Monday 2/16/15
I've been working all weekend to try to catch up from the
past two weeks! I finally got caught up on last week's
Daytime Transcripts. Yay!
"Two and a Half Men" last week was really cute. It's not
that funny, but at least it's heading towards a good ending.
I can't wait for the season finale, which looks really good.
I hope they bring back Charlie Sheen.
This week's news and schedule page is
here. I'm so late
on it and I never even finished last week's. Bad girl!
Next week's
page will be here.
"The Mentalist" was sure weird
last week. I guess it will
make a little more sense in the follow-up episode.
"Castle" was also weird, and overly dark for a show
that's usually light and fun.
Please donate if you
can at our page to help improve our website! I'm hoping
we can get enough money here to hire some more workers to
really improve our site. We use lots of volunteers on our
site, but it's harder and harder to get any help.
Tuesday 2/17/15
I don't watch the
daytime soaps regularly, but I catch bits and
pieces while
I'm recording them or running the transcripts.
On "Days of Our Lives", Hope has been dating this guy,
Aiden, that has secrets and acts strangely. Well, when they
first met, he was a jerk, but she was determined to make
nice to him, so that worked, and then some woman said that
she shouldn't trust him. So Hope clearly thinks that he may
have killed his wife and this other woman. OK, so Daniel
Cosgrove, who's gorgeous, plays Aiden. He has an adorable little boy. I hope
he's not really a murderer. Hope saw a videotape of his wife
saying that he's probably killing her by poisoning her with
antifreeze. Let's hope the woman was just crazy and setting
him up. It's a pretty lame story either way. Either he's
just another crazy jerk that Hope's involved with (how many
does this make?) or her judgment and detective instincts are
REALLY bad! Not to mention, I was watching the end of
yesterday's show when he closes the door of his cabin to
keep her from leaving, and she looks all scared. Really?
She's a long-time police detective, presumably with
hand-to-hand combat experience. He's unarmed, from what it
looks like. So even if he's a psychopath, why does she look
like some scared, helpless woman? Just kick him in the
'nads and get out. Better yet, kick him in the head,
handcuff him, then call for backup. Why do cops on TV never
call for backup? It's so stupid. Like on last week's Castle
when Beckett is kidnapped, I'm thinking, why is she going
alone? I'm used to the soaps being stupid and completely
unrealistic, but primetime shows are usually better. It's no
surprise when Dante on GH goes out by himself, either.
Speaking of "General
Hospital," I thought it was very funny that Helena
claimed to have implanted a chip inside Luke and Jason's
heads to control them because that is what Stefano used to
do on "Days of Our Lives"! Helena has brainwashed people
before, but there was no microchip before when she did it to
Lucky or whomever. Hmm.... So why does everyone on GH act
like, well, he has to have the chip in his head. Do they not
remember Lucky? LOL!
I guess now it looks like Luke is really Luke and he's
claiming no one brainwashed him, but SOMEthing is wrong with
him. He wasn't always like this. Psychotic break? I know
that a lot of fans are pretty sick of this story. I hope
they bring back Laura. It's funny because the whole thing
reminds me of the story of Mr. Big back in the 80's when I
first started watching GH. The kindly old police chief Burt
Ramsey turned out to be the evil criminal mastermind Mr.
Big. It was pretty silly, but it's not the same as Luke
because Burt was a fairly minor character.
Then there's
"Young & The Restless." They have a big
airplane disaster this week, as well as someone being poisoned at a
party. On Valentine's Day. Sure, this is what viewers want
on the most romantic holiday of the year. It's exciting,
I'll give them that, but so what? Give me love and romance
any day, but especially on Valentine's Day. This show was never
about the violence, action and general mayhem that GH is
about, so this is so out of place. Plus, there have been so
many characters recast, I don't even care about most of the
people involved. I like Michael and Lauren, and Kevin and
Mariah, and Jill and Colin... Sharon and Nick somewhat, Jack
and Victor somewhat. I can take or leave the rest. It's hard
to like the characters when the writing is so bad. That's
why I stopped watching it regularly. No question that the
action scenes are bringing lots of great drama, but I just
wish they'd have more romance before the action.
