Y&R Best Lines Friday 2/26/21

Y&R Best Lines Friday 2/26/21


Provided By Eva

Phyllis: So, where are you two off to?

Jack: Since you asked, I am taking Sally to the dealership to get her new car.

Sally: My old one from L.A. Finally died. I think it was the cold weather that did it in. I was saving up and then I got my promotion and I thought, "you know what?" I decided to treat myself. I'm very excited.

Jack: Well, you deserve it. You can drive around town in style.

Sally: And I can't thank you enough for taking me there.

Phyllis: It's very, very sweet of you, Jack.

Jack: You know what? You have waited long enough. Uh, how about we get out of here? Um, Phyllis, if you'll excuse us.

Phyllis: You are excused.

Sally: You know, this is only my second new car. And I mean, like, “new” new, not just new to me. I've always driven them into the ground.

Nick The point is, Sharon and I each have our own history with Adam. So, every time I tell her to stay away from him, she knows I'm bringing my own baggage to the table.

Rey: So, she discounts your opinion.

Nick: Something like that. Look, Adam’s influence over Sharon -- I get tied up in all the horrible things he's done to her and everyone else that I care about, so every time he steps out of line, the only thing I think about is how badly I want to hurt him.

Rey: Join the club.

Nick: See, you're different, right? You're not as much of a hothead. You got more self-control. Maybe it's the policeman in you. Maybe it's just who you are.

Rey: Yeah, probably a little bit of both.

Nick: See, I know you're not part of this epic family battle. You're not out for revenge. You're just focusing on Sharon and your marriage, and you want to be happy. Well, trust me, Rey, when I say this, that Sharon wants that as badly as you do. And when you throw on top of that everything you two faced this year when Sharon was fighting cancer...

Rey: Yeah, I thought her problems were over for good.

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