The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #170

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #170

Friday 5/8/15

Henry and JoWheeeee, it's blog post number 170!!!

Wow, this is the worst Friday for TV news I've ever had. You know, I don't get invested in TV shows like I used to, but there are a few shows I really like. This week I learned that a bunch of them are getting canceled. The ones I'm most upset about are "Forever" on ABC and "Backstrom" on FOX. It doesn't matter how "expected" it is, it still hurts. I'm also annoyed about "Revenge" on ABC and "Constantine" on NBC, and mildly annoyed about "Battle Creek" on CBS. Plus, Tony Geary is leaving "General Hospital," probably for good this time. That's really a shame.

Actors and other Hollywood types get used to the fact that they can lose their job in any minute. It's just part of their work.  Viewers should be used to that, too, but oddly, we're not. I don't know why, but we always seem to forget that most TV shows get canceled, every year. Yet we still get so attached to the ones we like. I know that people like to think, "it's only the shows I like" or "they cancel them faster than they used to," but that's actually not true. I've been watching TV since the 60's. It's always been true. We just hear more about it because of the internet. You can find old TV schedules online, and if you look, you'll see it's true. I remember when I was a kid in the 70's, getting mad when they canceled my favorite shows.

I think a lot of the times now, the networks are smart to have these 8-10 episode "event series."  Then if the show does well, they make more. If not, then it's usually just like a mini-series and it has a beginning, middle and end. Still, they often leave us with a cliff-hanger, which is not good. Also, it's a lot harder to do that kind of series with, say, a cop show or a sitcom.Backstrom cast

I'm glad that "Backstrom" had a fairly good ending, although I didn't really like the ending all that much.  I just loved that show, and its characters, more and more as I watched it.  "Forever" had a pretty good season finale, but we never did learn why he was immortal or how Jo would have reacted to finding out his secret. I'm hoping (probably in vain) that they find another network for it.  Same with "Constantine."Big Bang Theory cast

I just read in Entertainment Weekly that they killed off Victoria in "Revenge."  Well, it makes sense now as to why it got canceled.... what were they thinking? But then I read later that she wasn't really dead. I guess after a while it becomes like a bad soap opera.

I enjoyed the "Big Bang Theory" finale from last week... weird ending, though. Poor Sheldon!

Elementary cast"Elementary" is always good, and the one last night with the bees was fun. If only Colony Collapse Disorder in real life were so easy to explain! They seemed to say in the show that fewer bees were dying in the past few years, but I haven't been able to find anything about that online, so maybe they made it up. Speaking of Sherlock Holmes, I can't wait for the new movie in July, "Mr. Holmes," starring Ian McClellan. That sounds great!

It was good to have two episode of "Bones," but I wonder why they did that? That's always a solid show.... maybe they should have ordered another episode of "Backstrom" so they could have something in that time slot! Ha!

Monday I have a conference call with the executives in charge of FOX... which will be great, I'm sure, but it's at 3 am my time here in Hawaii! LOL! It's okay...

I'm still catching up on episodes of "The 100" on my DVR. I hate that termClarke, Bellamy and Octavia of The 100 "binge-watching," sorry.  I enjoy the show, but it's pretty violent. I'm really not happy that Finn died, either.

Speaking of violence, I'm sorry "The Following" was canceled, too, even though I don't watch it regularly. I think it was a very good show and had many fans. I love Kevin Bacon. Maybe the fans would have stayed if it had been less violent...I don't know.

We still watch "The Nightly Show," but it's generally not that funny... sorry to keep saying that. He was really good the first week and it's been kind of downhill since then. These singing women he had on twice now, The NightLytes, are annoying and not funny. At least "The Daily Show" is still somewhat funny. Most of the time!

Saturday 5/9/15

I didn't watch many of the newer shows this weekend. I mostly finished watching a DVD set that I already reviewed, and watched shows on DVD that I recorded last year or so.

