Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 12/30/20

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 12/30/20


Provided By Eva

Tessa: Okay. So we need to head to the ranch pretty soon. I will stop at the store and grab champagne on the way over. And I will grab you some sparkling cider while we're at it.

Faith: You don't need to do that.

Tessa: Oh, you'll enjoy it. It's just as good as the real thing.

Faith: Sure it is.

Arturo: Look at this guy. I'm not even here for 10 minutes, and he's already busting my chops.

Rey: All I said was, do you have any recent photos of Mateo?

Arturo: And I showed them to you.

Rey: They're two weeks old. Kids grow.

Arturo: Is he giving me a hard time, or what?

Lola: I'm not getting into this.

Arturo: We need a referee.

Lola: No.

Arturo: Okay. Okay, fine. Fine. I'll text Mia, and I'll ask her to send some new pics just for you.

Rey: That's more like it.

Arturo: She, uh, wanted to be here, but...

Rey: No, don't worry about it. I mean, I understand. We're gonna see everybody in a few days, anyway.

Arturo: She's real happy for you, man. We all are. Today's a big day. I mean, not just because there's a new year right around the corner. It's -- it's our big brother's wedding day. The most special of celebrations, man. It'll be a day and night to remember.

Lola: And there she is. The woman of the year.

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