Y&R Best Lines Friday 4/9/21

Y&R Best Lines Friday 4/9/21


Provided By Eva

Nick: I am so relieved that she's being released from the hospital, but I won't stop worrying until she's 100% both physically and mentally.

Phyllis: Yeah, definitely. I mean, you'll make sure of that. You're such a good dad. You and Sharon will make sure of that. I'll be around to help, but you don't need me. You have Sharon's expertise.

Nick: I don't know if Sharon's in the best place right now to help Faith.

Phyllis: Why would you say that?

Nick: I have a sneaking suspicion that Adam has reached out to Sharon and she's lying about it.

Phyllis: Oh. Yeah, that's a possibility, for sure.

[ Clears throat ] Wow. Hypocrite.

Nick: What do you mean?

Phyllis: Look who's protecting their ex.

Nick: Of course I want to protect Sharon. It goes hand-in-hand with protecting our daughter.

Phyllis: I'm protecting my daughter.

Nick: Here's the difference. Faith is still a child. She needs both of her parents to protect her, to look out for her, and to make sure she's on the right track. So, yes, I do have to protect Faith and Sharon from Adam's never-ending influence he seems to have on their lives.

Phyllis: Okay. I'm just glad you're not saying great things about Adam anymore.

Nick: Well, it's not that easy. There's part of me that wants to have it both ways. I would like to thank him, but only as he is on his way into a jail cell.

Phyllis: Well, you might get that chance, especially if he's confiding in Sharon. I'm sure he left the police no clues.

Nick: Well, maybe I'll find a lead of my own.

Phyllis: What does that mean?

Nick: I'll let you know later. Got to go.

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