I watched a few episodes of "Ultimate Spider-Man" that I had recorded. I usually love Spidey, but this cartoon is just a bit too silly for me... it's okay, but I prefer it to be more like the comics and not so pandering to kids or teens. I was very disappointed in this one episode where he meets the "Howlin' Commandoes".  When I was growing up, they were a group of WWII soldiers that fought with Nick Fury and Captain America, but I guess in the 80's or 90's they introduced a new version that was Frankenstein, Wolfman, The Mummy and Man-Thing. Yuk.

I had to take a break from watching "The 100". I just have a few more episodes of that left, though. Then I'll have to watch more episodes of "General Hospital" from January or else my DVR will be too full up!

This week's Primetime News and Schedule is here and next week's will be here. Check it out because it tells you what all of the new shows are, and we have lots of video clips as well. Angie and I put this all together, with lots of help from Danielle.

Gisele put up Nikky's photos from the GH Fantasy Weekend in New Jersey from April. Check 'em out!

Sunday 5/10/15

We watched "Real Time with Bill Maher" and it was hilarious as usual. I loved his chat with Billy Crystal. He tells some great stories. Very funny!

If you've lived in Texas like we have, make sure to watch last Thursday's "Daily Show" because Jon Stewart had a great bit about Texas and specifically makes a joke about Lubbock.

"Family Guy" was a re-run this week. Too bad! Only one new episode left for the season.

We always watch "Mad Men." I'm sad that there's only one episode left. I wonder how it will end? This week's episode was just very weird. I would definitely had preferred if they put more humor in the show. I love Roger; he's my favorite and is always the funniest. They should do a comedy sequel with just Roger, Pete, and Peggy.  Our Sundays are going to be pretty boring soon.

Tonight was also the last episode of "Revenge."  Well, not for me because I still have most of two seasons to watch! LOL! This time of year is hard for TV fans because so many shows are ending... there are lots of great season finales, though.

I watched an episode of this show I had recorded from BBC America, "The History of Science Fiction". This one was about robots. There are four parts of it, but I wasn't able to record the other three. I hope maybe they'll put it out on DVD one day.

I had also recorded "Last Comic Standing" last year because I thought itLast Comic Standing cast from last year might be funny. Unfortunately, there's very little comedy. It's mostly just reality-show crap. Too bad because Anthony Jeselnik is hosting it this year and he's my favorite comedian. I don't see how he even he can make the show worth watching, though.

This page has a good list of upcoming TV show premieres.

Monday 5/11/15

The FOX conference call interview this morning was only a half an hour, Minority Report castand they let the print media ask all the questions, not the rest of us, so that was very frustrating. I really wanted to ask why the new "X-Files" is only 6 episodes long. Their new show "Scream Queens" sounds good. Hopefully it's not as gross or scary as "American Horror Story!"  I like the idea of "Minority Report" but then again, they canceled "Almost Human" last year, so why should I watch yet another futuristic scifi show they're just going to cancel quickly? LOL!Megan Boone and James Spader of The Blacklist

Tomorrow I get to interview Megan Boone, star of "The Blacklist," and executive producer John Eisendrath. I'm glad they didn't cancel it! It's a good show, even if I don't have time to watch it.

We watched "Last Week Tonight" and enjoyed it as always. Great show, always funny.

Emma and ReginaI'm watching the "Once Upon a Time" season finale. It's great! Poor Regina, she never has happiness in any reality!  I loved this dialogue:

Emma: Your happiness is still a possibility. The first step is going after the man you love.

Regina: My happy ending isn't a man.

Emma: Of course not, but love is a part of all happiness, and you have to be open to that.

It's about time they said that!! It was great seeing Rumplestiltskin as a hero and Snow White as a villain.  I wonder why, when Rumple was about to strike Henry with his sword, he didn't say, "You're my grandpa!" or "Baelfire was my dad!"   It was a great ending, too, but then why did Emma disappear and the dagger was still there? They can use that to control or kill her. Makes very little sense, but it's still a fun show! Great two-part episode, too.

Although I'm very sorry that "Backstrom" was canceled, I wasn't entirely happy with the way they ended it, and I don't know how they could have come back from the sappiness.... it should have been more like "House."