I just updated our
Credits Page to reflect the people who've donated to us
recently and to add a few former volunteers that I had
forgotten to add (who passed away). So sad that we've lost 5
people through death.
Tonight I'm also updating our
Monthly DVD Giveaway page.
I'm very behind on sending out the prizes.... I have them,
just haven't gotten around to sending them out! But I will
try to do that tomorrow. Thursday at the latest!
It's been hard to keep up on all of the holidays going
on. I usually put an animated graphic up on our site, but
these past few months it's been crazy, and particularly this
weekend! Too many holidays at once.
We have a new giveaway for "Longmire Season 3" so don't
forget to enter!
It only runs until the end of this month.
We still have our monthly DVD drawing as well.
Congratulations to our January drawing winners Heidi Kukta &
Stephanie Galbraith! Woo hoo!
I spent a lot of time not only working tonight but
catching up on some of my regular shows...I watched the last
two episodes of "Justified".
I just love that show so much. I'll be so sad when it's
over. The scenes today with Raylan and Ava were awesome.
I also watched two episodes of "The
Flash", which is just so great. I'm loving every minute
of it, big geek that I am. It's like reading comics again as
a kid. Yay!
Tonight I finally caught up on this week's News and
Schedule page, and on contests. Hopefully tomorrow I can
finally do my taxes. How exciting ;)
Wednesday 2/18/15
goals are to watch the DVD's they sent me recently, so I can
review them, and
to watch other new shows I'm behind on reviewing like "The
Slap". Also, I need to start getting my tax information
This week we spent getting caught up on last week's
episodes of "The Nightly Show", "The Daily Show" and "Last
Week with John Oliver". It was helpful that the first two
were on re-runs this week! Funny shows, though.
This morning I got to speak with Aisha Tyler, whom you
may know from one of her MANY projects, like "The Talk" or
"Whose Line Is It Anyway" or "Archer". I loved her role
years ago on "Ghost
Whisperer" as well, but she's always good and so often
FUNNY. I asked her how she manages her time and energy as
well as what Lana (her character on Archer) would say to her
about it. She laughed and had a good response. I don't know
how she does it, though. It was tiring just listening to
her. She must have a really great metabolism.
I didn't watch any DVD's yet, but I did get my tax
information together, so it's a relief to have that all
done! If you have a business, tax time is March 15, not
April 15. I always worry that I'll forget and wait until
April. Oops! But our site doesn't make all that much money,
and it's mostly done now by Paypal or direct-deposit, which
makes it so much easier. I'm not very organized, so I'm glad
that I no longer have to go searching for check-stubs! LOL!
Let's put it this way, I spend way more money on the site
than we make. I hope that 2015 will be a lot better, though.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Email me if you
want to know how you can help out. We can always use more
I'm not ready for the end of "The Mentalist"
that airs tonight! Noooooooo!
I love that show so much.
We finally watched Sunday's "Family
Guy" was pretty funny... the last few weeks have
been good. I guess they saved all of their best jokes for
February sweeps!
I was chatting with this guy Greg who's on my Facebook.
He's an old
Comic-Con fan and didn't realize, I guess, that I had
most of the old programs scanned in on my site. I'm still
missing some from the 70's that I need to get. I think my
brother has them, but they might be in storage.
Gisele runs our
daytime section, and she's going out of town. Uh oh!
Well, hopefully things won't fall apart too much while she's
gone. She deserves a vacation in a nice warm place.
I watched the first episodes of "Fresh Off the Boat" and
"The Slap". They're both okay shows....I need to see more!
Lifetime sent me 3 episodes of this new reality show
"Kosher Soul". It's actually not bad. Both of them are
pretty funny. It's about a Jewish woman, Miriam, from New
York, marrying a black comedian from the South, O'Neal. His
friends are in the rap community, too. I guess they both
have money, but still their cultures are clashing as they
plan their wedding and future. I don't watch reality shows,
but this one isn't bad. It's cute and the people in it are
appealing. O'Neal does a great Obama impression, too!
I just say that I hate that Harrison Wells on "The
Flash" appears to be bad or evil. I just love the actor
Tom Cavanaugh so much, and he's so great as Wells. I don't
look forward to the day when they all find out the horrible
I was thinking about why I love the Flash series so much.
