This weekend I caught up on Syfy's shows "Dominion" and then
"Dark Matter." They're both great shows. I thought
they were both finishing this week, along with "Defiance,"
but there are a few episodes left of "Dominion." Yippee! All
three shows just keep getting better and surprising me. I
hope they all return next year. You just never know with
Syfy. Well, with any TV network, really! Actually,
recently Syfy has been giving the shows one last year to
wrap things up, and telling everyone they're renewed for one
last season, so hopefully that means we'll get at least one
of Syfy, I'm really looking forward to the return of "Haven"
and "Continuum," even though it's the end for both shows.
I also caught up watching FX's "The Comedians." I hadn't yet
watched the last 4 episodes. I'm still so mad
that they
canceled it. It's just so good. I thought for sure it would
be a hit. What do I know, I guess? That last episode was
just so good, but also sad....bittersweet!
I really enjoyed the "Teen Wolf" season finale, too, but
the ending looked to me like zombies. Ugh. I hope not. I
hate zombies. I wish every supernatural-themed show would
not go there! They always do, though.
Funny thing is, right
at the beginning of the show, it suddenly occurred to me
that maybe they would be zombies. Since Parrish stacks up
dead bodies at that special tree area, I thought, uh-oh,
since they killed off so many people, maybe they'll be
bringing them back as zombies? Looks like I was right.
Last week's "The Whispers" was really dumb. I enjoy the
show, but it
seems to get dumber every week. They
already established that they could "see" Drill using
thermal imaging, so why didn't they use that to find out if
he was in Minx this week? All of the stuff they went through
would have been easily avoided if only they'd done that. So
that was just stupid and contrived. Unless I missed some explanation
where they said it wasn't working any more...and I doubt
that. It's too bad because otherwise, it's a really good
show. They just do too many stupid things like that. Like,
once they knew that Drill traveled via electricity, why
didn't they turn off their electrical objects and go hole up
in a cabin somewhere that has no electricity? Why still use
their cell phones when they might be heard? Why did
Minx and her mother go back home when she knew it wasn't
safe? There was a lot of obvious stuff like that. I'm
not one that really nitpicks and looks for plot holes,
either. I just like to sit back and enjoy the show. So it's
gotta be pretty bad if I'm noticing them. This week's
Entertainment Weekly had an article where they listed which
summer shows were big hits and which weren't, and I can see
why people stopped watching "The Whispers"....I'll stick it
out until the bitter end, though. They got me hooked,

I took a break from TV to catch up on the Daniel Craig
James Bond movies. I used to go to all of the James Bond
movies, but the last one I went to was back when Pierce
Brosnan was playing Bond. It's not even because I love
Pierce Brosnan so much (which I do - ever since "Remington
Steele"), but it's just that we stopped going to the movies. I hope to go see
"Specter" in November, though. I read that the same guy is
directing it that also directed "Skyfall." I have to
admit that I loved "Casino Royale," but I found "Skyfall" to
be disappointing in many ways. I hope the director and
writer do better on "Specter." After that, there's one
more Daniel Craig movie, and then I guess there's a new
James Bond. It'll be interesting to see who it is. I wonder
if it will be
a black guy, or
a gay guy, or someone else altogether?

