The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #150

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The TV MegaSite's Blog Post #150

Saturday 11/15/14

Hey, it's blog post #150. Woo hoo! That's pretty good...I've had the blog for a while but posted infrequently until October last year.

I've been lazy today, but I need to start doing work on the weekly news pages. I'm still running yesterday's transcripts, too, and it's very late!

I was very happy to learn tonight that our "On Demand" channel on TWC finally has The CW. Yippee!

I finally finished watching all of the DVD's that they sent me lately to review for our site...I'm sure there will be more soon.

Revolution castIn the meantime, I've been catching up on shows I recorded last year on my bedroom DVR, like "Revolution" and "Sleepy Hollow". I hope to catch up on the ones I really like. I really missed "Revolution", and I'm so sad that they canceled it. It's very sad to see Stephen Collins on the show... he's such a good actor and playsCollins in "Revolution such a likable old guy! Such a shame that he's so screwed up and that it ruined his life and his career (not to mention any of his victims). I had planned to make a section on our site for "Revolution" but now I have to wait because it's not a current show. I try to concentrate on current ones.

Cosby nowOf course Bill Cosby has been in the news lately... it appears that he's guilty of heinous perverted crimes, too. Lucky for him, there's no audio tape of his confession, so perhaps some people still think that he's innocent (not me).  He had a new show, but they decided not to proceed with it.  I grew up watching "I Spy" and "The Bill Cosby Show" (1969-1971) where he played a high school basketball coach. We listened to his records; everyone in my family loved his comedy. I watched the "Fat Albert" cartoons every Saturday morning.  One summer (1974), a friend of mine and I saw a double-feature of "Skin Game" (with James Garner and Lou Gossett, Jr.) and "Uptown Saturday Night" (starring Cosby and Sidney Poitier). We figured out that if we stayed in the theater, they wouldn't kick us out, so we watched it MANY times. We loved both comedies. Later, I did watch Cosby's famous show, and the one he did after that, which was less successful (with Madeline Khan). I always thought he was funny. Too bad he's so twisted and sick.

Stephen Collins in the movieIt's hard to believe that such beloved figures, people you watched on your TV and movie screens, can be so awful. I know they're HUMAN, sure, but human is one thing; being a predator is another. Some might even call them "evil". It turns my stomach. I still do love those old shows, though. I would definitely watch "I Spy" if they showed it again. I loved Robert Culp in that. Cosby was cool, and good-looking back then, but I never really had a crush on him the way I did Culp, or Sidney Poitier, or Garner, or many others. Who knows why? However, I have always loved Stephen Collins. He was sure gorgeous in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (a terrible movie). But mostly, they both played father figures -- the type of people you want to hang out with, or have as dad. Until now. Yuk.

I have to wonder if other people in Hollywood knew this and if so, whyI Spy with Culp and Cosby they didn't say anything? I hope Sidney Poitier didn't know. I can't take yet another of my childhood heroes being tarnished. This is why I don't read biographies much or read gossip columns. Either they're about actors that I truly don't care about (or almost-actors like the Kardashians), or they tell me things about actors that I like, that I really don't want to hear. That's the problem with idolizing people, or putting them on a pedestal. They'll usually disappoint you!

Anyway, I still enjoy the shows these awful people are in... I don't think that because a bad person was in something that the shows are now unwatchable. They're two separate things. I can understand people not wanting to go to, say, a Roman Polanski film, because he'll directly benefit from your money. Perhaps the same is true from re-runs of "7th Heaven". I don't know. I'm sure that Bill Cosby no longer gets residuals from "I Spy" at this point. I don't know about his later shows or movies. Well, I just checked, and it looks like you can still buy "7th Heaven" and "Revolution" on Amazon, so I guess they don't care whether Stephen Collins profits or not from those... I guess the TV networks that pulled re-runs of "7th Heaven" were worried about getting angry letters or low ratings.

It's great that some of the "Revolution" actors are on other shows... I hear that Billy Burke is going to be on "Major Crimes" again, so that's awesome. I just wish he weren't playing a bad guy. I really loved him as Miles (and in the "Twilight" movies, of course).

CastleThis week's "Castle" was so fun!! All the old west jokes, especially when they had the titles that were like the old "Bonanza" and other Western shows. So much fun! I love their funny episodes.

I don't watch any of the NCIS shows any more (no time!), but I was excited to hear that next week's "NCIS: New Orleans" will have Dean Stockwell as a guest star! Scott Bakula stars in the show, and he and Stockwell were the stars of "Quantum Leap" years ago. That will be a fun reunion! I'm so glad that Bakula is on a successful show again. He's been a great actor for many years (especially in the wonderful "Men of a Certain Age" on TNT), and he seems like a really really nice guy, so I'm glad he's gotten successful again. BakulaI got to interview him once and he was really super nice. Of course, as noted above, you can't really tell what anyone is like, can you? But I talk to a lot of them, and he seemed nicer than most. Stockwell was also fantastic in "Battlestar Galactica."

