Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 12/23/20

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 12/23/20


Provided By Eva

Sharon: Hey. You're early.

Rey: ...Home. Yeah. Yeah. I thought I'd beat the traffic. What are you doing?

Sharon: I'm making your surprise dinner, which isn't really a surprise anymore.

Rey: Tamales? Seriously?

Sharon: I got the recipe from your mom.

Rey: When?

Sharon: Oh, we talk on the phone, you know. We're just getting to know each other.

Rey: Oh, so the two of you are going behind my back?

Jack: Well, she said you were a big help. I'm curious. What -- what is your take on Sally?

Kyle: Well, she's definitely ambitious.

Jack: Yeah, that much we know.

Kyle: But she's pretty up-front about it, which is kind of refreshing. She's smart and savvy and pretty hard not to like.

Nick: That better be my daughter you're talking about, or we're gonna have a problem.

Kyle: Uh, Dad and I were just talking about Lauren's new assistant, Sally.

Nick: Oh. Well, the way you describe her, she sounds downright perfect.

Kyle: There is nothing strictly wrong with me saying something nice about a person who isn't summer, is there?

Nick: Not at all. In fact, you guys seem to be doing great this time around.

Kyle: Sounds like I'm still on probation. Just out of curiosity, how long does that last?

Nick: That's a good question. I'd say probably forever.

[ Cell phone rings ]

Nick: Uh, it's Christian's nanny. I got to take this.

Kyle: [ Scoffs ] That was predictable.

Jack: I thought you handled him very well.

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