F.A.Q. for The TV MegaSite

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Frequently Asked Questions

These are based on questions we have received or anticipate receiving.

  1. Why do you have broken links?

  2. Where can I report broken links?

  3. Why didn't you answer my email?

  4. Why did you make this site/page?

  5. Does your site make money?

  6. Why don't you have more pictures?

  7. How can I volunteer to help with your site?

  8. I need a friend, will you email me?

  9. Why don't you just get a business loan to start up your company?

  10. Where is your business plan?

  11. Who works on this page?

  12. How can we link to you?

  13. Why should I volunteer to work on your site?

Videotape Trading Post

  1. Who do I contact to put a videotape trade on your list?
  2. How do I trade you for something on your list?
  3. Why have you stopped trading tapes?
  4. Why won't you buy or sell tapes?
  5. Why bother listing your videos if you don't have time to trade?

Daytime Pages

  1. Why are you missing or behind in your updates? 
  2. Why don't you write your own updates?
  3. Where can I find out what a particular song is that played on my soap?
  4. What is going to happen on my favorite soap?
  5. How can I contact my favorite soap star?
  6. What was the first TV soap opera?
  7. When are you going to update your soap links (or other section)?

Primetime Pages

  1. When are you finishing your TV show links?
  2. How can I contact Drew Carey?
  3. Why don't you have a section for "The Gilmore Girls" (or other shows we don't cover)?

General Site Questions

  1. Why do you have broken links?
    We try to keep up on them, but we have hundreds of links (more than most sites).  If you see any broken links, we may not know about them.  Please email us to tell us about the link!  Thanks.

  2. Where can I report broken links?
    Please email us at webmasters@tvmegasite.net 

  3. Why didn't you answer my email?
    We try to answer every email sent to us that isn't spam. If you did not get an answer, then either we tried and our reply got sent back to us (your address didn't work for some reason), or we thought it was spam and deleted it, or we never received it.  Please email us again! Also, we get a lot of press releases and other emails, so sometimes we may miss emails from visitors.

  4. Why did you make this site/page?
    We are very big fans of television and want to share that knowledge and fun with the world.  We are frustrated by the lack of sites out there with good, current information and links that work.  We also just love to make web pages!

  5. Why would anyone volunteer to work for you?
    People volunteer for various reasons, but the main one seems to be that they share our interests and want to help us.  Some probably do it because they enjoy writing or because they have particular talents but don't want to make their own site.  Some are hoping we make money!

  6. Does your site make money?
    Not very much, but more than it used to.  The ads now pay for the site's hosting and domain names, and some extra.  Anything extra we make gets divided up among the volunteers near the end of the year. We make sure, regardless, that every volunteer gets an Amazon gift certificate at the end of the year (even if we have to pay for it out of our own pockets).

  7. Why don't you have more pictures?
    We like to have original pictures whenever possible. Also, making fancy graphics takes a lot of time and expertise.

  8. How can I volunteer to help with your site?
    Just email us!  You might want to check out our jobs page to see what you want to help with.  We take ANY help we can get.

  9. I need a friend, will you email me?
    We are very busy with our sites and our lives.  We will answer just about any email sent to us (not obscene ones or spam!), but we don't have time to email or chat with random people or to email you and say "What's up?"

  10. Why don't you just get a business loan to start up your company?
    We have families that we don't want to risk in this venture; if we default, they might have to pay.  We prefer to get money from investors and advertising. Most new businesses fail.

  11. What are the advantages to volunteering to work on your site?
    We have a fun group of people here, from all ages and all over the world. We've had volunteers in the U.S., Canada, England, Finland, South America, Nigeria, and other places.  You get credit for working on our pages (your name appears next to your work and/or on the credit page).  You can point to it with pride.  We accept just about anything on our site that has to do with TV shows that we cover.  If you don't feel like learning to make your own web page but have some good ideas, you can contribute and feel part ownership of this site.  You are part of a team, of a growing site which may one day be an important Internet resource.  You get presents from us at Christmas.  You may get fun email greetings and birthday wishes.  If you want to learn Wordpress, HTML or Frontpage, or how to improve your writing skills, you get a lot of assistance from us.  We have a number of experts in various computer software programs that can help you.  And we like to chat on Facebook, too. You get to post and read in our exclusive TV MegaSite Volunteers Forum.  There may be further perks in the future.

