Y&R Best Lines Friday 5/7/21

Y&R Best Lines Friday 5/7/21


Provided By Eva

Adam: Sharon, no. Look. I need to say this to you now, while it's just the two of us. I don't know when that's gonna happen again. Okay, when I was trapped with Nick, I had an opportunity to really think, and it's clear to me now that there are many things that are more important than the mess I find myself in and even more important than the past that's been chasing me my entire life.

Sharon: What are you trying to say?

Adam: I've realized that you are a part of me, Sharon. And you always will be. There's no denying it. I told myself that I was leaving to protect you, to protect everyone, but... no matter how fast or far away i run, you will always be right there with me. The fact that I'm standing here right now is just further proof of that.

Sharon: No, you're here for Faith, nothing more.

Adam: Sharon... just hear me out, okay? Before Nick found me, I had a lot of time alone. He only knew where to find me because of you and your insight... into me. You've always understood how my mind works. I mean, even when I had forgotten who I was, and I was living in Vegas. And after I learned what I had done to A. J. Montalvo as a kid, you see me, Sharon. You see me in a way no one's been able to do... not even Chelsea. And I don't expect anything to ever come of it, because I know nothing can come of it.

Lily: [ Clapping ] Congratulations, Sherlock Holmes. You figured it out.

Billy: Well, well, well. I enjoyed the hunt, but this is by far the most beautiful treasure I have ever had the pleasure of finding.

Lily: Tsk. Well, thank you. And the place is ours for the night.

Billy: Wow.

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Billy: So, what brought on this night of mystery and romance?

Lily: Well, I loved the New Orleans-themed evening that you arranged for us. So, I thought I would do something special in return.

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