. Especially now when there is so much
quality TV. If shows like "Game of Thrones" are going
to start winning Emmys, then they need to create a "fantasy
and Scifi" category. It's just not fair otherwise. It's bad
enough that soaps and scifi usually get shafted at the
Emmys. "Daredevil" should have been nominated, too.
I really don't know why "Bosch" didn't get any real Emmys.
That show is fantastic. I think it's probably one of the
best cop shows ever. I hope
gets nominated next year because it really deserves it.
I really did enjoy the Emmys' opening song where Andy
Samberg sang about having to watch all of the shows...I
think we can all relate to that! There are too many good
shows on to watch. I thought the Emmys were pretty good. He
was funny and had a lot of good jokes. I liked the one he
made about Jon Hamm doing a prequel to "Mad
Men," and also that he noted that previous Emmy hosts
included Robert Blake and Bill Cosby! There
were a few other good ones, too, that I can't remember. I
thought he did a good job. He was much funnier than anything
on his FOX show "Brooklyn Nine Nine."
Oh, and I was SO GLAD that Jon Hamm won the Emmy! Yippee!
I love him.
Apparently "General
Hospital" actress Nancy Lee Grahn
made some offhand comments on Twitter after Viola Davis
won her Emmy for Best
in a Drama Series. Now, NLG has always been very outspoken
on Twitter, and she's a strong liberal woman. She should
have known better than to say ANYTHING, but you know...she's
kind of the type that says what she thinks without
considering how it might sound. So there was a big
backlash to what she said. She wasn't being racist, but
that's how some took it. She apologized, of course, because
she was mortified that her comments were taken that way.
Then soap fans started rumors that she was being fired for
what she said. Of course that's really stupid. They wouldn't
do that, especially to such a great actress as NLG.
I'm way behind on watching GH, but I see bits and pieces of
it. I'm not thrilled that they made Scotty a real bad guy
now, from what I can tell. He was always kind of sleazy, but
to shoot Sonny? If I'm understanding that he's the one.
All he needs is a Snidely-Whipslash-type mustache when he's
blackmailing Ava...that kind of over-acting and
behavior is why people don't watch soaps any more (I'm not
blaming Kin Shriner, who's a fine actor). I hope the new
writers can do better.
I think I also saw that Ben is the killer on "Days
of Our Lives." I wonder if I'm right about that? He
seems way too obvious. Someone was asking me how many times
someone on the show has attempted to murder Marlena. The
count has to be pretty high. Unfortunately, with the
increase of violence on soaps, that's probably true of most
characters on all of the soaps.
This time of year I have to go through my DVR and
schedule all of the new shows to watch for review (at least
once). One thing that's difficult is that I record "The
Daily Show" and "The Nightly Show", and they come on around
8pm and then re-run again around 10. Primetime TV here
runs 7-10, so when the new shows start, I have to figure out
how to tell my VCR not to
those Comedy Central shows when there's a conflict (this
year it's only Mondays). The problem is that Comedy
Central's schedule changes so the shows come on at 11:07 or
10:35 etc. I can either set it to record ALL of the
shows or only new ones, but if I set it for only new ones,
then I have to figure out how to tell it not to record until
later on Mondays. If I record ALL of the shows, then I have
to tell it not to record during the other airings.
Fortunately, I think I finally figured out that the DVR
knows that if I set it up for only new shows, it will let me
cancel it on Monday and then it will automatically record on
the later airing. I *THINK* I got it right,
Which night is toughest for you? For me it's usually
Thursdays. I watch "Vampire
Diaries," "Bones"
and "Heroes
Reborn." Thank goodness I have 2 DVR's, or I'd be
in trouble.
This coming Tuesday, I'll be interviewing the stars of
Syfy's "Haven."
I can't wait! They're always so nice to chat with, and I so
love that show.
For years, we've used a program called Microsoft
Frontpage for our site. It's been very handy. However, I'm
looking into using a program called Joomla instead. It's
what's called a Content Management System. I don't really
understand all this technical stuff :) but I have a new
helper that might be able to set it up for me so even I can
use it. Keep your fingers crossed for us! It might make
updating our site a lot easier.
forget to check us out on
Twitter and
Facebook, too!
This week I believe it's only "Quantico," "Blood & Oil,"
and "Code Black" that are the new shows debuting. That
second one sounds a lot like "Dallas!"
Have a great weekend and enjoy all of the new and
returning TV shows...
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.

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Page updated 9/26/15