Thursday 3/19/15
It's mid-March, which means networks are going to be
interrupting a lot of shows for basketball, and then
deciding which shows are coming back, and which aren't. It's
a tense, rough time in the TV biz!
A couple of weeks ago, ABC changed its press site, and it
was not exactly "smooth sailing." I liked their old site; I
don't know why they had to change it! They don't have a
schedule page any more, which I used every week. Oh,
well, at least it's not as bad as when NBC changed theirs.
Their new press site is really bad. ABC says they'll be
putting a new schedule page up. I hope it's soon.
I watched this week's "Supernatural", which was great as
always. I don't like creepy crawly worm things, though. It
made me want to retch when the worm things came out of the
one guy's mouth and went into the others'!
While I was getting last week's blog ready, I had some
re-runs of "That 70's Show" on in the background. That was
such a good show, for many years. This episode had Donna
dressing up as Princess Leia. It was very cute and had many
"Star Wars" jokes.
I'm still catching up on shows from last year that I have
on DVD. Mostly
I'm trying to catch up on the shows that are
still running, but I'm also watching a few I really like
that ended last year, like "The Tomorrow People",
"Revolution" and "Psych". I miss all three! Right now I'm
watching an episode of "Revolution." The guy that
played Sebastian's son is now on "The Returned." He's
really cute. I miss Billie Burke and all the rest.
I was supposed to interview Tracy Spiridakos earlier this
week (she played Charlie on that show, and now she's on
"Bates Motel"), but they canceled it. That's too bad. I'm
glad she got another job, though. I wouldn't have asked her
about Stephen Collins, but I wonder what her opinion is of
him? Wouldn't these things be great to know? Ah, well.
Speaking of TV star scandals,
Jon Cryer has a new book out and he talks about what
happened with Charlie Sheen and their show. It's an
interesting read, but he never says, at least in this
excerpt, why they should have fired Charlie when he never
missed a day's work? Cryer did seem to be saying that he was
late a lot and didn't know his lines, etc. but if that was
the case, why didn't they just force him to go to rehab? If
he was showing up to work and all, he was there... sounds
like they could have reasoned with him. Sounds like there's
still more to it that we don't know. The article also
doesn't say what happened later. Did Cryer speak with Sheen
again? How did that work out? Maybe you have to buy the book
to read that part. It just always seemed unfair to me
that they were punishing him for stuff he did away from
work. Sure, it's not good that he was doing lots of drugs,
getting in trouble with the law, and all that, but if it
didn't affect his work, then they didn't have any right to
fire him. I must be missing something! Cryer did say that
Sheen was affected at work and sometimes didn't show up, but
I think at the time, Sheen claimed that he only showed up
for work sober, and he never missed any days. Who knows
where the truth lies? Somewhere in-between, maybe?
I must confess that I loved his FX show "Anger
Management" at first, but the writing got worse, when it
should have gotten better. It's a shame. I
really loved some
of those actors. Bruce Helford wrote it, and he did such a
good job with "The Drew Cary Show." I wonder why this one
wasn't as good as that.
Next week I get to
interview Clea DuVall, who's in the
new Lizzie Borden series on Lifetime. That should be good!
Wow, "The Bold & The Beautiful" is good at coming up with
really shocking storylines.... a lot of times, they're
stupid ideas, or laughable, but the end of last week's
episode, when Maya's sister Nicole reminded her that she's
really her brother, Myron? That was pretty amazing.
Especially for a show that's taken a lot of criticism for
not having many gay characters (even though they deal with
the fashion industry)!
I was very happy to read that FOX renewed "Sleepy
Hollow!" Yay!!
