Friday, September 4
What Fall shows are you looking forward to? I saw the first
episode of "Supergirl" already, and I wasn't too thrilled
with it, but I hope it gets better. I tend to like scifi
shows, so "Minority Report" and "Blindspot" sound good, as
does "Limitless." I'm really looking forward to "Heroes
Reborn" because I loved loved loved "Heroes!"
The rest of the new Fall shows are medical shows, comedies and soaps.
The only new "cop" show is "Quantico," although I'm sure
some of the
scifi/fantasy shows mentioned above do have
police in them as well.
Finally, I'm really looking forward to "Best Time Ever with
Neil Patrick Harris!" I hope it's great and revives the
variety show format. I grew up watching "The Carol Burnett
"Sonny & Cher Show" and so many others... I miss
Just a few more weeks until the new Fall TV season starts! Are
you excited? I know I am. Maybe not as excited as I
would have been years ago because nowadays, they have new
shows coming out all year round. "Fall" is not nearly as
special as it used to be, especially if you're into cable TV
more than broadcast TV.
Broadcast TV does get quite a bad rap. Traditionally, they
have censors and advertisers that keep them from scheduling
unique and interesting shows
(the type critics love).
They seem to pander more to the "average person." Also, each
show usually has around 22 episodes, unlike cable (where
most shows only have 8-12 episodes). So, of course the
shows can't be as good.
However, we're now in the Second Golden Age of Television,
so even broadcast TV has some very good shows - arguably,
shows as good as any of the cable shows, like "The Good
Wife," "Empire," and "Jane the
Virgin." Just to name a
During the summer, cable TV rules, while broadcast TV has
mostly re-runs and reality shows. Unless you're an
avid viewer of "The Bachelor" or "Big Brother," you're
watching cable shows, or catching up on your DVR or Netflix.
I started catching up on "The Originals" today...I had a few
episodes of the 1st season left to watch, and then I can
watch the Season 2 DVD and
review it for our site.
It's such a great show, and so different than "The Vampire
Diaries." I think TVD is a lot more violent and sad
than it used to be.
Saturday, September 5
I hope you're all having a great Labor Day weekend! We're
not doing
anything very interesting, I'm afraid... there are
lots of fun marathons on, though.
I found a good list of them! Which marathon did you
watch? Which is your favorite?
We never really think about how TV has become so
integrated into our life. Last week, we had a lot of rain,
and the bars lost their satellite feed. This one place I
went into for lunch was completely deserted. Normally they
would have a good crowd at lunch time, but since their TV's
were out, they had no customers! I started noticing a few
years ago how TV is almost everywhere now, especially during
football season.
I'm most excited this week for the premiere of "The Late
Show with Stephen Colbert!" I sure hope it will be great. So
far, the promos for the show have been very funny.
I spent a good part of today working on our
Primetime News and
Schedule Pages, as I do every weekend!
Angie sends me
the press releases, edited, and after I double-check them
and put them up, I find lots of video clips to add for each
show. You can see
this week's
page here and
next week's
page will be here.
I'm really enjoying "The Originals".... I'm almost done
with season 1. I love Klaus, Marcel, and Elijah, and the
werewolves. They're all great. I love seeing Sebastian Roché
as Mikael. I interviewed him that year he was on the show
and was really enjoying his turn as the nasty Mikael. I love
seeing Nathan Parsons, who was so great on "General
Hospital." (Roché was also on GH!)
Sunday, September 6
I finished our
2015 Fall TV Premiere
Schedule. That is a lot of work, but I'm so glad to be finished now!
I applied for the TCA today. That's the Television
Critics Association. It
would be really great if I got in to
that. Then I could officially say I'm a TV critic for a
living. Even though I already am in practice, it would be so
nice to have that validation. I probably won't get it, for
whatever reason, but still...hope springs eternal!
I spent a lot of time this afternoon chatting with Jamie
Ruby of I urge you to visit her beautiful
site, too. She might be helping me with some design stuff on
our site.
I was just reading in Entertainment Weekly about Lady
Gaga's new role in "American Horror Story: Hotel" this
season. I'm sure she's going to be great in the role. I
can't really watch that show, though. Too extreme for me!
Too violent, gory, horrifying and depressing. I do
love the writing and acting, and I really love Matt Bomer
and the others, but...sorry! The first season was the only
one I could follow regularly. It had a very bad ending, but
it wasn't nearly as horrible as the others. There was no
torture and not much bloodshed.
Our regular shows were not on this weekend, due to the
holiday. It's okay, I always have plenty of DVD's to watch!
Monday, September 7
Today, "The Bold & The Beautiful" and
"The Young & The
Restless" both had new episodes. I believe this is the first
time ever that they aired on Labor Day! Wow! I was
very glad to see Ivy apologize to Steffy and delete the
video. I have to wonder if Lt. Baker will somehow end up
with a copy, though? Who would do something like
that...hmmm, Quinn?
I really don't like what they're doing with
Ridge/Caroline/Thomas. That just all happened too fast. They
should have had Thomas around for a while first, so we got
to know and like him better.
I have quite a few shows on my DVR, so I was watching
some old episodes
"General Hospital" from February, so I can delete them.
The early February episodes are great. I really already saw
them, but I kept them to re-watch so I could see them in
context of the other episodes before and after. These were
the episodes where crazy Luke and Helena put a bomb on the
Haunted Star, while Heather is threatening Nina with a gun,
and Sonny, Julian, Ava and Franco escaped from jail. Very
exciting episodes. On the Feb. 5 episode, they think
Sonny might be dead because he grabbed the bomb and dove in
the water, and then they couldn't find him. They found him
and the paramedics couldn't revive him. They gave up on him.
