Y&R Best Lines Friday 12/11/20

Y&R Best Lines Friday 12/11/20


Provided By Eva

Chance: Well, let me know if you have any decorating ideas and we can go ahead and get started on anything you want to change.

Abby: Are you kidding me?! No! I am not gonna redecorate the chancellor mansion, and not just because it would be an insult to Katherine but because I like it the way it is.

Chance: Well, I hope, at the very least, you will bring some of your own holiday traditions, unless they involve fuzzy pink Christmas trees.

Abby: No, no, no. I like my trees green, just the way nature intended. But I do think we could start some of our own traditions.

Chance: Well, that is a great idea, Ms. Newman-Abbott-Chancellor.

Nina: Still, it's pretty impressive, although I shouldn't be surprised. You've always been a bit of an overachiever. Certainly your father's daughter.

Victoria: You know, it's funny. People have been saying that a lot to me these days, but I'm not sure they always mean it as a compliment. When we were reminiscing at the wedding, I realized that you really helped mold me into the woman that I am today.

Nina: I did? How is that?

Victoria: Well, once upon a time, when I was a naive girl, I confided in you about the problems in my marriage to Ryan, just to find out that you were sleeping with him.

Nina: Honestly, I look back on those days... with embarrassment and shame.

Victoria: Oh, don't. I really learned a lot from that experience. Now when people try to play me, I figure it out right away and I put an end to it. And I make sure that they never cross me again.

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