I'm still trying to catch up on watching the rest of the
TV show "Bosch"
Amazon Prime. It's really good, and I've read the book
they're based on (long ago). It's very authentic. The
author/producer, Michael Connelly, used to be a crime
reporter in L.A. For instance, when someone is being
held for murder, his lawyer tells him that if he did make
bail, he'd have $1 million dollars bail and would have to
pay for 10% of that (on other cop shows they never say that,
even though it's true). It just has an amazingly good cast,
There are 10 episodes, so I guess I'll be finishing it up
tomorrow. I'm not a big fan of binge-watching, generally,
but this has been very enjoyable. After that, I have a small
stack of DVD's to watch and
review for the upcoming shows
"Lizzie Borden" (Lifetime), "Bitten" and "Lost Girl" (Syfy),
"Louie" (FX) and "The Comedians" (FX) as well as
the first season DVD of "Mahattan." I still have some other new shows
to write reviews for, too. It never ends! :)
Every Monday through Friday we watch "The Daily Show" and
"The Nightly Show" on Comedy Central. They both are
hit-or-miss. They need to be funnier, especially the
latter. Sometimes it's just boring. Stephen Colbert was way
funnier, and so is John Oliver.
Friday 3/20/15
I had to transcribe Monday's "Days of Our Lives" episode
because my DVR didn't record it, for some reason. I'm
watching part of Wednesday's episode now as I run the
transcript. It's just so boring now. I don't know why they
don't pick up the pace. Judi Evans sure does a good
job, though. She should get an Emmy.
It was great to see this week's "Once Upon a Time" and it
had one of my
favorite actors, Sebastian Roché, as a guest
star. Woo hoo! Love him. It was an awesome episode. My only
gripe about this season is that they haven't given Merrin
Dungey (Ursula) much to do. She was fabulous on "Alias".
They should give her more to do. Wow, August is back!!
I was listening to some Joan Jett songs and watching her
videos on Youtube. I don't know why I didn't hear more of
her back in the 70's and 80's. I guess because she only had
a few hits, and I didn't really watch MTV much. She's got
some great songs and videos. I'd forgotten she was in a
Michael J. Fox movie and that they made a movie about her
life, too. Turns out she's done
some acting on
TV, too!
Saturday 3/21/15
I don't watch sports at all, but my husband is a big fan,
so on the weekends we find a local sports bar and he watches
whatever games are on. Right
now it's college basketball.
We caught up on the Thursday episode of "The Daily Show"
and Friday's "Real Time with Bill Maher," both of which were
pretty good. I accidentally deleted "The Nightly Show" and
it's not yet on the On Demand list. Will Farrell was
so hilarious on "The Daily Show." OMG I was laughing so
hard. I don't know why, but he's always funnier in things
like that, than in any movie I've ever seen him in. Okay, he
was pretty good in "ELF", I have to say, but otherwise...I
don't like his movies.
I watched the new episode of "Hot in Cleveland" on TVLAND.
It's not that great of a show, but it's okay. They always
have good guest stars, like Stephen Baldwin and Gladys
Knight! It was fun to see them. I loved the
old photo of
Valerie Bertinelli that they put up on the wall.
Then I watched the latest episode of "Justified" on FX.
Such a great show. I really will miss all of these
characters, and the great writing. Loretta was
awesome, too.
I'm trying to clear some stuff off my DVR, so I'm
watching some episodes of "General Hospital" from November.
These are the episodes right after Michael learned the truth
about Sonny killing A.J., and Nina and Franco are holed up
with Ava's baby.
That's how far behind I am! But I've got some DVD's to
watch for review,
too. I enjoyed the new DVD "The Whole Bean". I love
Rowan Atkinson! Now I'm watching this four-part British
series "Jamaican Inn." Very interesting.
Our new volunteer, Angela, did the ABC press releases for
this week's Primetime News and Schedule page. She's going to
work on them for one more week, to make sure she's got it
down, and then she'll add another network's press releases.
Hopefully she'll keep doing great until she's doing the
whole page for me, every week! Then I can have more time to
spend on other parts of the site.
