week was the season finale of "The 100" on The CW! Was it
good? I'm very behind on watching this season...but I do
love the show. I love all scifi, and what an amazing cast!
Even if they do keep killing them off..LOL!
I fell behind again and didn't post last week! I
thought maybe I should do a video blog instead of a regular
blog. We'll see. Here's my first post in my
Video Blog.
Hope you like it!
On the weekends, I don't watch as much TV as I'd like.
Instead, I work on the site quite a lot. I've been getting
new volunteers to help me with our weekly
Primetime News and Schedules
pages. Yay! That's a lot of work, so it's good to have
help with it. The first volunteer, Richard, decided it was
too much work (and really, I don't blame him). I think it
was just too much to learn at once, though. After awhile you
get the hang of it and it's not too hard. There's a new
volunteer now, Angie, and I'm going much slower with her, so
hopefully she will get it and it won't be too much for her.
This week's Primetime News and Schedule page is
here and
next week's will be
There are a lot of new TV shows on! I watched the first
episode of "The
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," which I think I
mentioned last week. It's kind of cute. Our volunteer Eva
will be watching the Netflix shows for our page. We also got
another new reviewer, Adela, who's starting soon, hopefully!
She's been having technical problems. We review all of the
shows on our
Primetime Reviews Page.
I had more free time to get caught up on
lots of news and info I'm putting up on our site. It's nice
to be able to catch up! Maybe I can start catching up on the
3,000 emails I have yet to read! Wouldn't that be Neat-0? ;)
I caught up recently on the past two episodes of "Once
Upon a Time". That's always such a great show. One of my
very favorites. I love all of the characters, although my
favorite is probably Mr. Gold. I wonder how Snow helped kill Maleficient's baby? I look forward to seeing the Dark Emma.
It's pretty unrealistic of her to think that her parents
will never lie to her, though. I know it's a fairy tale, but
still! She's supposed to be the realistic one.
Speaking of that show, someone had posted about
Cinderella on Facebook,
and it made me wonder, why didn't they do more with that
character on the show? She's one of the major Disney
princesses of the past. I guess an Ugly Stepmother is not as
scary as the other Disney villains. They did steal the name
"Prince Charming" from that story. Snow White's prince
didn't have that name.
I've watched every episode of OUAT, but sometimes my memory about
the details are fuzzy. I can't remember, why can't they
leave Storybrooke? Why doesn't anyone go back to the
Enchanted Forest any more? I remember they were all sent
back to the forest and had their memories wiped, and then
somehow they came back to the town, but my memory is really
hazy on all that happened between the Oz stuff and the
Frozen stuff!
Why do they all have old computers? Is it because they
can't leave? If they can't leave, and they live in a secret
town, how do they get supplies and other things delivered?
How do they even have an internet? How did Ursula and
Cruella get into the real world? Hmm...
been doing a lot of
interviews lately! I had two tentatively today but one
was canceled and I guess they just snubbed me on the other
one. Boo hoo! Sometimes they decide my site is not popular
enough to bother with. Well, who needs them, anyway? Nobody
was offering me interviews back when we got over 300,000
unique visitors a month! Maybe if they had, I would get a
lot more hits now! But honestly, I think it has a lot more
to do with the fact that not as many people watch TV as did
10-20 years ago. Also, there are just so many great TV sites
out there now to compete with.
Our site is all fan-run. We have no budget. All of the
money we make from ads goes back into the site. So please do
help us out and visit here as much as you can, and tell all
of your friends and family to do the same! All of our work
is from unpaid volunteers, like me.
I watched 4 episodes of A&E's new show "The Returned",
which debuted
after "Bates Motel." It's
based on a French movie and TV series, "Les Revanants."
Not to be confused with the ABC show "Resurrection," which
is based on some books called "The Returned." LOL!
Very confusing. Both are about people who've come back from
the dead, but they're different stories, set in different
The shows are excellent. They're just riveting and make
me want to binge-watch more. Too bad I only have 4 episodes
to watch! It's got great actors that I love, good writing,
lots of mystery etc. I still don't know if the people are
zombies, or ghosts or what! I probably shouldn't have watched it before going to bed, gave me creepy nightmares!
also watched the next 3 episodes of "Bones",
which starts back next week. It's still such a good show. I
got to interview Emily Deschanel, and the show's producer
Steven Nathan. It's always great to speak with them. The
first episode, next week, is about psychics, so Cyndi Lauper
guest-stars. Also, they deal some more with Sweets' death.
