Y&R Best Lines Monday 6/28/21

Y&R Best Lines Monday 6/28/21


Provided By Eva

Sally: Hey, Summer. How's your evening going?

Summer: Mm, no, I don't really have any patience for your games right now. I just want to know how much you had to do with all of this happening.

Sally: As usual, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Really? That big job offer from the Italian designer, Angelina Marchetti -- the one that you claimed you were after. Well, I suspect that you knew I would wind up getting it.

Sally: [ Sighs ] You got the offer? From the boss herself, no less. Perfect! Congratulations on having everything I want fall into your lap yet again.

Victoria: You know, there aren't many people that understand what my life is like, how driven I am and how much i have riding on the decisions that I have to make.

Ashland: It's lonely at the top, huh?

Victoria: It's more than that, because with you, I -- I can acknowledge that I have arrived at the top, without feeling like I'm being arrogant.

Ashland: Well, who cares how you sound to anyone else? Especially since you're simply telling the truth.

Victoria: You know what? You're right. I shouldn't have to apologize for my accomplishments. In addition to all of the other reasons that I like being in your company, you also give very good advice.

Nick: You know what? I asked your mom if she wanted to come with us. You know, we could all fly over to Europe together on the Newman jet. It'd be fun.

Phyllis: And then I told your dad that it should just be the two of you because I didn't want Summer to think that we were trying to gang up on her and talk her out of doing this.

Nick: Nobody's trying to talk her out of anything.

Summer: Okay, good, 'cause Summer is still right here.

Mariah: [ Clapping ] You are a real piece of work. Trashing Kyle's heart like this.

Summer: I don't expect you to understand, Mariah.

Mariah: He committed to his child and...what, you couldn't handle it, so you dumped him and you're taking a gig in Italy. I think I understand completely. You know what, summer? Believe it or not, I was pulling for you and kyle this time. I finally believed that you two had something special. I even convinced Kyle not to give up on you. But it turns out that you are still exceedingly selfish.

Summer: Mariah, I am not gonna waste my breath trying to change your low opinion of me. It feels right that we're gonna end things like this, the way that they started. So...good luck with your pregnancy.

Mariah: Goodbye snowflake

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