Young & The Restless Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Characters Pages

Y&R Character Descriptions

Noah Newman
Played By Robert Adamson
Written By Darlene

on August 15, 2013

Noah Newman was born prematurely to Nick and Sharon Newman.  He has a tendency to hover over his mother because he has seen her suffer through difficult times before being diagnosed with a mental disorder.  Noah will see no wrong in his mother no matter what she does but he has no problem pointing out Nick’s flaws and bad decisions.  Noah is an amazing big brother to both of his little sisters, Summer and Faith as he was with his older sister, the late Cassie Newman.

Noah left Genoa City with his then girlfriend, Eden, and went to Paris.  He returned without Eden and announced that things didn’t work out between them.  He pursued a career in music with Devon Hamilton, but that quickly fizzled out.  When Nick bought a nightclub and needed a bartender, Noah stepped up, but he doesn’t want to work for his dad forever.  He’s interested in photography and has a talent for it, if he could just snag a permanent position.

Noah is still young.  He likes to party.  He likes women.  But he has a good heart and a good head on his shoulders.  If he puts his mind to it, he will be a success and not have to rely on his father, grandfather or his trust fund to get him through life.

One thing he must to is make better choices when it comes to women.  His last serious girlfriend was a thief. 

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Page updated 8/15/13

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