Y&R Best Lines Friday 11/20/20

Y&R Best Lines Friday 11/20/20


Provided By Eva

Lola: Are you sure? Because the way that you fled this room --

Elena: I know. I'm not comfortable talking about what happened still. I mean, I still can't believe i did something so impulsive and selfish. It's just not like me.

Lola: Well...

Elena: Oh, my gosh. Spill it.

Lola: Okay. So what if what happened between you and Nate was more than just a... spur-of-the-moment impulse? I mean, what if in the dark recesses of your mind, you thought that Nate was pretty amazing? And, hey, listen, I love Devon. I think he's incredible. Without him, I would still be selling sandwiches out of my food truck. Incredible sandwiches, by the way.

Adam: How many times has Victor used you like a pawn? And you keep falling for it.

Sharon: No, listen. I know that it doesn't feel like it right now, but he really does have your interest at heart. You know, this not unlike Vegas, when he found you there. He asked me to help you then, too.

Adam: Oh, Vegas? Okay, but this time, I'm not coming home, Sharon. You're teaming up to get rid of me, okay?

Sharon: No, that's not true! No!

Adam: You're throwing me out like a piece of trash.

Sharon: No.

Adam: Okay, this guy, he failed as a father, Sharon! He failed! And I'm the one that suffers.

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