The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #168

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #167

Friday 4/17/15

Sonny's bruised faceI was watching "General Hospital" from December, when Sonny was getting beat up in prison. They showed bruising on his face right away. Um, bruises take a little while to form...his face was all purple. LOL!Beth

If you're a fan of the old soap "Guiding Light," you might remember Beth, played by Beth Chamberlin. She has a new fitness career. Check out her video!

Hartley and EganI don't watch "Young & The Restless" any more, but I saw part of yesterday's episode where Adam (Justin Hartley) and Chelsea were going at it, and it was great to see him ripping his clothes off! I miss seeing him, when he was on "Smallville."

  Rest of the week!

I haven't been very good about keeping up on the blog this week. I'm just always so busy, I put it off. Tsk tsk!

This week's Primetime News and Schedule is here and next week's will be here! Check it out. I have great help now with Angie, so I had some extra time to put in more video clips.

The Daytime Emmys are supposed to be airing tonight, but on a channel called POPTV. Most people haven't heard of it. It's a new name for the TV Guide Channel. It's owned by CBS. Unfortunately, those of us on Time Warner Cable don't get that channel. They do show some of their regular shows and movies On Demand, but TWC tells me that they don't usually put live events On Demand. Well, that sucks. Hopefully someone will put a good copy of it up YouTube, like I did last year when they only streamed it online, or maybe it will be available on Torrents. As soon as I find it, I'll let you all know! Meanwhile, you can check out our daytime pages for news about who won!

Entertainment Weekly made a boo boo (not that I'm surprised). Their latest issue made a lame joke about Alex Trebek hosting the Daytime Emmys. Oops, he hosted the non-aired craft awards, not the Daytime Emmys. That's being hosted by Tyra Banks.

Guy WilsonI've been recording "Days of Our Lives" for a friend. I don't usually watch it, but I caught some of the scenes where John is finding out that Paul is his son. I used to watch the show, and John and Marlena were my favorite couple.  That new Will (Guy Wilson) is terrible. Sorry, but he can't act. He's cute (but not as cute or charismatic as the previous Will) but man, he's awful. Almost reminds me of Austin Peck, who was one of the worst over-actors I've ever seen on soaps. This guy made William Shatner seem subtle.  However, he did improve some, especially when he was on "As the World Turns" and then "One Life to Live."  My guess is that the TV directors on these shows have a huge impact on the acting, much more than we viewers know (particular novie actors). I think on DOOL they encourage them to over-act.  Wilson is not the only one chewing up the scenery on there.  Let's hope he gets the chance to improve one day, like Peck did, and like Brandon Routh did (he used to play Seth on OLTL, and now he's on "Arrow" as Ray).

Don't forget to visit all of our DOOL pages because our volunteers Michele & Cheryl, as well as others, do a great job of adding new content to them all of the time!

Also, they seem to be dressing Kristen like Cruella DeVil now. DidKristen someone else besides me notice how much the actress who played her on "Once Upon a Time" looked like Eileen Davidson? LOL!

I've been trying to make more room on my DVR because it's really been getting full. I have GH going back to December still, so I'm watching that whenever I can, but I don't really enjoy the show that much, so it's hard to keep watching it. I just like the actors and I've watched the show off and on since 1984, so it's hard to completely give it up. I mean, I gave up all the other soaps, easily, but with GH it's hard, even though I don't like the way they write it (and really haven't liked it since sometime in the 90's). It's better, in some ways, than it was 10 years ago, but not enough. Still too many criminals, and not just mobsters and criminals but they never pay for their crimes, even murder. I don't mind Sonny and Jason, but there are just too many on there now, and then they make the "regular" people into criminals as well, lots of times. It's not ENTIRELY a moral objection. I find it to be very unrealistic and inconsistent. I don't mind a little fantasy, but it shouldn't be laughable and ridiculous. I love seeing Anna, but I hate how they've ruined her, and Duke, and their relationship.  Well, enough ranting.

Anyway, I also have most of this season's "The 100" on my DVR, and also "Arrow". Other than that, it's a just a few stray specials that I want to move to DVD.

ConstantineWe're still waiting to find out if "Constantine" will be canceled or not. The showrunner, Daniel Cerone, is finding out on Monday. It probably will be canceled, so I don't have much hope left. It's a very enjoyable show, but I think it was too dark and quirky for network TV, and the characters are not "likable" for the mainstream. I'm frankly surprised that "Grimm" has lasted as long as it has.

I always love watching "The Good Wife." It's a shame that Alicia had to resign as state's attorney, and it's also a shame that Kalinda is leaving the show... I'm glad she's not dead, though.