Videotape Trading Post

  1. Who do I contact to put a videotape trade on your list?
    Please read and follow the directions on the page at http://www.tvmegasite.net/trading/lists.shtml However, we rarely have time to update thos pages any more.
  2. How do I trade you for something on your list?
    For Suzanne, read #3 below.  For anyone else's list you find linked from our site, please contact the person whose address is on that page.
  3. Why have you stopped trading tapes?
    I am swamped with trades, this page, and other stuff, so I am not taking new ones right now...except for specific reasons listed on my pages.
  4. Why won't you buy or sell tapes?
    It is illegal.  Please see our policy pages.  This is not open for discussion.
  5. Why bother listing your videos if you don't have time to trade?
    Sometimes I have had time for trading. Also, the list is for my friends and family. I trade with them sometimes, when I have time.  My whole web page (which is very large now and about much more than my tape trading) started because I wanted a place to put my tape list, for trading. That was back when I had more time. I also host other people's trades for them and link to other people's tape trading pages at http://tvmegasite.net/trading/lists.shtml

Daytime Pages

  1. Why are you missing or behind in your updates or transcripts? All of our updates are done by our volunteers; sometimes life gets in the way of updates.  We replace volunteers when we can, if they are unreliable.  We don't get as many volunteers as we used to.
  2. Why don't you just write your own updates, rather than asking for volunteers all the time?
    That takes up a lot of time.  We would rather spend our free time working on other aspects of the page. It takes a lot of full-time work.
  3. Where can I find out what a particular song is that played on my soap?
    Try writing to Soap Opera Digest songs@soapoperadigest.com .  They often answer questions like this.
  4. What is going to happen on my favorite soap?
    We have no connection to the shows, so we don't know any more than you do.  We have some soap scoops on our soap pages, and we have some soap scoops mailing lists you can join.  Otherwise, try looking for other soap scoops on the Web and reading the soap opera magazines.  Those are your best sources.
  5. How can I contact my favorite soap star?
    Each of our daytime pages has an addresses section on it where you can send snail mail to the stars.  Most of them don't have email, or if they do, they don't share it with the general public because otherwise they would get swamped with email. 
  6. What was the first TV soap opera in the U.S.?
    This is from "The Soap Opera Encyclopedia" by Christopher Schemering:
    "Although there had been other dramatic serials produced for local broadcast as early as 1946--such as the one-day airing of "Big Sister" on a local station in Chicago and the thirteen-part serial "War Bride" in Schenectady--the first network soap was the DuMont effort "Faraway Hill", which premiered October 2, 1946, and was broadcast simultaneously in New York and Washington, DC. By the time DuMont had produced "A Woman to Remember" (a television soap about a radio soap) and the highly successful "Captain Video" (TV's first space opera) in 1949, the network had expanded to include most of the major cities on the East Coast." It doesn't say what the first radio soap was. NBC's first soap was "These Are My Children" in 1949 created by Irna Phillips. CBS' first soap was "The First Hundred Years" in 1950. Both shows were failures. The first successful soaps were CBS' "Search for Tomorrow" and "Love of Life", followed quickly by "As the World Turns". Search started in 1951.
  7. When are you going to update your soap links (or other section)?
    We are working on it... it is a big site and we only have so many volunteers.

Primetime Pages

  1. When are you finishing your TV show links?
    Our site is very large and growing, and we rely on volunteers at the present time.  We are working on the tv show links as fast as we can. 
  2. How can I contact the actors?
    We have no contact with any celebrity except for the one mentioned above.  Please go to the network page to look for their mailing addresses.
  3. Why don't you have a section for "Succession" (or other shows we don't cover)?
    Suzanne (our founder) doesn't watch it.  On the primetime shows, we only have pages for shows Suzanne watches and really like.  We can't cover everything!  At least, not yet...

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Page updated 7/13/22

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