Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 4/7/21

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 4/7/21


Provided By Eva

Billy: You ever have one of those days where everything just --

Lily: When everything's going wrong and you're trying to stop it from going down the drain? Yeah. I'm having one right now.

Billy: Well, I'm gonna make this short and sweet. I turned down Victoria's offer to go after Cyaxares --

Lily: Wait. Hold on one sec. Uh, Amanda, hi. It's Lily. I know that you have a dinner meeting, but can you please give me a call back when you get a chance? Thanks.

[ Phone hangs up ]

Billy: What's going on?

Lily: Poaching.

Billy: What?

Lily: Yep. Our best and brightest employees are jumping ship.

Billy: Where are they going?

Lily: I will give you one guess.

Billy: Victor's behind this.

Lily: Yep.

Moses: Yeah. So, I know the rules about no balloons and no flowers in the ICU, so maybe I should check the regulations about outside food?

Faith: Well, maybe you could wait until I'm finished.

Moses: Whew. But I'd hate to start breaking the rules my first day.

Faith: What if it's only certain types of food? You see, Lola only cooks the healthiest, most delicious dishes. And she always makes enough to share.

Moses: Are you trying to bribe me?

Faith: Is it working?

Moses: Yeah, it does smell pretty incredible.

Faith: I know, right?

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