Tonight's "Castle" was very good, although suddenly mentioning thatCastle cast at the end Castle saw a murderer when he was 10 years old, which is what made him get started as a writer... that's a bit contrived. And why do they keep having Beckett run off to Washington, DC? If she's elected, that's where she'll end up. Please, not another election, wasn't "The Good Wife" bad enough? Also, it was kind of an anti-climatic episode. No cliff-hanger this year. I wonder if they were worried that they would get canceled?

Kalinda and Alicia in The Good Wife"The Good Wife" was also very good. It's a shame that there are no new episodes until the Fall! I love that show. It will be hard without Kalinda, but they always have great actors on there. I hope we see more of Eli. He's my favorite. I read that the actress who play Alicia and Kalinda don't get along, but I think that's just the usual back-stage BS that the press makes up, particularly when there are strong women involved.

I'm still watching "The Messengers," even though it's been canceled. I hope that they air all of the episodes they filmed, at least.

Tuesday 5/12/15

It seems like they barely announce which shows are canceled now and then start hammering us with news and video clips of the Fall shows. It's only May! LOL!

Someone that my husband used to work with was on "The Daily Show" last night, so that was cool. She was a grad student back then, but now she's a professor somewhere.  "The Nightly Show" was much funnier today than usual.

I've been really busy this week and not very good about keeping up on the blog. I had an interview almost every day this week.

I had a weird dream last night about working at some high school, andMaurice Benard Maurice Benard (Sonny on GH) was one of the other teachers. Then there was something about clones...very strange dream! But mostly a good one.

This morning I decided to sleep in rather than go to the call for Megan Boone of "The Blacklist." I was not feeling well...

I watched tonight's "Flash", but I thought it was really stupid. Flash, Arrow and FirestormUsually I love the show. I hate when they make the heroes into idiots. How can they have trusted the bad guys? That was supremely stupid. Even leaving that aside, why would they put all of the bad guys in a truck? I would have drugged them up for days, put them in strait jackets, wrapped chains around them, and then nailed each one into a coffin (with air holes, of course). And then put them in separate trucks to take them to the airport, each one with a few armed guards. Otherwise, it's too much risk. That was just ridiculous.  The ending battle was good, though. I sure hope next week's finale is great!

By the way, I hated the awful "costumes" that Green Arrow and Firestorm wore on this week's episode. What is it with these TV shows and movies now that they want to have superheroes but don't want them to have real costumes? What is wrong with tights and capes, anyway? These guys are great looking and have wonderful bodies so we want to see them in tight clothing, not in leather and jeans.

Doesn't it seem like CBS is nothing but CSI and NCIS any more? And nowPerson of Interest cast they're coming out with a second "Criminal Minds" show. I'm not happy that they seem to be losing faith in "Person of Interest" and that it won't be on for a while year this time.  It's the best show that CBS has, IMHO.

Of course, NBC is all Dick Wolf shows ("Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" and all those Chicago shows). I heard they might be bringing back the original "Law & Order" which is great! They canceled that one way too early. It was a really good show still. They should bring back "ER" and "Southland," too!

The CW is all superheroes and scifi. Ha ha! That's fine with me.

Bloodline castI started watching "Bloodlines" on Netflix, but then I realized I had watched the second episode first by mistake. It was so confusing! I have to go back and watch it from the beginning now.

Sometimes people ask me for recommendations of good shows on TV. I guess they don't read my "What I Watch" page. But so much of it is individual tastes. Some people like superhero or scifi shows, and some don't. Some like soaps, and some don't.  Honestly, I can't really recommend any comedy shows right now, aside from maybe "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver." He's almost always funny. None of the other shows - even the ones I watch - are that consistently funny. I like "The Comedians" on FX, but it's not like it's the funniest show ever. It may be the funniest sitcom on TV right now, but that's not saying much.

I don't know why they keep renewing these other awful shows likeHot in Cleveland "Modern Family," "New Girl," "2 Broke Girls," "The Goldbergs," and even "Family Guy."  I love "Hot in Cleveland," but it hasn't been that funny in a while (if it really ever was). Too bad Larry David is doing Broadway now instead of "Curb Your Enthusiasm."  I think "Frasier" might have been the last really funny show I watched regularly.

