This week I've just been so busy that I haven't had time
to really keep up with the blog!
This week's Primetime News and Schedule Page is
next week's, which is not completed yet, is
Check it out and find out what's on TV this week!
sure is cleaning up in the
Wow! I'm very glad that "NCIS:
New Orleans" is doing well. I always love Scott Bakula.
It's great that he's successful again. I do miss his old
show, though, "Men of a Certain Age." He was amazing in
that. So funny!
I have two DVR's; one in the bedroom and one in the
living room. I think
the one in the bedroom might be
developing problems. I've had DVR's for many many years, and
after a while they tend to give out (they're just computers,
after all). Twice now the one in the bedroom has just
turned itself off and not recorded anything, meaning I lost
"Days of Our Lives." This means I had to transcribe it
by hand, which is NOT fun! I have tons of recordings on
there, so I need to copy them to DVD before I call the cable
tech support because my guess is that they'll need to send
me a new box.
In the meantime, I switched it so I record "General
Hospital" in there
instead. GH is On Demand, so I can always get the
from that. It's a shame that all the soaps are not aired
multiple times per day. Makes my job harder, that's for
sure! We sure miss Soapnet!
My living room DVR is filling up, so I've been watching
as much on there as I can. Including GH.
I'm finally watching December's episodes... If Luke was only
one person and the one in charge, then why was he back in
Miscavige, and tried to break out, and how come Helena
visited him and told him that she was disappointed that he'd
try to break out? All of that makes no sense now that we
know it's one person.
Otherwise this week I watched the usual shows: "The Daily
Show," "The Nightly Show," "Last Week Tonight with John
Oliver," "The Good Wife", "Forever," "Battle Creek," "Hot in
Cleveland", "Younger," "Mad Men," and "Justified."
"The Good Wife" was fabulous as always!
John Oliver is still kicking the two guys' butts in terms
of the comedy, but to be fair, he only has one hour a week
to do. They do four nights a week. However, I do have to
say, if you can't be consistently funny four nights a week,
then why bother? Maybe you should only do it, say, two
nights a week.
That's the same excuse daytime soaps use...they can't be
as good as primetime shows because they have to write 5
episodes per week instead of just one. I might buy that
excuse if any of them were 1/5 as good as the best primetime
dramas, but they're not. Especially now. They used to be
pretty good, but now they're largely terrible. Primetime
dramas have gotten better, but daytime has gotten worse.
This is not just my opinion. Look at the ratings. If a TV
show is good, no matter when it airs or what channel it's
on, people will find it. There are plenty of cable
shows that get good ratings, and they don't have nearly the
potential audience that ABC, NBC and CBS have. If you had a
soap that was half as good as "The Walking Dead" or "The
Americans" or "Teen Wolf" or "The Royals", it would do great
in the ratings.
I enjoy "Forever" and I hope it lasts till a second
season. I was surprised to
find that the whole season is On
Demand! Usually they only have the last few episodes On
Demand. My brother recently moved to Turkey for a job, and
he started watching "Doctor Who" and "Forever" there because
they were the only American shows he found. He'd never seen
them before and now he's really into "Forever."
However, they don't have the last episode up yet. I wonder
I love "Justified" and it's still so great. So sad that
it's almost over. I hope they don't all die in the end. I
hope Raylan is left standing, at least, but I wouldn't mind
it if Ava and/or Boyd lived as well. I hope Bob is ok! The
previews for next week's look so good.
I'm still enjoying the new TVLAND show "Younger." It's
fun and light, and the characters are great.
It's great to have "Mad Men" back. They sure have some
silly mustaches. I
was a little confused in parts as I
struggled to remember where they left off last season. I
guess they left off in summer of 69 and skipped ahead to
April of 70. I didn't really understand all the stuff with
the waitress. I guess she reminds him of the dead woman,
Rachel. That was all very odd. And this is the second
time that Don had a recently-dead person speak to him (last
season it was Bert Cooper, who sang and danced for Don after
he died; this time it was Rachel, in a dream). Who is he,
Haley Joel Osment? Sheesh.
The week's not over but I still have to watch "Backstrom,"
"Big Bang Theory," and "Elementary." The rest of the
shows were re-runs or I'd already seen them beforehand, like
I watched a bunch of new shows this week and
them, so check it out. I also had a few new
Every weekend when I update our news pages, I put the
show info up, divided into "Scripted", "Non-Fiction", and
"Re-runs". TBS has a new show called "Meet the Smiths," but
I wasn't sure what it was. Wikipedia describes it as a
"scripted reality show." What the heck does that mean??
Reality shows are unscripted. I mean, we all know reality
shows are not "reality", really, but still.... if they're
playing themselves, in real situations, how can it be
scripted? That makes no sense. And then another prominent
site says it's "unscripted." I just put it in "Non-fiction."
So difficult to understand these shows sometimes.
The week just goes by so wonder I feel like I
never get anything done!
Oh, I forgot, I also watched the great HBO documentary
"Going Clear" about scientologists. It was really good. I
seldom watch that sort of thing, but after hearing about it
so much, I had to watch. It's on HBO On Demand. I believe
it's coming out on DVD as well.
I enjoyed watching those other shows. "Backstrom" is
always so enjoyable.
I always started watching the new show "Daredevil" on
Netflix. Wow, it's
fabulous. I guess I'm going to have to cover yet another
superhero show on our site. I grew up reading the Daredevil
comics, and they did a great job with the show. It's a bit
violent, though, but that comes with the territory.
I have a ROKU, which is a device that lets you watch
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Youtube and some other stuff on
your TV. It's a pretty handy little gadget. I hate watching
shows on my laptop, Kindle or phone.
I'm really looking forward to the
Daytime Emmys
this year. It sounds like they're really going to put some
money and effort into making them great. They're airing
April 26 on POPtv.
That's a new channel; it used to be the TV Guide Channel.
Have a great week!
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 4/12/15