Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 4/20/21

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 4/20/21


Provided By Eva

Nina: If they had those stores when I was pregnant with Chance, I certainly didn't know about them. I mean, handmade nursery furniture, please. And all those beautiful clothes and toys.

Abby: Uh, I just kept picturing chance rocking our baby in one of those gliders.

Nina: A glider that swivels and reclines and keeps the bottle warm, and I'm sure makes you a snack at 2:00 A.M.

Abby: Oh, yeah.

Tessa: Oh, would you like any ginger ale?

Mariah: No, thank you.

Tessa: How about some saltines?

Mariah: Bleccch. God, no.

Tessa: How about some frozen yogurt?

Mariah: Are you trying to kill me?

Tessa: At least let me put some ice chips in a glass for you.

Mariah: Sure. Knock yourself out.

Tessa: Oh, you poor baby.

Mariah: [ Groans ] Are you talking about me or the embryo?

Tessa: Well, at the moment, I'm sympathizing with you

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