I like "Weird Loners" and some of the others that have come out in the past few years, but they're not that funny, and that's really the main function of a sitcom, to make you laugh.  The thing is, if they don't make me laugh a lot, I don't bother to keep tuning in. A few laughs is not enough. It has to be funny enough that I want to tell everyone to watch it. I do like "Big Bang Theory," but they have the same jokes over and over.

I don't know why they can't come out with a good show like "Will & Grace" or "Seinfeld" or even "Friends" or "Cheers."  What happened to TV comedy? I hope that when Stephen Colbert gets his own show again that it's as funny as his previous one was. He did have the funniest show on TV for a while there...he's sorely missed. I know that many people will miss Impastor cast"Late Night with David Letterman," too. It's ending next week.

I hope this new TVLAND show "Impastor" is good....

Wednesday 5/13/15

This morning I was on a conference call interview with actor Jack Black and director Richard Curtis. I didn't get to ask a question, unfortunately. They were doing the call about the charity event Red Nose Day, which is on NBC next week. I don't think I've ever seen any of Jack Black's movies, although I probably did see him in many guest-starring roles on TV.Jack Black and children Richard Curtis was producer and writer of many great TV shows like "Blackadder" and "Mr. Bean" as well as the wonderful movie comedies like "Four Weddings and a Funeral," "Love Actually" and so many more.

I mostly just worked on the site and didn't watch too much TV today... Also, after I went to sleep, I kept having weird dreams about Luke and Laura on GH.

Brytni SarpyTomorrow I have  an interview with Brytni Sarpy, who plays Valerie on "General Hospital."  When I have the interviews, I always ask on my personal Twitter and or our Talkin' TV group on Facebook if anyone has any questions. I don't usually get a lot of responses, but since GH is very popular, I posted on a few GH Facebook groups as well. Between all that, I got a lot of great responses  that really helped me write up the questions. Also, Gisele watches the show every day and edits our GH transcripts, so she helped me out as well with some background about the character, and some ideas.

Thursday 5/14/15

I was up very early for my interview with Ms. Sarpy. GL cast

I started work this week on putting our newer design on our "Guiding Light" pages. After that, I will do our other remaining daytime pages.

I also went through some emails. I'm very behind on that. I have about 3,000 emails to go through. Of course, most are too old and too late to do anything about, but I still have to go through and figure out which are which. Unfortunately, there just aren't enough hours in the day to put up on the site everything that the TV networks send me to put up as well as everything else I have to do.

Our site's server was having problems today, but our webhost got it working again pretty quickly, thank goodness! I hate when that happens, Master Chef contestantsbut luckily it doesn't happen very often.

Krista had interviews this week with some folks from "Masterchef" and "American Idol," so we'll be putting those up as well.

NBC let me watch the first three episodes of "Hannibal" that begin thisScene from the season premiere of Hannibal season June 4th. I don't watch the show regularly. Is it always slow, weird and gross? Too much for me. No wonder it gets such bad ratings. For this they canceled "Dracula," "Constantine" and "Crossbones?????" I don't get it.

While I might agree that there are an awful lot of cop shows and scifi/fantasy shows, I think we can safely say that people don't want to see horribly violent and gory shows on network TV. This is why "The Following" was canceled and one reason why "Hannibal" gets low ratings.  We really don't need to see all that gross torture porn.  Keep that to Showtime and HBO.  "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" and "Criminal Minds" are lurid enough. I don't need to see spurting blood, eyeballs gouged out, and flesh being carved up.

Charlie and CastielSpeaking of horror shows, "Supernatural" has been way too sad and gloomy... I hate how they killed off Charlie. Seeing Dean shoot the poor teen in the head and then beat the heck out of Cass, after seeing Sam try to kill Crowley....too much!  I'm sure that next week's finale is going to be pretty awful, too. I like their lighter moments better, I have to say. I hope they can lighten things up a little more next year.

There are a lot of new primetime shows coming up... We have to watch them, so we'll be reviewing them all. Check it out! Watch our "What's New" page for all the latest.

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Chronicles - My personal blog, which is not about TV.

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