Sunday 3/22/15
We watched "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver". It's always
good! His segment about people who keep having to pay huge
fines (and late fees) for minor traffic violations and other
petty crimes was really appalling. It reminded me a bit of
Michael Moore's movie "Sicko". Also, it seems to me that the
government passed great laws to prevent the banks from doing
this same thing to people, so maybe they need to make sure
state and local law enforcement doesn't do it, too.
This week's "The Good Wife" was very enjoyable. I'm glad
Alicia won. It could have gone either way. I wonder how
they'll handle her changing jobs, with the law firm and all.
It's weird that they're acting like she won. Isn't it a
primary? Doesn't she now have to face the Republican in the
general election? Or did I miss something? Maybe, since it's
Chicago, Republicans don't bother running. Hmm. I also
wonder how Alicia can really be State's Attorney because
she's mostly been a corporate lawyer, and State's Attorney
is like District of Attorney (criminal law). Not to mention,
I would think she's more of a defense attorney. I can't
really see her putting criminals in jail.
Here's a
really good review I found for last week's jaw-dropping
episode of "The Flash."
I'm watching last year's "Lizzie
Borden Took an Ax" from Lifetime because
I have two
episodes of the new series (a spin-off, I guess) "The
Lizzie Borden Chronicles" to watch, so I figured I'd
better watch the original movie first! It's on
Netflix. Also, as I said previously, I'm
interviewing Clea DuVall on Tuesday. Christina Ricci does a great
job as the wicked and crazy Lizzie. You may recognize
Stephen McHattie as her father. He played the whacko
Reverend Ed on "Haven."
I hope it doesn't give me nightmares! Last night I had
weird dreams about "The Bold & The Beautiful." I dreamed
that three girls from the show were keeping some secret, and
I kept trying to follow them and find out what it was. The
three of them normally didn't even like each other, so
that's what was making me wonder. One was Maya, the other
was Caroline (I think) and the third, I believe, was
actually Mariah from "The Young & The Restless." It
was a kind of creepy dream. I think I also did dream about
Thorsten Kaye (Ridge), but that was a much better dream! Not
long enough, though. I guess that's what I get for reading
Soap Opera Digest before I go to bed.
Monday 3/23/15
Today I didn't watch much TV...I just worked on the site
and did other stuff. Busy busy busy!
Very late in the evening I did watch 3 upcoming episodes
of "Weird Loners," a new sitcom on FOX starting 3/31. It's
pretty funny and very enjoyable. Don't miss it!
Tuesday 3/24/15
I watched last night's "Castle," which was pretty good. I
always love seeing David Conrad! He was the best part of
"Ghost Whisperer."
I was reading through a lot of press releases. I was very
happy to read that
Norm McDonald will be joining "Last
Comic Standing" and it'll be hosted now by Anthony Jeselnik.
These are two of my favorite comedians. I don't normally
watch reality or game shows, but I might have to watch this
My brother has temporarily moved to Turkey, where he's
teaching English. He doesn't keep up much on pop culture or
TV. He's still in a motel but found "Doctor Who" and
"Forever" on the local TV channel! He's never seen "Forever"
before and only saw some of the older "Doctor Who." It's
just funny how American TV shows are everywhere.
This morning I had two
interviews. The first one was with
the actors who star in the new FOX sitcom "Weird Loners," Becki Newton and Zachary Knighton. They were just
great. So funny! I enjoyed it. Then the second call was with Clea DuVall,
as I mentioned... she was very nice.
Speaking of "Forever," I watched that tonight. Always a
good, solid show. I just love the actors, too.
I had started this site about seemed like a
good idea, but I just never had any time to work on it, so
I'm giving it up. Thane, one of our former volunteers, may
continue it without me. I hope he does!
I made a new Vlog
so check it out!
