Saturday, August 1
Today was mostly spent on airplanes and in airports. I
actually traveled back in time. For reals! I left
Philadelphia around 2pm Saturday, and when I arrived, my
computer said it was 3:30am Sunday! But when I set the
laptop's clock to Hawaii time, it was not yet midnight
Saturday. Woo hoo!
We got to pay a little extra to upgrade to first class (which
was well worth it, flying from Phoenix to Hawaii!). I always
look around to see if I see any celebrities, but I didn't
recognize anyone this time. Too bad!
I did manage to do a little work yesterday on the first
half of our flight, until my laptop died. I'm very
dedicated! LOL! I have a lot of work to catch up on...
Sunday, August 2
I spent a lot of time working on the site today! Whew! So
much to catch up on. We put up our
Primetime News and
Schedule for this week, and
next week's will be here.
Check the latter on Sunday as always to see the
complete schedule.
We also spent many hours catching up on last week's "The
Daily Show." Only 4 episodes left. Awwww! We even watched
the special they had on tonight, which was basically a "Best
of Jon Stewart" clip show. Too bad that Jon Stewart hasn't
addressed what Wyatt Cenac said about him a few weeks ago.
Oh, well. (Update: They made up on his last show!)
We also watched "Last Week Tonight" again. Yay! It's
always good.
I'm slowly catching up our site's
Daytime Transcripts,
too. I was only gone 4 days, thank goodness.
Monday, August 3
I was sick a lot today, so I didn't watch too much TV. I
just caught up on last week's "The Bold & The Beautiful,"
"Defiance," and part of "The Whispers."
I really love "Defiance"; I ordered a replica of
Amanda's jacket so I could go as her! Probably at
convention in September. I have a friend on Facebook who's
been catching up on the show from the beginning. She's still
in early season two. She's about to get some surprises! LOL!
I didn't get to interview Ludacris after all because they
didn't send me the call-in info until the last minute, and I
had already gone back to bed, figuring they had left me out
or canceled it. It's okay, though, because they sent me the
transcript of the call, anyway, so I'll be putting that up
this week.
Next Monday I get to
interview Corey Stoll, star of "The
Strain," so that will be exciting! Not just because he's a
great actor, and that show is very good, but because he was
the villain in "Ant-Man," which I saw just a week ago. Woo hoo! I was reading an article where they talked about how
they made him wear a wig for "The Strain." I'm glad they did
because I think he looks much better with hair. To be fair,
though, I don't really like bald guys or think they're
attractive. I would much rather see a toupee, even a bad
one, than a bald head. That's just me, though; my own
personal preference. I don't like beards, either, or
super-short hair. Anyway, what shall I ask him? Hmm.... I
don't watch "The Strain" because it's too gross for me. It
is a really good show, though. I wish they would come out
with edited versions of shows like this and "The Walking
Dead" so I can enjoy them.
Someone said on Facebook that there is a new rumor going
around about ABC bringing back "One Life to Live," but you
know, those rumors have been going around since the show was
canceled. I doubt it will happen. They're still fighting
with Prospect Park in court, too, so that could prevent it
from happening, anyway. I wouldn't get your hopes up about
either "All My
Children" or OLTL coming back. They were very
low-rated and cost a lot to make (compared to reality shows,
talk shows or cooking shows). It would be great, though, now
that Michael Easton is no longer working at GH!
If I were in charge of ABC daytime, here's what I'd do.
I'd make a new soap
that takes place in either Llanview or
Pine Valley. I'd hire the 6 youngest and/or most popular
actors from each show. So let's say the actors who played
Ryan, Greenlee and Kendall from AMC, and John, Victor and
Natalie from OLTL. Everyone else would be extras, fan
guests, or recurring/guest stars. Make the show very
low budget, filmed on location somewhere, the way they did
with "Guiding Light" (but with better lighting). No writers. They can do
it like a reality show or have the actors improv. Make sure
all of the show is current and relevant. Film it
months in advance, very fast, like they do with "Days of Our
Lives." Add in other actors as guest stars or
recurring. The only prerequisite is lots of romance. Show it
either one hour per week (cut back "The Chew" to four days)
or Monday through Friday but only 15 minutes per day.
