Y&R Best Lines Thursday 12/17/20

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 12/17/20


Provided By Eva

Summer: Okay. Well, you were just a million miles away, so what were you thinking about?

Kyle: Theo.

Summer: [ Sighs ] Gosh. I was really hoping you were gonna say, "Summer's Christmas present."

Lauren: [ Laughs ] You're a ball of energy this morning.

Sally: Well, when you love what you do, it's easy to feel enthusiastic.

Lauren: Okay. So, look. I talked to Jack, and he thinks you might be becoming kind of a handful.

Sally: I have spoken with him, too. Um... he's been great, but, yes, I know he feels that I might need to dial back my ambition.

Lauren: Mm-hmm. Well, personally, I don't know how you can be too ambitious, but that's not really the issue.

Sally: No?

Lauren: The problem is what you do with your ambition. I mean, realizing your goals in a devious manner that could possibly hurt a colleague, for example...

Sally: Look, I know I have a reputation. And I haven't always played fair. But, I mean, considering all I've been through and everything I've faced... can anyone really blame me?

Lauren: I'm not blaming you. You came here for a fresh start. You're smart. You're driven. You have an eye for what's ahead on the horizon. I mean, you have everything you need to succeed. So trust yourself. Put in the hard work, and, eventually, you're gonna get exactly where you want to go. And as a brilliant designer once said to me [Laughs] "Concentrate on what you're doing, and how you're doing will follow."

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