Nice that they haven't just forgotten about him. Where's
Daisy, I wonder? Also, will they ever do a story about Ralph
Waite's death (he played Booth's grandpa)? Anyway, in the
second episode, Brennan learns how to tweet! It's kind of
funny, but it's also about an inner-city teacher getting
murdered. There are some great scenes with Caroline.
The third episode is about an ex-con who's murdered, which
hits close to home for Booth. There's also a lot of great
stuff between Cam and Arastoo, and it's sad at the end!
I try to post our soap spoilers every Monday (it doesn't
always work out, though) on our
newsletters and forums.
I got a card a few weeks ago, telling me to expect a
Nielsen ratings survey. What fun! This is how the Nielsen
people get their TV ratings. They send you a log and then
you write down what you watched every day. It's very old
school. You'd think they've have it digital by now. Anyway,
it's exciting. I've done it before, though. Last time it was
in July so I'm glad it's during the real TV season this
time. I can actually tell them good shows I'm watching. Woo hoo!!
I got a follow-up survey, asking me about TV in general, so
hopefully I will soon get the actual Nielsen log book.
I watched last week's "The Good Wife", and I've
still got this week's to
watch. I love this show.
Every show should be as good as this one. Last week's was
really weird, full of lots of fantasy. I wonder if they were
killing off Michael J. Fox's character, but now I'm not so
sure. Good! This week's was very good, and I really love
David Hyde Pierce. It was interesting that they decided that
his character, Prady, isn't gay. A good twist, I guess. I
don't really like Alicia with her campaign manager, John.
He's cute, sure, but I would like her better with the lawyer
Finn. It'll be interesting to see how that all turns, as
well as the election. My only complaint about this is that,
while they do have the Illinois primary election date
correct (it's in March), why would her campaign manager be
leaving? In this week's episode, he talked about taking a
job elsewhere after he got her elected. Why wouldn't he stay
for the general election? That makes no sense. Unless they
figure she'll win easily, but that's not what they've been
Now I'm watching the new show "Battle Creek", which is
interesting. I love Josh Duhamel! It's weird to see him play
a different role. He's usually the laid-back guy, but in
this one, he's kind of a weirdo. He's good, though.
I love it when actors reply on Twitter. I'm kind of
over-the-moon right now because actor Mark Pellegrino ("The
Returned") replied to me on Twitter. I know, it doesn't
take much
to make me happy ;)
I was watching Monday's "Days
of Our Lives" because, for some reason,
one of my DVR's just didn't record anything that day. So I'm
transcribing it, slowly but surely. Anyway, I can't believe
how skinny Kristian Alfonso looks. She's always been skinny,
but she looks skeletal now. I hope she's okay. Too many
actress, especially over a certain age, starve themselves
too much and work out too much. You'd think that by now,
they would all know better.
is what she used to look like in the 80's. Much younger, of
course, but I'll bet she thought she was fat back then (even
though she sure wasn't).
Although I no longer watch the soaps regularly, I'm
looking forward to the April anniversary episode of "General
Hospital!" They're going to
flashback to the 1960's and the actors who play current
characters will be playing the older ones like Dr. Steve
Hardy and Nurse Jessie Brewer! That sounds like great fun.
There's lots of interesting news coming out right now.
You can hear about a lot of it on our
Facebook group Talkin' TV!
Former "Young and
the Restless" and "Diagnosis Murder" actress
Victoria Rowell is suing CBS and Sony because of their
treatment of her and other
black actors and crew. Now, she's the type of person that
you tend to either love or hate, but even if you can't stand
her, or whether you think her lawsuit has merit, most of us
can agree with her that it's an "abomination" that they
don't hire enough people of color on TV, particularly
behind-the-scenes people (and especially on soaps). She
should be commended, even honored, for speaking out.
It's not just African Americans, but all people of color.
Look at the shows on your TV. Sure, they finally have a few
shows starring African-American women, and that's awesome.
They have ONE show with some Asian people (maybe the first
successful show ever about them). As for Latinos, cable has
"Devious Maids", which, although it's produced by Eva
Longoria, has been criticized because all of the Latinos are
do have "Cristela," but I don't think it's a hit, or very
good. The CW has "Jane the Virgin," which is better. So
there's a few, but when you consider that 17% of Americans
are Latino, that's pretty bad. About 13% of Americans are
African American, so they're still under-represented, too.
