Y&R Character
Gloria Bardwell
Played By Judith Chapman
Written By Darlene
on January 30, 2013

Gloria Bardwell is the mother of Genoa City's district attorney, Michael
Baldwin, and Kevin Fisher, owner of Crimson Lights. Both men have caused their
share of trouble in their lifetimes, most likely due to the abuse inflicted upon
them by Gloria's ex-husband, Tom Fisher.
Gloria has questionable taste in men and has been married several times. The
two good men she chose, John Abbott and William Bardwell, both died. Gloria was
not directly at fault for their deaths. She used her inheritance to have a
memorial service for William. Will's twin brother, Jeffrey, attended. Later,
he and Gloria were married.
Gloria's relationship with Jeffrey is a strange one. She loves him but she's
suspicious of him, for good reason. Jeffrey's motives are not always clear. He
often chooses shifty ways to make a fast buck.
Gloria has gone from rags to riches to rags to riches. Her deepest desire is
to be one of Genoa City's elite. She wants to be seen as an equal to the
Newmans and Abbotts. Because of bad decisions she has made, the Abbotts will
always have contempt for her.
In attempts to be seen as a hero, Gloria tainted a face cream developed by
Jabot cosmetics and planned to catch it before the shipment went out. It was
shipped to stores early and a woman died after using the cream. Jack Abbott,
who was in charge at the time, lost his job. Everyone later learned that Gloria
was the culprit, and the Abbotts sued her. Since then, Gloria and the Abbotts
don't interact much, but when they do, they always take jabs at each other.
Though Gloria didn't protect Michael and Kevin from "Terrible Tom" when they
were kids, she loves her sons very much and would do anything for them.
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Page updated 1/30/13