Alternatively, do it as a web soap. Hey, the writing can't
be any worse than what we see on "The Bachelor" or "General
Hospital!" Seriously. And if they filmed it in the East
Coast still, they could probably still get people like Erika Slezak to show up occasionally... Use lots of produce
placement. For instance, if they have flowers, mention
the name of the florist. They'd also have to make sure
to really advertise the show to get people to tune in.
I think it would be a pretty big hit. But hey, if it
wasn't... then at least they tried. Then if the show is a
hit, they could add in more actors. Bring in gay and black
characters, for instance. If it was a big enough hit, you'd
have sponsors, writers and actors lining up to be involved.
Tuesday, August 4
I finished watching
last week's episode of "The Whispers." It's a good show, but
sometimes the people in it act dumb. The ending, though, was
killer. A real OMG moment. They figured out how to kill the
alien, but it means they have to kill a child! Oh, no!
Today I watched the two days' episodes of "The
Bold & Beautiful." That
Caroline, she sure isn't good at
keeping her lips to herself. Thomas is really cute, though,
so who can really blame her, especially when everyone is
telling her that Ridge is going to dump her someday?
Ridge should have known better than to take up with her
because she cheated on Rick with him, so why would she stay
faithful? Duh.
dad on "The Bold &
Beautiful" is fun to watch. Is he just a dork, or a
horrible person? Is he just hoping to get some of the
Forrester money for himself, or does he also have a grand
plan for revenge? I want to see how he interacts with
Ridge. Ridge has been very ornery lately, too, so maybe the
two of them will hit it off.
I also watched "Major Crimes," which is always good. The
woman they
arrested in tonight's episode
(Sally Pressman, whom you may recall from "Army Wives") kind of reminded me
of Kyra Sedgewick, who used to star in the show as Brenda
before when it was "The Closer." I wondered if it was
Kyra's stand-in for a minute!
Wednesday, August 5
My back was hurting (recurring problem), so I didn't
watch too much TV today. I did catch up on the shows mentioned
We've been watching this last week of "The Daily Show"
with Jon Stewart.
Too bad, only two more shows left! We also
watch "The Nightly Show," but it's not quite as funny as
"The Daily Show." I hope it gets better! I hope
the new Daily Show host is good, too.
Don't forget that we have
great TV group on Facebook. It's a small, fun group.
Thursday, August 6
This week's "Teen Wolf" was great as always! I admit that
I find it kind of
confusing at times, but I guess we're supposed to think the
weird stuff is real, and then we realize later it's not.
That ending was quite shocking. Who is that dead woman? I
can't wait to find out.
I've been working hard to catch up on stuff. It never
ends and there's always too much!
was chatting with a new online friend I made on Facebook...another
person about my age who's watched a lot of soaps. She said
that, according to one of the actors on "General
Hospital," they were planning to do a transgender
storyline, but B&B beat them to it. Really? Wow. Well, I'll
believe that when I see it. They have a hard time enough
just making their gay characters interesting. Maybe the new
writers can do better.
I can't believe that somehow it didn't register in my
brain that "CSI"
canceled this Spring. I guess I just didn't pick up on that.
I knew that they said that they were going to finish it this
Fall with a movie, but I didn't realize they were saying
there were no more episodes besides that. So much
information comes out in the Spring. It's hard to keep track
of it all! I think I also read that Ted Danson will be
joining "CSI:
Cyber" but I'm not sure I can trust my memory on that
one, either. I don't know...15 years is a good long time for
any show, but I think the show was still good and could have
hung around longer. I guess now they're spinning off a new
"Criminal Minds," so that should be interesting.
Tomorrow I'm going to update my
Primetime Reviews
(I've been really behind) so make sure to check it out over
the weekend. After that, I'm
going to make our new Fall Schedule.
The first show of the new Fall schedule will be the
return of "Dancing with the Stars" Monday, September 14th!
Here's a good calendar
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 8/8/15