Y&R Best Lines Monday 12/14/20

Y&R Best Lines Monday 12/14/20


Provided By Eva

Sharon: Oh, I must need to have my head examined. Like, why was I thinking that getting married during the holidays was a good idea?

Rey: Could it be because you can't wait to be my wife?

Sharon: That must be it.

Lola: You know, if you do want to make your bride a little less stressed, you should probably start thinking of the honeymoon spot so that she can get that off her plate.

Rey: Well, funny you should say that. I already talked to chance. And he was telling me about the island that he and Abby went to. It's a private lagoon. Endless sunshine. Crystal-clear water. Air mattress to sleep on.

Sharon: Oh, this woman does not do air mattresses.

Theo: You know, you're working awfully hard to talk me out of this, which makes me think Kyle really did send you on a mission.

Summer: Kyle lives in your head rent free, not the other way around.
Theo: Then why are you here?

Summer: Because even though I logically should be rooting for you to get your butt handed to you in court, I feel bad that I accidentally steered in the wrong direction earlier. I didn't think that you would clearly miss the point.

Theo: I got it. It's your opinion that you can only go after your family's fortune if you were born rich.

Summer: My god, Theo, you really think that everybody can't see through your bull, when really everybody can. Theo, the go-getter. Theo, the back stabber. Theo, the manipulator.

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