Asians account for about 5 or 6%. (And let me just say I
really miss Agent Cho of "The
Mentalist!" He should have his own show)
Then again, there aren't very many good shows about
women, either. There's only one "cop show" that I can think
of ("Rizzoli & Isles" on TNT). There are tons with just men,
or mainly men, or both genders. The best news about the new
Wednesday night line-up on ABC is that they star strong
black women, and other women as well. Still, there needs to
be more. I'm glad that TV viewers think that women make good
lawyers, doctors, and political consultants, at least.
Still, things are a lot better than they used to be. We
had some female
shows when I was growing up, but most of them were about how
the woman had big chests and ran around so you could see
their chests jiggle. For every "Bionic Woman" or "Police
Woman", you also had "Charlie's Angels" and "Wonder Woman".
Don't even get me started on sitcoms like Three's Company!
We did have Mary Tyler Moore, but things didn't really get
better until "Cagney & Lacey."
This week's "Castle"
was great as always. Two former "Star
Trek" actresses (Rosalind Chao and Linda Park)
guest-starred on it. It almost seemed like a spin-off
episode for the Hong Kong detective. That would be a great
know everyone loves the new show "Empire," and it's indeed
great! I've been lucky the past few weeks to
interview some
of the actors. I'm a little behind on watching it, but I've
enjoyed it so far. I can't believe it's already over for the
season. That was short!
I do have one opinion about it, though... people have
been comparing it a lot to "Dynasty"
and the original "Dallas." In part, that's because
it's a really good soap opera. Also, because Blake
Carrington on "Dynasty"
didn't approve of his son being gay. However, neither
Blake (or Alexis) or J.R. ever killed anyone (Blake DID have
a fight with his son's lover, and the guy died, but that's
manslaughter at best). They were not "good people", but they
weren't killers. They may have even broken laws, but we
often rooted for them because they were not "that bad" in
many ways. They loved their families, even if they often
tried to manipulated them or screw them over. Lucious,
the protagonist of "Empire" is a killer. He may not be
entirely evil, and we do feel some sympathy for him because
he's dying, but otherwise he's far worse than either Blake
or J.R.
Not only that, but Blake was against his son being gay
back in the early
80's, when MANY people were prejudiced against gays (or
"homosexuals" as they referred to them on "Dynasty").
Not that bigotry is ever understandable, but it was a
different time, and people were more ignorant than they are
now. Even the show "Dynasty" was not comfortable with
the gay storyline. We can tell that because Blake never went
to prison for the death of his son's lover, and they
strongly hinted many times that Steven was gay because
Alexis was his mother (because she was so strong, never mind
that she was also Adam's mom!). And lastly, later on in the
show, Steven was bisexual instead of gay. He had many more
women as lovers and wives, than he ever had gay male lovers.
They were clearly not comfortable just having him be gay.
Kudos to "Empire", then, for not being so ambiguous in
their story. For Luscious to be a homophone now is a
lot more horrifying and shows a much deeper form of bigotry
than most people ever have on other TV shows. That makes
Luscious a villain, not a hero, as much as they want to make
him the focus of yes. And yes, it is realistic, I'm
not denying that.
Cookie may have many fine points, but she and Luscious are
also drug dealers, and she had someone killed in an episode,
so she's just as bad as he is, when it comes down to it. No
one on those old soaps were as bad as either of these
characters. That shows how much TV has changed because
nowadays most shows don't have heroes. If they do, the
heroes are deeply flawed. Personally, I prefer the heroes,
which is why I like superhero shows way more than than the
other types. They still usually have real heroes (aside from
where he was a killer the first season, but at least he did
realize that he shouldn't be. His friend died, and that made
him figure out that killing was wrong). I guess I'm
just too old to want to see the "bad guys" as protagonists
on my shows (even if the shows are really well-written).
I'm all for more realism, and characters should
definitely be well-written and three-dimensional. They don't
all have to be good guys or perfect. However, there do need
to be SOME good guys, and they need to be the stars of the
show. Villains should not be the stars. But, what do I
know? Maybe people want everyone to be villains now!
Speaking of "Empire," they should hire Victoria Rowell to
be on the show. She would be AWESOME!!
Speaking of heroes--Wow, this week's "The
Flash"! It was mind-blowing,
especially the end. The reveal of Harrison's secrets,
Cisco's death, time travel, Iris's revealing her much great stuff.
I'm looking forward to the return of "Hot in Cleveland"
this week! Woo hoo!
I hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day!
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 3/19/15