Saturday 4/11/15
is your favorite show of the
Top Ten
Nielsens this week? I don't watch any of those, although
I used to watch all of the "NCIS"
shows and "Criminal Minds."
There was a great interview this week in the magazine
Weekly" with actress Candice Bergen. When asked what
TV shows she watched, part of her answer was that she
doesn't watch any network TV. Yikes. She only watches things
like "Homeland." That's a shame because network TV has
some really great shows now. Cable shows are not all better
than network shows any more. She has a new autobiography
out, "A
Fine Romance."
I spent all weekend working on
the site! Like usual. I
have no life. LOL! Just kidding.
We have a new volunteer, Angie, who's helping me out a
lot on our Primetime
News and Schedule pages. This week's is
here and
next week's will be
here, but
it's not complete yet. We update these pages every weekend.
(my husband and I) always watch "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Fridays
(or the next day, depending on how late we stay up). It's
always funny, but sometimes Bill's anti-Muslim rhetoric is a
bit hard to take. He doesn't seem to understand that Muslims
are no more violent than any other religious people. It's
just a small group of them that do violence. He's a smart
guy, so I hope he figures out how prejudiced and unfair that
is, one of these days. We think he's very funny, generally.
Otherwise we just listened to music on our cable's music
channels. We like to listen to oldies and sing along...
Sunday 4/12/15
I spent all day today watching "Daredevil" on Netflix.
Great show! As I
think I said last week, it's very violent.
It works, though. It's a very gritty and realistic show (for
a comic book). I keep waiting for him to put on the costume,
though. I'm on episode 7 and he's still just wearing the
black outfit. Yet he wears the costume in the opening
The show is a little confusing to me because I read the
comic in the 60's and 70's. Apparently they changed the
comic quite a bit in the 80's. The show is mostly similar to
the ones I read, but the character of Stick is new to me.
It still amazes me that there are all these non-TV
channels, like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and YouTube, some of
them doing this fabulous original programming. I sure wish
they'd had all of this when I was growing up. I'm very glad
I have my ROKU so I can watch all of these on my nice flat
screen TV instead of my computer or phone, too.
I took a break from watching that to take a nap, and then
we watched "Mad Men." We always enjoy
that. I'm sad it's almost over! Not as sad about it as I am
about "Justified"
and "The
Mentalist," though.
Don't forget to check out our
What's New page to see
all the stuff we put up every day!
We also watched "Family Guy," which wasn't very funny. It
was just okay... not one of their best.
We really need another person to help us with the
interviews. I
get lots of requests for interviewing actors, and Krista and
I can only do so many. I really need someone who can do
one-on-one interviews with reality show stars and other
minor actors as well as fill in on some of the others. I'm
surprised more people are not jumping at the chance to do
that, quite frankly.
Monday 4/13/15
I actually got most of my usual weekend work done a day
ahead of time, for a change! So that was nice. Usually
I'm playing catching up for the next few days into the
week... Having Angie helped a lot.
One of our volunteers is having a baby. Another one just
had corrective surgery for an ongoing problem. Another one
had surgery and has cancer. It's just always something! Like
any office type of environment, I suppose (even though ours
is a virtual office). Good luck to them all! We have the
very best volunteers on the Web. Most of these men and women
have been with the site for many years. Like me, only their
love for TV keeps them devoted to their work every day.
Speaking of our devoted volunteers,
Michele and
Cheryl just celebrated a birthday. These twin ladies
started with us when they were in high school and now are
well into adulthood. They do a lot of work on our
"Days of Our Lives" site. We would truly be lost without
Okay, time to get started on our weekly
daytime soap news
and spoiler newsletters for GH and the CBS soaps... I also
had to summarize this week's Soap Opera Digest for our
daytime news pages, since Mandy is indisposed.
This morning while I was doing all this, I watched two of
my favorite shows, "The Good Wife" and "Once Upon a Time."
Both are so great. They have tons of twists and turns, and
storyline shockers. I just love the characters, too. I can't
believe that they're going to toss Alicia out!
I also watched another episode of "Battle Creek." This
one had Candice Bergen guest-starring as Russ' mom. She was awesome! She
should get another series.
I'm back to watching "Daredevil." It's really good but
still so violent! Makes it kind of hard to watch at times.
Yet I can't stop watching it... I finally finished it late
tonight. Loved it! Glad to see he finally got his real
costume and billy club, too.
We're watching "This Week Tonight with John Oliver."
It's always funny. He's great!
Tuesday 4/14/15
I guess there were a lot of rumors flying around about
whether "Constantine" is canceled or not, but no decision
has been made yet.