I wish we had more spy shows like we used to have. Back
when James Bond was first a hit in the movies, we had many
shows like "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.," "I Spy," "The
Prisoner," "The Avengers," "Wild Wild West," "The Saint,"
"Mission: Impossible" and more. They even had "Get Smart" to
spoof them all. These were all really good shows, and
there were also a few that didn't last long, like "The Girl
from U.N.C.L.E."
had a few good ones over the years, like "Alias,"
Affairs," "Burn
Notice," "Spooks" (known as "MI-5" here in the US), and
the animated comedy "Archer." Sometimes "NCIS"
has spy elements, too, I have to admit.
I hate it when they remake these old shows (especially my
favorites) into TV series. I think most people do. The
movie industry doesn't really care about those of us over
50, though. They use the name and then make their own
story, usually, not caring what the
fans think. They hope the name brings people in the door,
especially younger people. That's why we have all of
those "Mission: Impossible" movies that are nothing like the
great original series. I don't watch most of them because
they tend to be awful or nothing like the shows. I won't be
seeing the new "Man from U.N.C.L.E." I didn't see "Starsky
and Hutch," "The Green Hornet," "Bewitched," "21 Jump
Street," "Get Smart," or the aforementioned MI movies. I
went to a lot of awful ones, like "Wild Wild West," "The
Avengers" and "Lost in Space." The only good remakes were
"The Untouchables" and "The Addams Family." Otherwise,
I prefer if they use the same original characters, like they
did for the "Star
Trek" movies and "The Nude Bomb" (the first Get Smart
movie), and "Serenity". Otherwise, don't bother. I did
watch the first two recent "Star Trek" movies, which are
awful. I don't know if I'll watch the third one or not. Like
I said, though, the movie studios really don't care what I
think or whether I spend my money at the theaters...
I guess I was too quick to praise "The Bold & The
Beautiful!" They're being stupid again. There's this
thing they do (and all soaps do it, but they're the worst),
where they argue about the same thing over and over, and the
answer is OBVIOUS, and no one brings it up. With this
current Steffy/Ivy story.... it's stupid that no one has
said to Ivy, "Look, the video is dark (because it was night
time) and you can't really see the whole picture, literally.
Aly may have had a rock in her hand - we can't see her hand.
The fact that Steffy's on the ground and Aly is hovering
over her, supports Steffy's story that she was acting in
self-defense. You came in late to the scene, so you
didn't see everything that happened before your stupid
little video!" And then if she points out that Steffy
didn't tell the police the real story, then Steffy can just
tell her that she was in shock and not thinking straight
(which is true). Yes, the story wouldn't be as good
then, but it sure wouldn't be as contrived.
At least Liam did finally call Ivy on her blackmailing
behavior and how
she's not acting like a good person.
That is better than nothing, I guess. I don't know...the
actress that plays Ivy is good, but I just don't see any
chemistry between her and Liam, or her and Wyatt.
Maybe that's why Hope is coming back? She and Steffy both
have great chemistry with any guy.
Our volunteer
Danielle is still on vacation this week, so I've been
mostly trying to keep up with her job, gathering press
releases and posting them on our
Forum, and sending them to her and
Angie. Angie
edits them down for me, so I can put them up on our
Primetime News and
Schedule Pages.
This week's
News and Schedule Page was here and
next week's
will be here. I usually put it up sometime on Saturday,
so watch for it!
I did get to watch some of the new shows and
write reviews.
There will be more soon! Check 'em out.
This week I caught up on Lifetime's new show "Unreal,"
which is very good. I don't watch reality shows, but they do
a good job of showing how they work and what goes on behind
the scenes. Really, though, it's just a great soap
opera/drama. It's one of the big hit shows of the summer, so
I hope you get to watch it!
I have a bunch of DVD's to watch next: "The Originals"
and "The
Diaries," and FX's "The League" and "You're the Worst,"
among others. I should be getting some others in the mail
soon, too, like "Supernatural".
Also, I have tons of FOX shows to write about.
I can't believe it's almost September, can you? That's
probably my busiest month because of all of the new Fall
shows. Part of me is not looking forward to that!
the way, quick reminder - we still need someone to write "The
Young & The
Restless" updates for our site! We need someone to help
Ellen out when she can't do it. It's not hard, but it may
take you a couple of hours, depending on how fast you type
and write.
Monday I'm interviewing the stars from the series "From Dusk
Till Dawn," so that should be interesting.
I watched yesterday's "Beauty
& The Beast," which is always good. The characters get a
little talky sometimes, and it seems so funny
that the "Beast," Vincent, is way more romantic than his
girlfriend, Cat, the cop. I have to say that it was kind of
anti-climatic for them to kill off her dad this week. He
hasn't been a regular character for a while, and we never
really liked him
got to know him, other than as the villain. I really enjoyed
seeing J.T. play hockey, though. That was cool.
Allison Sweeney is leaving "The Biggest Loser!" That's
weird. I know she'll be coming back a little bit to "Days
of Our Lives," but that's not permanent. I wonder what
else she'll be doing? I hope we get to see her in some great
movies or primetime shows.
The people at DOOL have been telling us how exciting the
new shows will be (coming in September) with this new serial
killer storyline that they've got for their 50th
anniversary. 1) Been done before too many times; 2) they
better now kill anyone I like off; and 3) the soaps need
more love and romance, not more murder and violence!
I saw someone on Twitter talking about how A&E "dissed"
the fans of "Longmire." I assume they mean because they
canceled the show. If you're not 12, you should know by now
that TV is a business. Shows get canceled if the ratings
drop and the networks lose money. They don't owe fans
anything. And lastly - as I keep saying - MOST TV SHOWS GET
CANCELED WITH THE FIRST YEAR!! Get over it, deal with
it, move on. Just be grateful that Netflix picked it up for
another year. The people at A&E, just like any
network, love their shows and get just as attached to them
as you and I do, and they hate canceling good TV shows. It's
their job to make these tough decisions. No one wants to be
hated by fans. Everyone in the TV business knows very
well that their jobs are temporary and they will probably
lose the job and have to find another. It's what they do.
If the cast and crew can handle it, so can you. Don't blame
the network. Blame the people in the U.S. for being stupid
and not watching the good show. Hey, I enjoyed it, but I can
see why some people might not like it. It's very slow-moving
at times. There's all that weird mystical Indian stuff (not
to mention a long-drawn-out murder mystery). Some people
just don't like Westerns, too, which is what this basically

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Page updated 8/29/15