Wednesday 3/25/15
Sometimes it just seems like the world is conspiring to
make my life
harder! LOL! At the beginning of
February, ABC changed the way they did the closed-captioning
on "General Hospital" so that the names are left off. Also,
the way it comes out when we run our transcripts is that all
of the text is clumped together, than than line-by-line,
which makes it hard to read, and we have to do a lot of
editing. After weeks of emailing ABC and local ABC affiliate
I finally found out that there was some new federal law
passed, so they had to change it. It doesn't really explain
why they left the names off, but they're not willing to
change or fix it. So poor Gisele, who helps me run the site,
has to waste her time every day editing and proofreading the
GH transcripts.
Well, it turns out that now NBC is doing the same with
with "Days of Our Lives," too. It's very frustrating.
So now I have to hope I can find some new volunteers to help
us with editing these because we just don't have the time to
do it all.
In the meantime, if you have the time, please write a
letter to this address on this page to let them know to put
the names of the characters back on DOOL! Thanks for your
help! Please keep it brief and polite, and don't mention our
site or the transcripts.
Margaret Tobey
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
300 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001
I had a great time as always watching "Supernatural" earlier
tonight. I so love that show. It will be interesting to see
what happens with Crowley and his mother.
I also watched "Hot in Cleveland", which had a great guest
Timothy Omundson!
He's just everywhere nowadays, and
I'm so glad. He's
awesome. I hope we see more of him as that show winds down.
I like him better without the beard and long hair, though.
I've been seeing some of "General
Hospital"... I know that a lot of people are bored with how
long the Luke storyline has been going on. At this point,
does anyone really care why he's psycho? I mean, I'm always
the first one to say, your childhood has a major effect on
your life, especially if you were abused. However, since he
was a
fairly normal guy for most of these years (aside from
the time he raped Laura), how are we supposed to buy that
he's suddenly a psychopath? It doesn't make sense. Not to
mention, from all accounts, he's been a drug dealer and
gangster for years, and has a fortune that he's been using
to control Julian. I think it's pretty clear that we're
supposed to believe that he has some sort of DID
(Dissociative Identity Disorder AKA multiple personalities)
based on the conversations he's had with himself, similar to
what Connie had. I really never liked the DID stuff. I mean,
it gives the actor a lot to do, but I'm not sure I believe
it even exists (or if it does, not nearly as much as it does
on the soaps), and at this point, it's just so overdone. It
was already overdone for years on "One Life to Live," and
now it's been done way too much on GH as well. Enough,
I know that the soaps are not that
realistic, especially, GH, but it sure doesn't stop me from
wishing they were more so!
Thursday 3/26/15
This morning I have a conference call
with Michael Ealy,
who's going to be guest-starring on "The
Following" on FOX starting March 30. He was so wonderful on
"Almost Human" and I still miss that show. I also watched
him on USA Network's "Common Law" before that. He was very
good in that, too. I think he's going to have a regular role
on the show, not just a one-time guest-starring role, so it
should be interesting.
I'm slowly catching up on things on
the site! It's a nice feeling to cross things off the to-do
list. Yay!
I've been catching up on some of my shows, too. I loved this
week's "Backstrom." I really enjoy this show. I hope it gets
"Justified" was fabulous as always. I sure hate to see it
end, but it's been great. What a shock when Ava shot Boyd!
But of course he's not dead.
"The Flash" was also very good. I'm glad Cisco didn't die,
but I wasn't
really surprised about that. Too bad that Roger Howarth's character Bridge had to die, though. They didn't
do too much with him, and he's such a fantastic actor. Let's
hope The CW finds another great role for him.
Friday 3/27/15
guess I spoke too soon about "Once
Upon a Time" since last week's episode focused on
Ursula! That was good. I always love Merrin Dungey. It
was great to see Ernie Hudson as her dad, Poseidon! Very
This week's
Primetime News and Schedule page is
now. Mak
sure to check it out to see all the shows airing this week.
On Monday I get to speak with FX's "Archer" star H. Jon
Benjamin, so that should be great. He's always fun! He also
stars in "Bob's Burgers" on FOX.
Have a great week!
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 3/29/15