One Time Only - Volunteer Jobs for The TV MegaSite

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We need lots of help!

We have about 25 part-time volunteers, and we are ALWAYS looking for more! This is an excellent resume-builder if you are unemployed, a student, stay-at-home mom, recovering from an illness, etc.

Please note that we have NO income for this site, so we can't afford to pay anyone. We have ads that pay for the site's hosting and other expenses. We do usually give out small gift certificates at the holidays...

Here are things that need doing for our site that won't take up much time and you don't have to do it more than once!

1. FIND LINKS FOR NEW SECTIONS - we need more links for our newer pages. Go to Google, type in "30 Rock" and find links to other 30 Rock sites. Send me the name of the site, and the URL or web address, like this: Official NBC Site Go through about 10 pages of Google to find as many as you can. When you are done, send me the list of links you've found. You can also look for cast-related links. Go back to Google and type in the actor names like "Alec Baldwin" and look for sites about him. You can go to our 30 Rock cast list to find the actors' names. We need links for our other pages, too, for Bones, Burn Notice, Castle, Dexter, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Eureka, Glee, Hollywood Heights, American Idol, Leverage, Mad Men, Medium, Veronica Mars, The Mentalist, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles,  Stargate Universe, Supernatural, Ugly Betty, plus many more that we will be building pages for soon. Just finding links for ONE of these shows shouldn't take more than an hour or so, depending on your net connection... Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

2. CHECK EXISTING LINKS - We have many links pages for all the shows, networks, other TV sites, etc. and so we really need people to click on each linkand let us know if the site is still there or not. That's it - so easy!  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

3. FIND MORE LINKS - We also need to find more links for the shows that already have them. New sites crop up all the time! You can do this in Google but also go to places like Facebook and Yahoo to search.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

4. FIND PHOTOS - We need photos posted on our Pinterest site regularly, and we also need to find photos to build our new sites for shows like Once Upon a Time. It's easy, you just go to Google Images and type the show's name, save the picture you like and email it to us.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

5. WRITING ARTICLES - Do you love or hate a show, and want to tell us why? Send us your opinion and we will post it as an article! It should be 3-5 paragraphs long, at least, though.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful! Or if you have only a short one then post it on our Facebook Group or one of our many forums.

6. GATHER NEWS OR SPOILERS - Look around the net and find news and spoilers about the various primetime TV shows we cover. We always need more info! Make sure it's for current and upcoming shows.  Send it in any time.  Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

7. WRITE A REVIEW - If you just bought a new TV show DVD, write up a review and send it to us. Watching one of the new primetime shows? Same thing. We always need reviews. Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

8.  FAVORITE QUOTES - If you watch and like a show that we cover, and especially if you have it on DVD, just send a list of the funny bits of dialogue from the show. It doesn't matter if you only have one season on DVD! Email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful!

9. MAKING PUZZLES, ETC. - We always need episode guide recaps poems, puzzles, top ten lists, fan fiction, predictions/rumors, cast list info and more so please email us if you want to help out with this! We will be MOST grateful! You can just do it once, see if you want to do more - it's up to you!

Please check out the main Volunteer Jobs Page as there are many more volunteer jobs.

This page is now at our new Wordpress Site.

Contact us if you are interested!   Only dependable people who are serious about helping us  should bother contacting us.

Page updated 10/28/18

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