Young & The Restless Characters From The TV MegaSite

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The Young and The Restless Characters Pages

Y&R Character Descriptions

Jeffrey Bardwell
Played By Ted Shackelford
Written By Darlene

on February 6, 2013

Jeffrey Bardwell arrived in Genoa City to attend his twin brother, William's memorial.  William had sent Jeffrey a sample of Jabot cosmetics with a note that said "Don't let her get away with it."  He was referring to his own wife, Gloria Bardwell, who tainted the face cream.  It didn't take long for Jeffrey to figure this out, and he blackmailed Gloria, demanding she marry him.  They remained married even after Jeffrey no longer had that leverage.  Gloria apparently can't get enough of her "Loverman," and Jeffrey is perfectly happy with "Sugar Lips."

Jeffrey is a strange and curious man.  He tries to find ways to make money, whether it's legal or not.  In his earlier days, he fathered a daughter who coincidentally showed up in Genoa City.  Chelsea Newman is still suspicious of her long-lost father, thinking he is only interested in the Newman fortune.

Jeffrey bought a restaurant for Gloria, which she named "Gloworm."  In spite of the goofy name, it was a stylish, high class restaurant for Genoa City's elite and it remained successful until Adam Newman hired a man to start fires around Genoa City to cover up the fact that Sharon Newman started the fire at the Newman ranch.

Jeffrey's great idea to buy a racehorse flopped when the horse was rendered incapable of racing.

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Page updated 2/6/13

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