Young & The Restless Videotape Trading From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless DVD's & Tapes Page

Y&R Trading Page

These are traders who are interested in Y&R!

NOTE: We don't have time to update this page...

  • missed the episode of The Young And The Restless June 21, 2004 and wants a copy in SP speed, including the beginning and ending credits.

  • Barbara is looking for the 4/11/05 episode.

  • Candy is looking for Y&R videos from December 2005 through April 2006. You can also contact her via this address
  • Christine lives in Australia, where they stopped showing Y&R. She would like daily episodes taped for her starting from June 2, 2006 as well as older ones starting with where they left off with Sharon and Brad's night together in New York.
  • James is looking for episodes of "The Young And The Restless", from the Summer of 1987, and December... ...Starting with the first Episode Jess Walton was on... and the Episodes; with the Character of "Ol' Chuck..." He picked up Tricia Cast (Nina Chancellor) in a Bar... She turned up pregnant later, claiming it was the baby of wealthy Phillip Chancellor, Jill's son He has a Scene where he gets a bunch of money out of her...
  • Jared is looking for episodes of Nick and Grace in Denver.  There were about 5 or 6 episodes starting with Nick and Grace arriving in Denver, waking up together, and Sharon arriving too.  The dates may have been sometime in October, 1998.
  • Jay is looking for older episodes of Young and The Restless from 1990-1998, especially episodes with Drucilla and Neil
  • Jennifer wants to find episodes of "Soap Talk" from Soapnet, particularly the episodes December 30, 2005 and December 4, 2003 with guest-star Christel Khalil (Lily).
  • Jordan basically wants anything that Daniel (Michael Graziadei) has been in since his first air date in 2004 - especially the episodes when he was on the Run with Lily and the subsequent trial.
  • Julia  is looking for Y&R episodes with Damon (Keith Hamilton Cobb), especially these episodes: March 2004: # 7831, 7832, 7834, 7843, 7844, 7845, 7850; May 2004: # 7879, March 2005: # 8083, 8084, 8103, April 2005: # 8106,and May 2005: #8134.
  • J.V. is looking for DVD, CD, or audio tapes of the episodes surrounding the first appearance of Cassie Newman on the show. When Grace and Toni first found her in Madison, and the first time she met Sharon and Nick. He has little to offer in trade, but is willing to pay for the materials and shipping.
  • Lisa is looking to trade old episodes (1970's) of Y&R on VHS or DVD.
  • Lynn is looking for Y&R from the dates August 8, 9, 10 and October 28th 2005.

  • Mark is looking for any and all episodes of "The Young And The Restless" from 1998 w/Veronica traumatizing Nikki on the board if at all possible.
  • Matt is looking for episodes about Christine's sexual harrassment case against Michael. 
  • Melanie is looking for Y&R episodes with Colleen and Professor Korbel.
  • Mike J is looking for any and all Y&R compete episodes pre-2004 on DVD (any) or VHS (US only).

  • Nicholas is desperately searching for any videos of the Young and the Restless featuring Jamie Lynn Bauer (old appearances please), episodes of General Hospital featuring Valerie Starrett as Diana Taylor, episodes of Santa Barbara with Wanda de Jesus as Santanna Andrade, episodes of As the World Turns and Another World featuring actress Vicky Dawson, episodes of Another World with Vana Tribbey, 1970s episodes of Guiding Light featuring Maureen Garrett, episodes of Emmerdale with Malandra Burrows as Kathy, and any episodes of Showtime's A New Day in Eden. He is also searching for any issues of the magazine Soap Opera Serials.

  • One Life to Live and Young & Restless Edits
  • Paul is looking Y&R tapes from 1970's thru 1990's. He has a pretty extensive collection of soap material available for trade.
  • Res has a lot of old Y&R episodes and edits willing to trade.

  • Robert has many old soap DVD's from the 60's through 80's, including Y&R!

  • Robin  is looking for the episodes that aired on 9/2/05 and 10/28/05.

  • Teresa is interested in anything, tapes, photos, guest appearances in which Christian LeBlanc has appeared and is most interested in when he first appeared in the 90's and returned, up until and including May 14, 2004 on Y&R. She is also looking for any clips/episodes with Austin Peck (Brad Snyder/Austin Reed) from ATWT/DOOL and for Kevin Alejandro scenes/episodes on Y&R (Dominic Hughes 2004/early 2005).

  • Tony is looking for Y&R episode #9687, which aired July 4th, 2011 in the U.S.
  • Zandra has edited tapes of Daniel & Lily, and Kevin.

Also, Amanda has some Y&R Collectible Plates for sale: Click here to see the photo
Set of The young and the restless collector plates with wall hangers. From the Crestley collection – 1996 – EXCELLENT condition. She's now selling them on Ebay.

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Page updated 6/17/20

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