Y&R History
March 2002 by
Going To Court: To distract a security guard and sneak Diane out of the
country, Phyllis disguised herself as Diane. She had to lie to Ash when
they ran into each other, and claim it was a new look. Diane, suspicious
Phyllis' motives, snuck into her doctor's office and learned Phyllis could
not have children. Though John Silva recommended Jack not bring Phyllis
the Preliminary hearing, he did so anyway. Phyllis was stunned to see
there. The Judge agreed to hear arguments in the coming days. Out of
loyalty to Phyllis, Michael refused to represent Diane. Diane admitted to
Isabella that she hoped a part of Jack still loved her, while John Silva
worried that Phyllis having been declared an unfit Mother would hurt
custody case.
To The Rescue: Victor skipped town after a romantic lunch with Nikki, to
meet with his first wife, Julia. Her company was involved in a hostile
takeover, so he saved the day by defeating Maxwell Hollister, her enemy.
Julia was grateful and admitted to Victor that he'd treated her like an
object when they were married. Nikki, confused by Victor's distracted
upon his return, cancelled dinner plans. Meanwhile, Victor stared often
a diamond ring he'd purchased, while thinking back on past failed
Victoria discovered the ring, kept it a secret, and begged Nikki to quit
Jabot and work for NE, so as not to upset Victor. Nikki refused. Victor
took Nikki to dinner.
Building: Brittany got the lead in the school play and she and Raul grew
closer, sharing their first kiss. Brittany worried about Mac and Raul's
continuing connection, but Raul swore they were just friends and decided
pursue Brittany, despite the fact that they are not one another's usual
Helping Colleen: JT confronted Colleen about smoking pot, warned her not
confess, and kept Troy away.
Lump: While chairing a campaign for breast cancer awareness, Ashley was
devastated to discover a lump on her own breast, which tests revealed to
cancerous. Brad stood by her while she wondered how to tell her family.
Mary's Interference: Isabella and Paul continued to bond, and learned
were expecting a baby boy. Mary begged Lauren to break them up, but
refused. Mary then went to Isabella with a brochure for a home for unwed
mothers. Isabella and Paul were insulted, and Paul warned Mary to back
Instead, she traveled to Australia, told Christine about Isabella's
pregnancy and begged her to come to GC and stop the union. Christine
refused, but while alone, was visibly affected by the news of Paul's new
Moving On: Billy suspected Mac's hangups about sex had to do with her
step-father, Ralph. Amanda hoped that wasn't the case. JT insisted Mac
could do better than Billy, while Mac accepted her relationship was over.
Billy began flirting with Danielle, another girl working on the play. Mac
told him to go for it, hoping Danielle could give him what she couldn't.
the Abbott, hideaway, Danielle tried to seduce Billy, who was haunted by
memories of Mac. Meanwhile, Mac became increasingly convinced someone was
watching her from the shadows of the school stage, while Amanda admitted
Larry that she feared Ralph would resurface someday. Larry swore to
them. Meanwhile, Jill and Sean trained for a marathon to be adventurous,
while Jill offered to help Larry woo Amanda.
Damage To Repair: Sharon began fantasizing about being with Nick again,
while he dodged a dinner invite from Miranda, a woman interested in him.
Nikki offered to watch the kids to give Nick and Sharon time alone, but
refused and kept his distance from Sharon as he began wanting her again.
Diego took a job working at the Ranch, while Nick began to have second
thoughts about having dinner with Miranda.
Malcolm's Memorial: Back in GC, Neil devastated Olivia by revealing that
Malcolm was dead. Alex broke the news to a devastated Phyllis, who
Malcolm must have learned the truth about Neil and Alex and gone off the
deep end. Victoria warned Phyllis to back off, while Neil and Alex
if she could be right. Nate gave the Eulogy for his Father, and Phyllis
complimented him on being a brave little boy. Phyllis asked Neil how he
could live with himself if he'd been responsible for Malcolm's death, and
was livid to see Neil holding Alex's hand at the service.
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Page updated 7/10/12