In part it's because I don't remember the Flash comics very
well well. I grew up reading lots of comics, but especially
Superman, Spider-Man and Batman, so those I'm very well
aware of. So watching a show like Smallville or "Gotham"
is a little tough because in the back of my mind, I'm always
comparing them to the comics I used to read (although, to be
fair, "Gotham" is SO different that it's hard to even
remember, most of the time, that it's about Batman. Which is
probably why we haven't met the Joker yet, either). I really
don't remember too much about the characters in "The Flash"
comics, so the fact that they changed them all doesn't
bother me. Same with the old "Flash" TV series, which I
loved. Now, with "Arrow,"
although I don't remember the comics too well, I remember
them enough to see how different it is. But it's not like it
was my favorite comic, and it's not like they call the show
"Green Arrow," so it's not that big of a deal.
Thursday 2/19/15
Today I watched "The Mentalist"
series finale. It was really awesome, but
I'm just so sad that it's over... Also, as much as I love
Simon Baker, I would totally watch a spin-off with the other
characters. Hey, it worked with "Major Crimes", right? And
now "Better Call Saul"! If you're curious about where the
actors can be seen next, I just updated our
Mentalist Appearances Page.
I read a lot of bad reviews of the new show "The Odd
Couple". I don't think it's all that bad. I watched the
original show back in the 70's. I like how the current show
has been modernized. For instance, they joked about Felix
acting gay (which is what we all thought back when we
watched the original show, and it's something that of course
the characters might wonder). The actor who plays Felix does
a great job and even sounds a lot like Tony Randall. I like
how they made a joke about his initials being "F.U.", too. I
laughed quite a lot while I watched it, and that doesn't
happen very often. Now, I do love Matthew Perry, and I don't
think he's wonderful as Oscar, but I hope he'll grow into
the role. It sure would have helped if they'd chosen someone
a little more believable as Oscar. Perry is a little too
handsome, well-groomed, articulate and thin to be Oscar.
I also watched the series finale of "Two and a Half Men"
tonight... I'm not upset about it ending, but I do like the
show and generally find it funny. Lots of silly in-jokes,
breaking the fourth wall. Great guest-stars, too. I love how
they wrapped everything up. Of course, it could have been
better... but it was pretty funny.
finally getting around to watching the special "Mel Brooks
Live at the Geffen Theater" on HBO. It's On Demand if you
have HBO. I love Mel Brooks...he's so funny! It's great
listening to him reminisce about his past and tell great
Now I'm watching "Better Call Saul". It's very good. I
never saw the other show it spun off from, "Breaking Bad." I
heard it's very good, but I didn't like the premise. There's
a lot of humor in this one. It kind of reminds me of "Fargo"
but it's not quite as quirky. The episodes do throw you for
a loop, though, with many unexpected things happening. The
actor who plays Julio on "Major Crimes" was a great
guest-star on the second episode. Bob Odenkirk is wonderful
as the star of the show, Jimmy. Jamie Luner guest-starred as
well in a small role! It also has Michael McKean, who's
always fabulous.
Friday 2/20/15
I haven't watched any TV today, but I did read part of
this week's "Entertainment Weekly". They got a new editor
who's a huge TV fan. That's good because they need better TV
coverage in that magazine.
Weekends are busy for me, so I have to start working on
next week's
Primetime News and Schedule Pages. Since Gisele's out of
town, I also have to make our new pages for all of our
Daytime Transcripts,
Best Lines and
Recaps. Also, since
ABC still hasn't fixed the messed-up closed captioning for
GH, I have to edit all of this week's
GH transcripts.
So much work!
OK, so later, after I typed that, I finally did watch
some TV! I caught up a bit. I watched "Big
Bang Theory," which was good, but sad at the end. The
part with Nathan Fillion was great.
I watched last week's "Constantine," which was the season
finale. I hope it wasn't the series finale! Good show. And
wow, what a shocker ending!! I hope we get to find out what
that means.
Now I'm catching up on "Supernatural,"
one of my favorite shows. Love it! This week's episode was a
Hope you all have a great weekend.
You can find my older blog posts at
- My personal blog, which is not about TV.
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Page updated 2/21/15