Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 2/24/21

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 2/24/21


Provided By Eva

Lily: Okay. Do you want to get a drink?

Billy: No, I need to do some thinking. This whole situation with Newman trying to acquire the media company we're that we're going after has got my brain doing loop-de-loops. And I need to clear my head.

Lily: Uh-huh. You're not going to the Newman ranch to confront Victor, are you?

Billy: I said I wanted to clear my head, not make it explode. Weren't you texting with Devon about hanging out tonight? Why don't you hit him up?

Nick: I just cruised by the house to talk to Sharon.

Rey: Great. Another interaction she probably won't tell me about. Am I gonna find a picture of it online in a few days?

Nick: Look, we're just trying to come up with ways to keep the damage from this thing to a minimum.

Rey: Let me get this straight -- you went to where i live and you talked to my wife about our problem?

Nick: My daughter lives in that house, Rey. I will do whatever it takes to protect her, including letting faith come stay with me for a few weeks while you and Sharon work some stuff out.

Rey: Yeah, yeah, you see the problem with that?

Nick: Well, obviously you do.

Rey: It's another one of Sharon's exes interfering with her life, and it never ends.

Nick: Rey --

Rey: I turn around, and every time I see another Newman, and I am sick of it. Why the hell won't you all just leave us alone?

Nick: Look, you are angry and frustrated, and I get it, but your fight is not with me. I have been on your side the whole time. Adam is the enemy here.

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