Carly revived him a few minutes later (well, he's a mobster,
so what's a few dead brain cells?). Does that sound
familiar? LOL! I can't believe all of the GH fans that
think Sonny must really be dead (in the more recent
episodes). They aren't going to kill off their star any time
soon, especially now that Tony Geary is gone.
I was glad to hear that the new GH writers intend to have
more romance on the show and make it more character-driven. That's great. It's about time.
I'll believe it when I see it! I know that a lot of their
fans (that are still watching) are not happy with how the
show has been lately.
Tuesday, September 8
Now that I'm done with our Fall schedule, I'm trying to
catch up on all these new shows and DVD's! It's
taking up a lot of time. But I love it, so I can't complain.
:) Make sure your check out our reviews!
I've just been watching tons of new shows and DVD's. I
think my eyeballs might fall out!
I had really hoped to
catch up on "Arrow"
this Summer. Now I have to because they're sending me last
season's DVD! LOL! That is lucky.
I really enjoyed watching three of the new episodes of
"Longmire," thanks to Netflix. It's still a great show. I
also watched a new FX show, "The Bastard Executioner."
It's by the guy who did "Sons of Anarchy," so of course it's
very violent.
Wednesday, September 9
I was supposed to go to two interviews this morning, but
I had been sick a lot yesterday, so I slept in, instead.
Fortunately, Krista did go to one with Jeff Dunham, and
she has one tomorrow with Mat Franco.
I was hoping I would like "Scream Queens," but no such
luck. I do like "Blindspot," but it's not scifi, so I don't
know if I'll keep watching it or not.
I really don't have
time for any new shows, but especially any that aren't scifi.
I might keep watching "Minority Report" since it's not bad.
This year it's much easier to review the new shows, now
that I can review all of the FOX and NBC shows ahead of
time! If only the other 3 networks would let me have
their screeners, then it would be even easier. The CW used
to send me some, but then they stopped. What a shame. Eva
will be reviewing some, too, so that leaves even fewer that
I have to do!
In the old days, I used to have to worry about how many
shows I could record at once, to review them. I have 2 DVR's,
so I can record 4 shows at once. I don't really need to, any
more. Thank goodness!
I think the only new show I'm really looking forward to
is "Heroes Reborn," but we'll see...
Thursday, September 10
been watching "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," but
we're giving up. It's just not funny. Too bad. His show on
Comedy Central was so good, so funny. Now we're just
down to "The Nightly Show" (which is only sometimes funny)
and the occasional airings of "Real Time with Bill Maher"
and "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" for our political
It looks like our site is doing okay now with
Y&R update
writers. Ellen is still writing them, and Carole is doing a
great job keeping up with helping out when needed. We
have all of the soaps
covered for you with
short recaps and
detailed updates as well as
Ooh, speaking of Y&R, it's great that they're hiring
Michael E. Knight! Too bad that Cady McClain already left
the show...ah, well, lightening rarely strikes twice in
these things, anyway. I might have to watch when he joins
the show to see what kind of character he plays this time.
I've mostly only seen him as Tad. I think he's wonderful. A
very under-rated actor.
Don't forget, we put lots of new stuff up on our site
every day, and we list it here on our
What's New page.
Friday, September 11
been enjoying the rest of "Longmire" all day on Netflix!
Such a great show. I've been glad to see all the great guest
stars like Barry Sloane, Hank Cheyne, Callum Keith Rennie
and more. I'm loving Henry as a vigilante. I wish I could
get a "Hector Lives" T-shirt with his picture on it!
I'm sad because I've only got one more episode to go...I
sure hope they do a season 5. The season finale was awesome.
We tried watching "Real Time" but something weird went on
with HBO, so it didn't record right. I think I might have to
reboot my DVR. It's been having lots of weird problems
lately. The phone, tablet, DVR et al. are computers so they
do have to be rebooted occasionally.
I'm excited because NBC is going to send me some DVD
screeners, and also, "Heroes Reborn" is on their press site
so I can watch it! Looking
forward to that. Woo hoo!
Also, next week I can to interview Wilmer Valderrama from
"Minority Report" on FOX! You may recall him from "That 70's
Show!" He's also been on "From Dusk Till Dawn" and
other shows, especially the great NBC scifi show "Awake." It
will be great to speak with him.
Wow, "The Bold & The Beautiful"
was great this week. That Steffy is such a bee-atch. We
gotta figure that Ivy has another copy of that video
somewhere... she's a smart person who would've kept one just
in case. It's kind of strange that they said so quickly that
Caroline isn't pregnant. At least they're not going the
predictable rout with this Ridge/Caroline/Thomas triangle.
weekend here in Honolulu, they have a big free event where
the cast of "Hawaii Five-0" shows up, and everyone watches
the first episode of the season on a big screen, outdoors. I
was thinking of going, but I read that
8,000 people usually show up. Also, it's been raining a
lot, so that doesn't sound too exciting. Too bad because I
really love the actors on that show.
Which was your favorite Summer show? I loved "Unreal"
(every fan of soap opera or good drama should watch it) and
"Mr. Robot" (very cool good geek drama). I also loved "The
Whispers," even though it was kind of dumb sometimes.

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- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 9/12/15