Don and RogerI'm very sad that "Mad Men" is almost over, too. It's such a good show. Even when it's not that good, it's always interesting and entertaining. It's hard to know who I'll miss most on the show because I love all of the characters. Roger is always the funniest. Don is kind of a twisted hero.  All of the characters are just so damaged. Peggy is a weird type of heroine. Pete has good intentions but always says and does the wrong things.

There's this fun new show on Yahoo called "Other Space". It's a scifi comedy and pretty well done. Check it out. You can binge-watch on there like on Netflix. It's written by the same guy who wrote "Freaks and Geeks" and "Bridesmaids."  If you liked "Quark" or "Red Dwarf," you'll like this.

Younger ladiesI'm still watching and enjoying "Younger" on TVLAND. It has a lot to say about how women are treated, especially older women. The characters are fun and it's a nice, fun, light show. I'm sure anyone would enjoy it, but especially women over 40. I'm still not buying that 40-year-old Sutton Foster can pass as a 20-something woman, but other than that, it's a good show.

The new CW show "The Messengers" is pretty intriguing. In the second episode, they explained why the "angels" are there, but I'm sure it's more than it seems.

Emma and her parentsThere are a lot of great shows on TV, but "Once Upon a Time" is still my favorite. It's just always so good. Sometimes there are little plot points that I have problems with, but in general it's really good. Like this week's episode made me wonder, how did Lily know that Emma was out of Storybrook and looking for her? If she didn't know, how would she have been able to get into Storybrook? The timing was just a little too pat.

I've also been enjoying having "The Flash" and "Gotham" back. Now if I can just catch up on "Arrow!"

Don't forget to check out our What's New page because it tells you all of the new stuff we put up!

Next week is the season finale of "Backstrom," and I hope it gets renewed, too! I love that show.

We've all been so busy lately on the site. Since ABC and NBC changed the way they do the closed captioning on their daytime shows, we have to do extensive editing on GH and DOOL. Gisele has been editing GH, since she watches it regularly anyway, but it's still a ton of work. We're trying to get someone to help us with editing DOOL, but it's difficult. I posted a lot around the net for help, and we've gotten some new volunteers, but so far, not someone to help us with editing DOOL.

Still, it's good that we have new volunteers! We need all the help we can get.  Willy is going to write Y&R fan fiction for us. That should be up soon. Laurie is proofreading some older transcripts. Stay tuned for new announcements for other people.

Every month I choose two winners for our monthly drawing. Sometimes I don't get around to it until later... I just chose March's winners, and now I'll be choosing April's. The prizes do get sent out, either way, but sometimes it takes me awhile. Don't forget to enter the May drawing starting May 5th!

I've been putting our newer design on the rest of our Daytime pages. I did "Another World" and "Loving and the City". Next is "Guiding Light." After I finish with the daytime section, I'm going to take a break from putting on the new design and create a bunch of new pages for other current primetime shows like "The Good Wife," "Empire," and "Daredevil." Then I can start building up all of the pages and put the new design on our other primetime show pages. Then all I'll have to do after that is keep pages updated and write more stuff, add more great content, and build new pages for shows as they come along That's the plan, anyway!

This week I get to talk with the "Family Guy" Executive Producers Steve Callaghan & Richard Appel. They're having this conference call about the upcoming 250th episode. I hope it's a good one! Last week's was pretty good. It's always been a hit-or-miss show... but when it's funny, it's hilarious!

The big thing on Twitter this week, that all of Hollywood was talking about, was the Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC. I didn't watch it. I don't really watch many shows that aren't fiction. I don't care about "celebrities" per se, just the ones that I like from my particular shows or movies. I don't wish her harm or anything, and I hope she is able to help other people with her story, but I'm really not that interested in her or her problems. I feel the same way about most celebrities, like Tom Cruise or whomever. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would love to interview any actor, director, writer or producer, but about their work, not about their personal lives, by and large.  If they're someone I really like, I might read about their personal life, but I don't usually go out of my way to do it. They're just people, like us.  Some of them just lead more glamorous lives than we do, or like Jenner, are filthy rich.

I hope the whole zombie trend is over now. I don't like zombies, and I don't watch any of the zombie shows (iZombie is okay). They're just too gross for me. It seems like angels and other non-zombie people who've come back from the dead are the new thing.

Showtime has a new black comedy, "Happyish".  You can watch the first episode for free online!

I can't believe it's already April, can you? And in just a few weeks we should start learning which shows are coming back next year and which aren't. Brace yourselves!

Then there will be tons of re-runs, plus summer shows... nowadays we don't get much of a break between TV "seasons."

I'm looking forward to the new TVLAND show "Impastor" starring Michael Rosenbaum (Lex from "Smallville"), and more Netflix comic book shows, and "Aquarius" on NBC!

You can find my older blog posts at

Chronicles - My personal blog, which is not about TV.

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Page updated 4/27/15

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