The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #157

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #157

I had this blog all written, but I forgot to save it, and then my program crashed, and I lost everything! Darn...

Super Bowl XLIXIt was a weird week because of the Monday holiday, and then there was the president's speech. February sweeps hadn't started yet, so there were some re-runs still, but it's past enough time that some shows have returned from their winter break.  It's a confusing time for TV viewers who may not realize why there are so many re-runs. It certainly doesn't help that February sweeps start in January! (the 29th, to be exact) I supposed it's because they want to make sure to get the Super Bowl in the sweeps period.

I don't watch many commercials, but I kept seeing this one when we wereWeeping Angel watching a show OnDemand. It's for TurboTax,  but it's kind of creepy if you're a "Doctor Who" fan.

This week's News and Schedule page is here and next week's will be here. I usually put all of the info up on the weekends. The past two weeks I've ben really late getting it all done, though! Busy, busy, busy. Make sure you check it out to see what's on TV each week. I delete the previous week's page after moving the info to this page. Every I check the TV Guide What's New page to find shows I may have missed earlier (especially cable).

The guy who hosts our website, Marcos, ran some kind or program to figure out what our site statistics are for the past few months. We're working on possibly setting up something that will do it automatically. Should be great. 

We have a huge site and you never know what people are going to look for. We cover both daytime and primetime, but it seems that most of our top pages are still about daytime soaps! That's fine but I wish we had more Primetime visitors. It definitely affects the number of visitors we have because there are only 4 soaps and they have low ratings.  Here's a list of the pages and how many hits they received, and a small chart.  We used to get three times as many visitors to our site. It's disappointing, especially since we all work so hard on the site every day! But it's ok, we don't do it for the money or fame (good thing!).

Smallville cast"Smallville" is still our most popular Primetime page, which is odd since it's been off the air for a few years now...then again, it did last for ten years! Which is a lot, especially nowadays, and especially for a "Fan" show.

We review a lot of new shows, so make sure to check out our Primetime Reviews Page! There are lots of great new shows out and more coming...

We've been enjoying the new comedy news show on Comedy Central, "TheThe Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore Nightly Show". It's pretty funny and a good successor to "The Colbert Report."

I had hoped to interview Tamala Jones, Matt Long and Dean Cain soon, but I don't know...two of them got postponed and the other one hasn't been scheduled yet. I missed one today for Jada Pinkett Smith (Fish Mooney on "Gotham") because they only gave us one day's notice and I didn't see the email until it was too late. There was one last week with Tom Spader as Red in The BlacklistSpader as Alan in Boston LegalMison (Crane in "Sleepy Hollow") that was the same way. I missed two good ones yesterday due to being sick. So I'm not doing well on these interviews lately!! LOL! There's one next week with James Spader (of "The Blacklist"). I hope it happens and that I get to chat with him! I've been a big fan of his since "Boston Legal". I miss Alan Shore and Denny Crane!

Friday I have a conference call with the winner of "The Biggest Loser", so that should be great. I don't watch the show, but I know it's a good one, with a lot of fans.

FX is one of my favorite networks. This week you can see new episodes ofcast of The Americans "Archer," "Justified," and "The Americans" as well as the new show "Man Seeking Woman", which is a bizarre little comedy.

We lost our interviewer/reviewer Sundi, which is a real shame because she's very smart, a good writer, and very reliable. I think she's like me--too many things going on and not enough time in the day. Anyway, one of our previous volunteers, Lisa, is going to start interviewing, so that's great!

So far I've enjoyed "Galavant". I have most of it on DVD now, so I'll catch up later. I hope they bring it back for a second season. It's just my kind of show, fun, silly, musical and funny, with great guest-stars!

CastleThe "Castle" episode about the telenovela actors was awesome! Very funny and it was good to see Kamar de Los Reyes again (he played Antonio on "One Life to Live"). I was surprised that Kamar was not the murderer because so often on any kind of whodunnit on TV, the murderer is the biggest star or at least, the most recognizable person. You can tell they had fun with it. Of course, it wasn't as good as the great "Warehouse 13" episode about telenovelas! I'm enjoying seeing Rick as a private eye. My only complaint is that he wouldn't be using pencils.

I have to say that the writers on the show do a good job of keeping Castle and Beckett interesting. One of those TV tropes is that once characters get married, the show fizzles. It's just not true. It only happens if you have bad or lazy writers.

"The Mentalist" was good as always, and I like how their work affectedcast of The Mentalist Jane and Lisbon's relationship. I'm really going to miss the show so much when it's gone. These three shows, "Castle,", "Bones," and "The Mentalist," are all my favorites because they have handsome leads with smart women, and a great romantic and working relationship.  They're all very different, too.

"Two and a Half Men" has had a few funny episodes, but mostly it's not nearly as good as it was last year. This "let's pretend we're gay so we can adopt a kid" story is really boring. And where's Amber Tamblyn??? For that matter, why is it that "The Big Bang Theory" is still all re-runs?