If they do renew it, I'm definitely going to start a section
on our site devoted to it. I'll add it to the list :)
This morning I had a conference call
interview with Anna
Silk and Zoie Palmer of "Lost Girl", and then I had a
one-on-one interview with Daphnee Duplaix, who stars in the
movie "I Really Hate My Ex." I also watched both before
interviewing them on the phone...
I always love watching "Lost Girl," even though I don't
always understand what's going on. That's my fault for not
watching it regularly and from the beginning. I watched two
episodes that Syfy sent me on DVD. Zoie Palmer had to leave
the call early, but Anna Silk was very nice on the call and
gave very good answers.
The call with Daphnee Duplaix went very well, but she
gave very short answers to my questions. It was over very
quickly. I guess that's better than being long-winded!
Especially when I have to transcribe. The low-budget movie
was kind of a weird premise, but it was enjoyable.
I've been putting our older
Primetime Articles and
Interviews pages into the newer design when I've had more
free time. Between interviewing and transcribing! It takes a
long time because I have to copy the template page, paste
it, open the old page, copy just the photo and info, close
that page, open the template copy, paste into that page,
adjust anything that needs adjusting, save it and close it.
Whew! Almost done. Yay!
We watched our usual "The Daily Show" and "The Nightly
Show." They always give us a few chuckles, at least. I also
watched some of the December episodes of "General Hospital."
Looks like I have another interview next week with the
producers of "Law & Order: SVU," "Chicago PD," and "Chicago
Fire." They're having another crossover with the shows. I
stopped watching SVU and don't watch the others, but I'm
sure I'll come up with something to ask!
Wednesday 4/15/15
As I look through all of the interview pages, it reminds
me of just how many people I've interviewed over the past 7
years! Wow! It's 600+ people. I forget some of them. I had
totally forgotten I spoke with Curt Smith, lead singer of
"Tears for Fears!"
I'm watching "Justified" now. I hate that it's over. So
sad. Such a great show with wonderful writing and fabulous
characters. I'll really miss it! They had a great ending,
though. I'm glad Raylan, Boyd and Ava all survived, and
Raylan didn't kill Boyd or send Ava to jail. It was perfect!
Well, no perfect that Raylan was not back with Winona in the
end, but it was great that Jason Gedrick played her
boyfriend. My only regret at all about the show is that I
always wanted to see Raylan have a relationship with Rachel,
but I guess they decided to go with Ava as the woman he had
a thing for, besides Winona.
than that, I just watched some more episodes of "General Hospital"
from December.
There's a new CW show called "The Messengers" starting on
Friday. I hope it's good. I like most of their shows, but I
don't have time to watch any new ones...
People are always asking me what shows I'm watching.
That's why I keep this
"What I Watch" Page updated. Check it out!
Thursday 4/16/15
I watched last night's "Supernatural,"
always a great show. So glad Cass got
his grace back! It was wonderful to see Charlie back again,
too. I loved seeing Jeff Branson as a bad guy, but I wish he
would get another good regular gig. He's such an awesome
I was reading a post on Facebook by Brian Gaskill (who
played Rafe on "Port
Charles" as well as many other soap roles).
was discussing at length his resume and how Hollywood
treated him after he worked on soaps, like he had done
damage to his career by starring in them. That's so
terrible. He's an amazing actor. I don't know why they don't
realize that many fantastic movies and TV actors got their
starts in soaps, like Julianne Moore and Morgan Freeman.
Those are just two examples; the list is very long.
There are many good shows on Thursdays... so hard to keep
up on everything. I watched "The
Big Bang Theory," "Elementary,"
"Backstrom," and "Bones."
I have 2 DVR's, so I can record up to 4 shows at once. Thank
goodness! I always enjoy those four shows, but none of them
are my very favorite shows. They're good, solid, enjoyable
shows, though. BBT could be a lot funnier than it is.
I've been arguing with ABC about their closed-captioning
on "General Hospital."
In February they changed their CC from what they call a
CC to a pop-up CC. They took off all of the character names.
That's bad enough! But now they also leave out huge chunks
of dialogue. They're always trying to pass the buck, trying
to claim it's a local problem, even though they already
admitted to me that they changed the CC. It's very
aggravating because we use this to post our
Daytime Transcripts.
We used to just have to slightly proofread them, but now we
have to really edit them a lot, which takes a lot of time.
Gisele does GH, thank goodness. I don't have anyone to do "Days
of Our Lives", though. We really need a new
"proofreader" who can watch the show and fix up the dialogue
every day.
Have a great weekend and week, everyone!
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 4/17/15