Another great reunion next week is when Greg Grunberg and Merrin Dungey both appear on "CSI". They were both on "Alias". She's also joined the cast of "Once Upon a Time" as Ursula!

I've seen a few episodes of "Young & The Restless" this week, including the episode where Victoria gave birth. I had to laugh because her baby came out looking so clean and dry (newborns are covered in blood and other fluids), even though she gave birth in a closet, with no nurse. LOL!

Longmire castThere was some very good news this week -  "Longmire" was renewed for a 4th season, picked up by Netflix! Yay! I love that show. I wish they could save more shows, like "Dallas". They tried but couldn't get anyone else to pick it up.

This week's "Supernatural" was fabulous!! A really humorous episode. "South Park" was also very funny. They did this great twist on cock-fighting and Magic the Gathering. Very odd but clever.Robert Wagner in the 60's

It was great seeing Robert Wagner on "Hot in Cleveland". He's still so handsome, even at age 84. Speaking of old shows from the 1960's, like "I Spy", Wagner starred in another great old show from back then, "It Takes a Thief". Then he was in a good show in the 70's called "Switch" with Eddie Wager and WhiteAlbert and Sharon Gless, and then the show he's probably most well known for "Hart to Hart". He's always been great and has a fun twinkle in his eye. He showed his humor on HIC.

They announced that HIC is being canceled, too. That's too bad, but it did have 6 seasons, which is a long time for a sitcom on cable. I enjoyed the show, but it was rarely laugh-out-loud funny. I like the characters and the guest-stars, and Betty White always had the best lines, but a lot of the jokes were the same ones over and over again. How many times can weHIC cast and creators watch Melanie be insecure, Joy be drunk or needy (or bickering with Elka) or Victoria be selfish? They relied way too much on these things instead of coming up with new ideas or better jokes.

I fear that this last season of "Two and a Half Men" has gone the same way. It's just not very funny this season. I used to love it... that's too bad. "Big Bang Theory" is still hilarious, though. It was great to see LeVar Burton on tonight's episode!

Saturdays are not as much fun without "Doctor Who"! Fortunately, there's a Christmas special on Christmas Day! I can't wait. See the teaser and other news on our Doctor Who Spoilers Page.

This week's primetime news and schedule page will be here this weekend!

Come join our Facebook group Talkin' TV. We have 400 members now!

Thursday I had an enjoyable conference call interview with handsome Keegan Allen from "Pretty Little Liars" on ABC Family... Their Holiday Special is 12/9!

I'm really looking forward to NBC's Peter Pan Live! on November 26. That should be great fun. I'll at least tape it and hopefully get to watch it at some point.

New shows! We'll be reviewing most of them on our site.

Librarians cast*The Game BBCA (premiered 11/5)
*The Missing Starz (premiered 11/15)
*State of Affairs NBC (premiered 11/17)
*Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Bravo 12/2
Suave Says VH1 12/3 (reality)
*One Child Sundance 12/5
Pizza Masters The Cooking Channel 12/5
*The Librarians TNT 12/7
*The Red Tent Lifetime 12/7 (2-part miniseries)
Wake Up Call TNT 12/12 (reality)
*Marco Polo Netflix 12/12
*Ascension Syfy 12/15 (3 part miniseres)
*All Hail King Julien Netflix 12/19 (animated)
*Galavant ABC 1/4
*Marvel's Agent Carter ABC 1/6
Polka Kings Reelz 1/6
Expedition Unknown Travel Channel 1/8
*Togetherness HBO 1/11 (only 8 episodes)
*Eye Candy MTV 1/12
*Younger TVLAND 1/13
*12 Monkeys Syfy 1/16
*Grantchester PBS 1/18 (6 part mystery)
*Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations The Travel Channel 1/26 (reality)
*Allegiance NBC 2/5/15
*Dig USA 3/5

I'm most looking forward to "Galavant" and "The Librarians"...

Here's a good list of shows that have been renewed or canceled!

BatmanIt's great that "Batman" is finally coming out on DVD! Wow! It's about time.Harvey Dent

Speaking of that, this week's "Gotham" was awesome and it was great to meet the new Harvey Dent. He's a little crazy. That's fun. I can't believe next week is the Fall finale already.

12 Monkeys castSyfy sent me a DVD of their new show "12 Monkeys", so I'll be watching that this week and reviewing it. I'm also expecting some other new DVD's like "The Wonder Years" Season 1, "Midnight Special" collection and "Motown 25" (a great special that aired in the 80's - I have it on VHS somewhere).

Don't forget to vote for the People's Choice Awards!

Have a great week!

You can find my older blog posts at

Chronicles - My personal blog, which is not about TV.

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