"Elementary" has a two-part episode and the first part was pretty good.  It's great how they keep this show interesting, too, without making Sherlock too nice or boring after all this time.

cast of The FlashIt was SO FABULOUS to see Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller guest-stars on "The Flash!!"  They were both in "Prison Break." I loved Purcell on "John Doe", but I don't like the short hair. Still, it was a really good episode. I love that The Flash has an actual costume, and name, and the villains have names, too. As someone who grew up reading comics, I hate it when they mess with the stories and other aspects of the superheroes. "Smallville" started this trend. It's just not necessary. I'm still annoyed that the "X-Men" movies don't have their original costumes. I don't like how "Arrow" is not "Green Arrow", either.

Of course you can't make all comic book fans happy because we all grew up reading them at different times. We all want the TV shows to be exactly like the comics, only better! But that may not even be possible. The creators and writers of these shows do feel like they have to have their own vision of the characters and they also get a lot of pressure to make them so that non-fans will watch them. It's just really hard, though.

On the other hand, most of the things that bother me, and other fans, are the fairly minor details that they could do and still have a great show with different stories. I mean, why even have a hunk like Tom Welling starring on your show and never once show him in the Superman outfit? It's just stupid.  Eventually I did come to love "Smallville", but it did bother me a lot at first that they cast people that didn't look like their comic book counterparts. Clark's best friend, Pete, had blond hair and freckles in the comics. In the show, he was African-American. Lana Lang had red hair inLois and Clark cast the comics and movies, but in the show, she was Asian. But it's not about race. I would also have objected if Lois Lane hadn't been a brunette or if Lex Luthor hadn't been bald (and I did object to that when they did it in the movies). The cast of "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" were not traditional casting, either. Dean Cain (Superman) is part Japanese and the first Jimmy is Latino of some kind. Their Lana Lang was a blonde!

Speaking of DC comics, I'm looking forward to the new "Supergirl" series, even though I really don't have time to watch another show! Ha ha! But their Jimmy Olsen will be African-American.  I guess long-time comics fans have to get used to changes no matter what.

It's not just the casting, of course. I've objected to changes in every single TV show or movie that was based on the comics I grew up with. I'm a geek. I can't help it.  Superman has a curl in the comics, and Clark doesn't. In "Lois and Clark", it was the opposite! That always bugged me. Heck, I hate Christopher Reeves' voice in the movies - too high and not strong enough to be Superman. He got all of the other aspects of it right, though. I hated that first movie for a long time due to all of the changes.

Then again, I wish all superhero shows had costumes, including "Heroes," "Misfits," and "Alphas"! It's not like they all have to be in tights or have bright colors.

"Supernatural" is always a fun show, really well written with lots of great characters. If you're not watching it, you are really missing out.

"Gotham" has just been on fire lately. So glad to have it back.

cast of Constantine"Constantine", too. It gets a little better every week. I hope they bring it back next year. People need to watch it! It's a really enjoyable show.

I've really been enjoying the Grantchester mysteries on Masterpiece Theater. A cute vicar and good mysteries. Yay!

I'm behind on most of the other shows...but I have many on my DVR and on DVD. As always!

Don't forget to check out our What's New page to see the latest content on our site!

I bought a DVD collection of this old show we loved called "Bakersfield PD". I haven't watched it yet...I hope it's not just a really bad copy from a VHS tape. It wasn't cheap! I'll definitely send it back if it's unwatchable. I got it from this site  I'll let you know how it turns out!

There are just definitely not enough hours in the day for me to do everything I want to do and watch everything I like! SIGH. I took exercising regularly so that's cut into my time.

It's time for me to get my tax info together, too. UGH, that's the worst. Even though it's a lot easier now (all online), I still hate it.

This week I watched the Oscar-nominated film "Boyhood". I don't watchcast of Medium too many movies besides things like "The Avengers" or "Harry Potter", but I'd read so much about the movie, especially in Entertainment Weekly. Also, it stars one of my favorite actresses, Patricia Arquette, who used to star in "Medium," a show I really loved. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who watched that show what she can do, acting-wise. It was fun to see her age in the movie and I recognized some of the hair styles from when she was on "Medium", so that was fun. Good movie. It's almost 3 hours, but it didn't feel like it was too long at all.

Another TV actor, J.K. Simmons, is nominated for his role in "Whiplash". He's been in tons of great TV shows like "Law & Order" and "The Closer", and he still does commercials, too.

SherlockMany of the movie nominees got their start in TV or still do act in TV, like Benedict Cumberbatch (of "Sherlock"), Steve Carell (of "The Daily Show" and "The Office"), Bradley Cooper (of "Alias"), and Julianne Moore (of "As the World Turns"). Those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure some others were also in TV roles.

Have a great week! Hopefully I can put up next week's blog  a little sooner.

You can find my older blog posts at

Chronicles - My personal blog, which is not about TV.

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Page updated 1/29/15

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