Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 1/13/21

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 1/13/21


Provided By Eva

We will be doing the best lines by hand for a week or so until the computer is fixed. Once the computer is fixed we will fix the best lines so they are more precise.

Lily: ` Iat'a just it Billy you didn't consider how it would make me feel to tell me I was in prison thinking Cane was my rock in there only to find out my marrige had turned to sand thats the thing Billy you didn't consider what the fall out night be

Billy: I never thought about it that way befre

Lily Its allconnected

Billy Its one thing to call others out on their bad behavior its another thing to realize that you yourself are doing it that is a heavy burden to bear


Nick I didn't realize it was such a struggle to spend time with your old man

Faith You know that I love spending time with you and being the big sister but-

Nick I will always play second fiddle

Faith stop with the guilt I have to go make sense of my math homwork

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