The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #178

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #178

The devil!I really enjoyed "The Messengers" as always this week... so sad that this week is the very last episode!  I'm still enjoying "The Whispers," but in the last two episodes, I felt there were some points where the people acted kinda stupid. I hate that.Datak

Every day we post What's New on our site, so please check it out!

"Defiance" is fabulous, too. I'm guessing they won't really be killing Datak, but we'll see. They sure do kill a lot of people on that show.

I can't believe it's the final episode of Hank and Vanessa Williams!"Royal Pains" this summer already! What a shame. I so enjoy it.

Our site still needs some new recap writers for "The Young & The Restless."  We just need a little help, so please email me if you can help out!

One of the shows I'm looking forward to next season is "Legends ofLegends of Tomorrow Tomorrow," which includes Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell. They played brothers on "Prison Break" for years, and then they recently played villainous brothers on "The Flash," and they're joining that new show along with many others.  It's kind of funny that they're playing brothers again! They're not related, and in fact, they really don't even look alike. I find that so weird. I mean, Dominic starred in "John Doe" way back in 2002. He was so gorgeous.  Then when he got the role in "Prison Break," he shaved his head, and I gather part of that was to look more like Wentworth, who also has very short hair.  Now that they're playing brothers, Dominic, who also bulked up quite a bit, is playing a big, dumb, mean guy, so the shaved-head-look is even better for that. It's all pretty funny.

Michael and the chosen oneI've been catching up with "Dominion," which is an awesome science fiction show on Syfy. The only problems I have with this show, and "Supernatural," is that the angels are not good guys; also, God has left, but they never say what happened to him. I guess they will at the end of the series... I sure hope so. I've been waiting an awfully long time for the ending of "Supernatural," but I love it and don't really want it to end. I thought angels are usually supposed to be good guys, yet they don't seem so good in either show. There are no demons or devils in "Dominion," either, so that's kinda weird. But it's a very well done show, anyway.

I've spent a lot of time the past two weeks putting up many exclusive photos from the San Diego Comic-Con so check them out! We have more coming, too. We have SDCC photos going back a decade. I'm hoping that next year I can go on my own and get more photos etc.  This weekend I'mJon Stewart and larry Wilmore going to a scifi convention in my own city, so I hope to get more photos and autographs.

We've been very glad to have "The Daily Show" and "The Nightly Show" back on the air with new episodes!  Jon Stewart's interview with President Obama was very funny as was the interview with Paul Rudd the day before. Great stuff. They should give the president his own show after he leaves the White House because he's very funny and likable.

Oliver and FelicityOtherwise, I've just been catching up on episodes of summer shows I watch like "Rizzoli & Isles," "Unreal" and "Mr. Robot." This week my goal is to start catching up on "Arrow" finally.

I haven't had any interviews in the past week, which has been kind of a nice break (there have been a few for reality shows, which I don't watch, so I didn't bother with them). IWayward Pines finale guess everyone's either on vacation or going to conventions and other events. There are so many new shows coming up!

I've looking forward to catching up on "Wayward Pines" this week, too. I think I've only seen the first half of the episodes.

Rob Lowe has a new show on FOX called "The Grinder" that's kind of Fred Savage and Rob Lowefunny. He plays a TV actor who's very vain and silly. I didn't think I was going to like the pilot at first, but it got better as it went on. Fred Savage also stars as his brother. It's an interesting show. William Devane is their dad, and he's always great!Anthony Michael Hall

I still haven't heard back from FOX about why no one has mentioned that Anthony Michael Hall is in the new Fall show "Rosewood."  It's very odd -- a mystery!

I need to write up some new shows and DVD's I've watched recently for our Reviews Page. It's a lot easier to watch than to write! LOL!

This week's Primetime News and Schedule is here and next week's will be there. Don't miss it!

Aly trying to kill SteffyI'm also catching up on "The Bold & The Beautiful" (I'm just a few days behind). I'll keep watching as long as they keep up with the interesting transgender storyline...  This past week's episodes were SHOCKING, to say the least! Wow, I can't believe they did that....Ron Carlivati

The other big shocker this week was that ABC fired Ron Carlivati as the head writer for "General Hospital!" I guess because the ratings went down again. I hope the new writers write more realistic and consistent stories and focus more on characters, like the old GH.

Don't forget to visit our Facebook Group because we post news and chat Some of the Emmy nomineesabout the latest TV news there!

The Primetime Emmy Awards nominations came out last week. I watch a lot of TV, but most of the shows I like don't get nominated. For one thing, I tend to like scifi/fantasy/comic book shows and those almost never get nominated. The one show that is, "Game of Thrones," I never watched (because I didn't have HBO back when it started). Maybe one day I'll watch that one. I've seen bits and pieces of many of the nominated shows, lik "Better Call Saul", "Wolf Hall," and "American Horror Story."  The only one I really watched regularly that's nominated is "Mad Men," so I hope it wins! I do watch “How to Get Away with Murder,” so I hope Viola Davis wins for lead actress. Then again, I also watch "Orphan Black," another great show, but I'm behind on it. Tatiana Maslany is amazing in that, too. Tough call.Emma Thompson and Bryn Terfel

I'm glad to see that Emma Thompson is nominated for her turn in the PBS musical “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street,” and she was really fantastic, but it's not fair that she should have to complete against actresses in shows that are called "limited run" when they have 10 episodes every year and her show only ran for a few hours one night. That's just crazy.

Most of the sitcoms in the "best comedy" list are not funny. You wouldLouis CK is nominated for his show, which is over now...and not funny think that the number one prerequisite should be that it's funny! Most of those shows are not funny, or they're only a little bit funny.  Dramas with lame humor shouldn't count as comedies, IMHO. I hope that one day we get more comedies, and better comedies. I think the last time a really funny show won was "Will & Grace" back in 2000. Before that, a lot of really funny shows won the Emmy, like "Frasier," "Cheers," "Seinfeld," "Murphy Brown" et al. I'm surprised that "Curb Your Enthusiasm" never won. It's hilarious. Too bad Larry David decided to put it on hold. I'll keep saying that until the show Family Guy castcomes back!!

Here are the only recent comedies I've liked, and most of them are not funny all of the time...they just have their moments: "Family Guy," "The Comedians," "Big Bang Theory," and the new show "Impastor." I did sometimes like "Two and a Half Men," too. Sometimes I would classifify "Mad Men" as a comedy, but most of the time, it's a drama. I enjoyed the new show "Sex&Drgus&Rock&Roll," but it's not laugh-out-loud funny. It's humorous, though.

I hope you can enter this month's DVD drawing on our site! It ends today, July 25th.

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Page updated 7/25/15

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